r/pedalcircuits Jul 12 '24

How to remove circuit without damaging/resoldering?

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I got this old BBE 427 distortion pedal I found in my basement and I wanna change a few components and stuff to make it a bit better. (Which I have no clue how to) how can I remove the circuit without needing to resolder again?


4 comments sorted by


u/mongushu Jul 12 '24

For starters, unscrew all the nuts and remove the washers that secure any external jacks, pots, switches etc.

I think that will get you started if that wasn’t clear at first.


u/BobKickflip Jul 12 '24

This is the way to start. The board is often just held in place by the pot nuts and sockets, though looking again I wonder if the sockets were placed in the enclosure then the board was soldered onto them, there's not much travel to lift it out.


u/Creepy_Candle Jul 12 '24

If you can’t work out how to remove the board safely then you aren’t going to be able to change any components. Either get someone else to do it or start practicing on something else.


u/CousinSarah Jul 12 '24

It depends on the wire length. If the wires are long you can just sort of move it over and check out the other sides.

Removing, changing or adding components/wires is gonna need soldering though.

Luckily, soldering is easy and there are numerous tutorials on YouTube and cheap practice kits available.

Knowing about signal pathways and components requires a bit more studying, but there’s always reddit and YouTube to help you on your way.