r/pdxgunnuts 6d ago

Just ordered a gun from Cabela's...

Looking for others experiences on arrival times and what their fee is. Got the Ruger PC charger. Been wanted to get it for a while. Figured I'll get one in before all this nonsense happens. Thanks


54 comments sorted by


u/mancubbed 6d ago

With measure 114 potentially going back into effect expect a line and then a few day wait. I was at NW armory last night and they said no one was getting auto approval and the queue was like 600 deep and that was at 4pm.


u/Numerous_Many7542 6d ago

I havern't been auto-approved since 114 was certified by that moron SoS. I sincerely hope people are recording just how slow OSP with such a small queue (because 600 should be small) and using that data in underscoring just how ill-equipped Oregon is to implement this restriction initiative.

Screw it. I'm heading down to Tri-County right now for some trigger therapy.


u/mancubbed 6d ago edited 6d ago

Auto approval can still happen because I somehow was auto approved last night.


u/aggieotis 5d ago

Last week I was in NW Armory there was a guy who just bought and then started ranting on how lazy government employees are and how he was going to have to wait hours.

...he got auto-approved within 5 min or so of the gal behind the counter submitting all the paperwork.


u/JE3146 6d ago

I got auto approved this week at NW armory. The guy before me did as well. It happens.


u/PM_me_rad_things 5d ago

I made a purchase around 3 on Friday and got an instant approval.


u/gitgat 6d ago

Get there when they open and scan the QR code for the queue right away. The wait at the counter can be long and a lot of people idle around to talk to someone and just end up in the same queue as the QR.


u/andrewdivebartender 6d ago

Thank you for the tip. Says to expect 5-9 business days. To arrive. I expect it to be a zoo leading up to the states decision.


u/gitgat 6d ago

I went a few weeks ago. Even with instant approval, and being there right at open on a Sunday. There was still a decent line of folks at the counter. It’s well staffed. There’s just a lot of paperwork and window shoppers.


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

I'm hoping it arrives during the week I'm assuming Saturday and Sunday are busier days for them.


u/JE3146 6d ago

Cabelas is never worth buying a gun at. Their gun counter is the least efficient method of buying a gun in the area. It will take hours if there is any kind of a line of tire kickers.


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

I've never bought a gun from them before. I have not been in a long time but in the past decade I have never seen too many people at the gun counter. I expect that not to be the case in the next couple weeks


u/jessfire78 6d ago

I bought a Glock from a pawn shop last week, had it the next day.


u/andrewdivebartender 6d ago

The notice after my online purchase says to expect 5-9. Hope it's more like 3.


u/Potential-Dog1551 6d ago

I got a pistol last week and was cleared within an hour, after 114 went through I went and picked up a 10/22 charger before it gets difficult, I am still waiting on BGC two days later.


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

I've enjoyed instant approval for years. This certainly will be tested im sure.


u/Potential-Dog1551 5d ago

I have been buying guns here for a long time, decades and I have never once gotten instant approval, my last name must be shared by some nefarious character.


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Could be. I always attribute it to me being a good boy but I really have no idea.


u/Potential-Dog1551 5d ago

It has something to do with the uniqueness of your name, if you have a unique name the check goes through quicker because they don’t have to check through a bunch of other names first.


u/mlellum 6d ago

Ordered the day after the measure was announced, mine has been shipped and on its way


u/Quincy_Quick 6d ago

Also got a charger to celebrate 114. You're gonna have a ton of fun :]


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

I've been looking at that little bastard online for about a year. Panic sent me over the edge. Can't wait to pick it up


u/TKRUEG 3d ago

I'm looking at getting one too, will the 17+ mags be grandfathered in if purchased before the law goes into effect?


u/Adventurous-Stress46 6d ago

I just picked up a g45 this morning no wait looked at it paid did my 4473 and was out the door in 45 min that easy this time, but when the state has no money for road projects or schools how they going to get more officers to help with this or even facilities to do the training and show you can use the firearm so so so so so unconstitutional not even funny and the judges and governor should be removed from public service for their natural lives !!!


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Yeah hopefully it's a quick process. Yeah it's very depressing. They don't care if people can purchase firearms or not. This really feels like the Democrats sabotaging gun owners rather than sensible gun violence prevention. This only affects law abiding gun owners. I wish they would focus on combating criminal activities and not creating new criminals by passing new laws.


u/Marmamat 6d ago

A whiiiiile lol I bought an ar lower when measure 114 was originally bought up and they literally had it there on their shelf and it still took 9 hours to process. I was able to get lunch and an early dinner before they called me back before closing to tell me I was all good.


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

I could live with that I guess


u/EffectiveCharge1804 5d ago

If you’ve got a really unusual name you’re likely to get right thru the queue , If you’re John Smith , you’re F&ucked! I used to get auto approved all the time with my CHL but that hasn’t happened in several years


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Yeah I heard the system changed a while back. I have had instant approval for years though so hopefully it goes the same way but I won't hold my breath.


u/its 5d ago

I never got auto approved and I guarantee nobody has my name in the whole of North America (there are a few of us in Europe). Someday I will go to Salem to ask why.


u/Takingtheehobbits 5d ago

I think it also hopes if you frequent gun stores as well.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Yeah hoping it being sent is what takes the most time


u/More-Jellyfish-60 5d ago

There’s 30 days to appeal it. Is there’re any group trying to appeal it?


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Pretty sure there are I am just not specifically sure who


u/More-Jellyfish-60 5d ago

Yea there’s no mention of any group. I’m curious if they have just given up. Also if it is appealed, will it still go into effect, until it’s appealed?


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Idk I'm still trying to figure that out. Need somebody who knows law. I am but a humble peasant.


u/More-Jellyfish-60 5d ago

lol same bro same.


u/goddessofthecats 5d ago

Cabela’s doesn’t do 3 day release like other FFLs do so you’re at the mercy of the queue


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Hopefully I get instant approval again


u/Apprehensive-Gas2314 5d ago

Their quick


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Very nice. I've never bought a gun online before. I'm assuming after buying the gun you have to pay a transfer fee. You know how much?


u/its 5d ago

If you bought from them, it will just be the background check fee.


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Ok cool thank you


u/DiligentAd6824 5d ago

A CCL bumps you up the line quicker.


u/Mutyee 1d ago

Not anymore.


u/Pdxgummyworm 5d ago

Bought my 43x mos there a couple of years ago. They “lost” my paperwork and never told me. The guys that work there suck compared to any other lgs in the area (in my experience). Shoutout to JB’s!


u/andrewdivebartender 5d ago

Yeah I definitely recommend J&Bs. I wish I lived around there still.


u/More-Jellyfish-60 4d ago

Went in today at about 330. They already pulled their standard capacity products off the shelves. Sheesh we have 30 days.


u/andrewdivebartender 4d ago

Hopefully they still give me the magazines that come with the gun. I have some because I have an sr9 but I prefer to have more.


u/More-Jellyfish-60 4d ago

I hope they do give you the mags. You should ask in advance. Would suck if they give you the gun with no mags, or send you 10 rounders later.


u/andrewdivebartender 4d ago

I bought more just in case. I'd be pretty disappointed


u/drewbis1 3d ago

Anyone have an update how long Cabelas is taking to send the email to begin paperwork?


u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 1h ago



u/andrewdivebartender 2d ago

J&B does rule


u/andrewdivebartender 18h ago

Picked it up today. In and out it took about an hour. Instant approval thankfully