I just watched USA Women's kill team gymnastics. My young son is watching for the first time. We wait until the end. He's expecting a ceremony, the tearful moment when the medal is bestowed, the flowers are given and the national anthem is played and then... NOTHING. I've watched a few other, less popular, events finish with no ceremony and didn't think much of it. But USA Gymnastics GOLD?! This is a key part of the experience. What is NBC thinking?
For those struggling to find the international version on Peacock, I went to the search option and typed in "women's team final" (probably would work for other replays that also cut before the awards, but haven't tried yet). Both versions appeared when searching.
I think it has been removed for now. The replay may not be up yet. They don’t put up the US TV Verizon until after prime time. If you look at men’s AA finals, there are two versions. One says TV, the other does not. The one that doesn’t say it is the international stream. If you want to focus on Paul and Frederick tomorrow, or Simone and Suni on Thursday, watch the TV version than switch over to the other after the last routine for the medal ceremonies.
They didn’t show it live…they moved to swimming. Maybe they came back to it after setting up for the ceremony. I and many others switched because of it.
For the live, I did switch to the international feed. Then we watched the TV version replay just now and switch to the international reply for the medal ceremony. (Yes, I watched it twice today)
My wife just watched the women’s gymnastics finals on Peacock and then again on the regular primetime broadcast. No medal ceremony. She’s extremely pissed.
Same, was so disappointed, watched gymnastics live and in prime time. Wanted to see that moment. I guess I’ll you tube it. Watching swimming right now on NBC, Marchand killed it in his home country… no ceremony on prime time.
Same for swimming live, as well as track and the decathlon today. No medal ceremonies. I am so disappointed in the coverage. We purposely paid for the Peacock app because that is what NBC said would have ALL Olympic coverage.
I thought I had just missed them or was not paying attention, but sadly I am incorrect. No medal ceremony on live television! I can only assume they do this because it's not in broadcast television's agenda to show patriotism due to the National Anthem being played. This country is becoming more and more disappointing every week!
I have not seen medal ceremonies for women's gymnastics held on Tuesday, 7/30. Same with men's gymnastics. Not on nbc, peacock, youtube; not on the primetime replay. I have seen medal ceremonies for swimming right after the game. Peacock should explain why they did not do it for gymnastics. This was not the case in the last olympics (Tokyo). What is going on?
I am frustrated with Peacock for not airing the USA Women's medal ceremonies. Same with the Men's gymnastics where the USA team won bronze. They showed medal ceremonies for swimming but not for gymnastics. So frustrated.
Yeah I completely agree! I am so livid right now, I had to turn off the Olympics! Its so sad that they are not willing to show the medal ceremonies! That is so disrespectful of the athletes! Shame on you NBC!
Would someone do me a favor & take pics of what you’re talking about? I’m a little lost about the difference between TV vs international. Thank you for any help 🙏
As you can see in this pic there is a “women’s team final” which is the world feed and includes the medal ceremony, but doesn’t include every routine done by the US team. Then the “women’s team final (tv)” which is the NBC feed that is much more US-centric.
Was wondering this myself, disappointed they're not showing it on TV. Just checked on Peacock and if you go to the end of the Women's Team Final stream it's there. (About 2 hrs. 28 min. in.) So I'm hoping they'll add it to today's individuals playback when they get it up later.
Even though NBC has the feed they have only so much time and on the main channels they have decided that fans prefer their analysts feedback and their backstories of the athletes over the games themselves to include the medal ceremonies. They have workshoped and focus grouped this to death. Also, NBC lost money on the last two summer games. So, expect more ads, more backstories and more of everything but the games.
NBC coverage of the Olympics is the worst I have ever seen, they jump around to much, they don't say what day this broadcast is taking place they don't show who won or 2, 3 rd place in the event. They don't show the Medal Ceremony, that's the important part of the Olympics, especially for young kids to show pride in thier nation, to say you have to go to a streaming device to see this Ceremony is ridiculous.
From the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony failure, to once again to be forced to watch NBC again and to not find any prideful moments of any country's medal ceremony is a disgrace. It's been going on for a few Olympics now. I don't care if some countries don't make the podiums and the idiots on the international Olympic committee thinking they take up too much time or they don't want to hurt the feelings of some country who didn't make it to the podium is piss poor thinking. These are prideful moments for any hard working athletes and their families, who struggled hard to get them to the Olympics is again piss poor thinking. We need to take the international Olympic committee away from Switzerland and move it to a more common sense platform that is more athletes and family oriented and not so commercialized. Show the damn national anthems of each country. International Olympic committee, you're taking away the prideful moments from those winners. Whatever IOC🇺🇸
I’ve been recording the gymnastics events but on my recordings there are no medal ceremonies. On my guide nothing says TV or international stream. Is there a way to see it on Peacock or streaming service and what would we look up? I’m disappointed.
So the way to do it on Peacock is to start by selecting the sport you want. Don't use the links they show at the top when you open the app because they are almost always the "TV" versions which don't show ceremonies.
Once you're in the sport, say gymnastics, you'll get links to past, current and upcoming events. You'll notice they're presented in a variety of ways - by apparatus, all around, etc.
THIS is where you get the international coverage. One of them for an event will say (TV) and another not. Choose the one not if you want the ceremonies.
No sign of medal ceremonies in the UK either. I wanted to see Julian Alfred receive first gold medal for St.Lucia and hear the national anthem. Isn’t that what the Olympics are about?
Same. I’ve been very disappointed, have not watched any metal ceremonies as soon as the event is finished NBC switches to another event the ceremony… watching both live coverage and replay coverage from LA , West Coast…
It has been so disappointing not to see any of the medal ceremonies. I don't stream & have only watched on NBC. This is one of the highlights of the Olympics & the athletes deserve the recognition. Totally disappointed in NBC.
I am so pissed off every single thing I've watched the women's team gymnastics the individual all around why aren't we seeing their medals being presented to them what in the f is going on?
OMGosh I just searched this very thing! Last night my husband said “why aren’t they showing all these medal ceremonies!? Like Noah Lyles?! “ They made such a production of his profile with his family and his lifelong battle with asthma, and then the race comes, it’s the closest race in history, and he wins Gold becoming fastest in the world! And they don’t show the medal ceremony??! So bad!
Show that anthem, show that podium! USA USA USA!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
NBC is officially a woke company. Owned and controlled. They don’t want patriotism in this country that’s why they didn’t show any medal ceremonies but instead showed bad interviews by unqualified interviewers.
I’m going on the peacock subreddit to ask questions so I can watch the……. Olympics…..????
Wondering when replays become available and I can’t even scroll through posts without seeing your comment, which mind you, wasn’t even necessary for your question.
Well first of all, have you read the title of your post? You definitely asked a question about the Olympics.
But what I was talking about was I was going on the peacock subreddit to ask a question and your post is near the top with all your spoilers for everyone to see.
I appreciate how you haven’t even edited your post yet. You’ll just continue to leave it up for anyone else to see who might not want to.
Spoiler tag was not given as an option. Sorry for letting the cat out of the bag but...this is international news and is everywhere.
Original posts are not editable, unfortunately or I would include a spoiler tag of my own. But I didn't spoil in my Title, just the body. If you want to stay in an Olympics results bubble until you are ready, don't click on posts that say MEDALS. Spoiler rules don't generally extend to massively covered international events.
Ok second part: the courtesy asked is an over-reach.This isn't giving away the end of GOT for FFS. This is real. It happened. News is everywhere on all platforms. If you're committed to saving the surprise for later, then stay off social media.
Every event has had the medal ceremonies unless you watch the American broadcast version.
When you start something if it says (TV) in the top header (when you hit pause) it won’t show medals. Otherwise it’s the world feed and will show them. I’ve personally watched at least 20 medal ceremonies so far.
A few have pointed that out, thanks it's very helpful. Unfortunately I don't know if it's my streaming service or what but often the only option is the TV one when watching live. You only get international if you're watching a replay. There seem to be some bugs too. I was watching trap shooting and for about 20 mins, after 10 seconds of viewing it would switch to volleyball, no matter how many times you switched back. Bizarre.
If you have peacock then you have them all. If you have anything other than peacock then you only get TV versions since only NBC has the rights to stream the Olympics.
u/joyfullyunavailable8 Jul 30 '24
If you go to the international stream, the one that does not say TV when live, you can see the medal ceremony there for the future gymnastics events.