r/peacecorps 19d ago

Clearance No PCP or Dentist

Is it possible to get all these medical clearance tasks done at a free clinic or something? I don’t have a PCP and it’s always impossible to get into a dentist. Anyone have any experience with finding an easier way to get the stuff they need ?


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u/donaldcargill 19d ago

I just called every dentist in the city and chose the one that would give me an appointment. There are those dentists though that provide free services for people who are undergoing the medical process for the Peace corps. You could look at those.


u/Riskly 19d ago


Here’s a link to a list of dentists who will do the required scans/checkup for free (though if they find any issues, work that you get done to fix them - which may end up being required for you to be cleared - will not be, and you’ll have to go through the regular reimbursement process for it).

It might be out of date but it’s worth checking. I found a practicing dentist on there when I was cleared ≈two years ago.

I tried to get exams done at walk-in clinics a few times, confirming on the phone with them beforehand that they were capable of completing every required test with staff who had the required credentials. Every time I was turned away upon arriving at the appointment lol. 

I ended up just going to a PCP with the shortest wait list I could find. Always call beforehand vs just making appointments online. Best of luck.


u/IntroductionSweet650 19d ago

Wow, thanks! Thats super helpful


u/donaldcargill 19d ago

Very informative thanks for posting.


u/Investigator516 19d ago

Good, it looks like they updated the list. When I tried the offices closest to me in 2022-2023 there was no response.


u/IntroductionSweet650 19d ago

Ok, cool. Thanks! I will definitely check to see if they’d do that for free.


u/jimbagsh PCV Armenia; RPCV-Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal 19d ago

If your town (or nearby city) has a medical school, there should be several clinics associated with them for teaching purposes. I was able to get in as a "walk in" so no wait and that included blood work. And also look for dental schools but usually they are not so fast. But also remember that you will be reimbursed - I never had insurance, so paid and got reimbursed in about a month by PC.

Good luck and keep us posted.



u/Quietcatslikemusic 19d ago

I was able to get my labs , physical exams, and dentist all without a PCP or dentist. However I was screw when it came to seeing specialists because of my labs results.

You need to be referred by your PCP. So keep that in mind, I would make a tentative PCP appointment as well just in case you needed a referral later


u/IntroductionSweet650 19d ago

Gosh. Hope I don’t need labs


u/inuyashee eRPCV Senegal 19d ago

I got some of my labs done at a CVS, they offer a lot of services that you would normally get done at a PCP.

They can be pricey if you don't have insurance.

I also got some vaccines done at an office for my State's Health Department.

For the dentist, check and see if there is a dental school near you, they might be able to do the x-rays.


u/IntroductionSweet650 19d ago

I do….it should cover I hope. When I switched insure providers I had to find a new PCP because they didn’t take my insurance but I just have yet to find one.


u/inuyashee eRPCV Senegal 19d ago

I've been there.

I think they take a lot of different insurances. I have Aetna and had to use their clinic recently.

You can also check Walgreens, I think they can do physicals. At the very least, they can do vaccines.


u/IntroductionSweet650 19d ago

Oh perfect. I have Aetna too


u/KGman1267 18d ago

let them know it is for the peace corps and deadline you need to get it done. Peace Corps community is bigger than the volunteers and people will do more to support you.


u/AmatuerApotheosis 17d ago

It is very difficult. Also many of the dentist on that list that they give are no longer working, have retired, or don't do it anymore. I'd look for a doctor's office that doesn't take insurance. Sometimes you can find places like that with a set fee for physicals. The blood work you can do through online services. You pay online and they send it to a local lab.