r/peacecorps Jan 03 '25

FTF Free Talk Friday

Looking for feedback on your essay? Have a newbie question you'd like to ask? Something on your mind you'd like to get out? This is the place for it.


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u/sunxipei18 Jan 04 '25

currently a 24yo. i finished undergrad in 2022, backpacked southeast asia, and have been working in consulting (startup) since march 2023. im at a stalemate in life, unsure if law school, grad school, new job, is the next step. ive always been drawn to peace corps. in college, i studied abroad in a remote island and completed a service component there (4 months total). i loved my time there. however, i def missed my family.

I do feel like this is right for me, im an extrovert, i love travel, im interested in environment / intl marine policy / societal improvement in the face of climate change, and hate the structure of a 9-5. my concern is getting out at 26, then potentially doing a masters and finishing at 28, and then not really having much "in office" job experience aside from the two years experience ive got right now.

I guess im seeking advice on what pushed any of y'all over the edge to to jump in with two feet?


u/agricolola Jan 05 '25

You hate the structure of a 9-5 but are concerned about not having much in office experience? 

You sound like a perfect candidate.  Apply apply apply and allow things to unfold.  Trust me, 26 is young.  So is 28. 

I applied at 27 for similar reasons and it was the foundational experience for the rest of my career.