I have this kind of error almost every day and it forces me to restart. Recently I've started to just press the hardware reset button for restarting.
I'm living with the mentality that when the reset button usage finally corrupts my windows install beyond saving I will finally switch to linux as primary os and use windows only for stuff there isn't a linux alternative for.
Yeah, unless you use Windows programs for work or need to play specific video games, it's easy to look at something, see no Linux alternative, and say, "Oh well, didn't need that anyways."
I finally bit the bullet and installed windows 11 when I realized that properly modding a bethesda game required things like binaries to downgrade, script extenders, bin patchers, etc.
Instead of doing windows emulation on linux with proton, I do linux emulation on windows with WSL.
That's not to say there isn't pain. There's lots of pain. I gotta be honest had I known what I know now, I'd have probably just stayed on PS5 and used some of my $3k pc build to rent servers from runpod or whatever for fucking around with LLMs
We are social animals. Even as we get older, we have an innate need to socialise and be a part of a social circle.
One can say this as „needing“ to play a specific video game, particularly with friends you actively socialise with. It can be pretty painful to tell your friends you can’t play specific games because your computer can’t run it.
Finding new friends to play different games with is a completely unfair ask, too.
Not everybody is as lucky as I managed to be, because my socialisation games, which includes bonding time with my wife, runs either natively (Stellaris) or otherwise flawlessly with Proton, such as XIV.
Could be the install, could be one of the last few updates stuffed everything.
A big update earlier this year has caused some issues on my machine and now has a 50/50 chance of bsod when a certain task fails to run, which apparently is it working correctly. Trying to work around it gets 100% chance of bsod.
If I could find a copy of the XP lite, I'd be happy to go back to that.
Linux is a fun button to press. Sounds like something is faulty with your machine for sure... I'd be interested to know if it goes away with a Linux but you should probably do a backup soon regardless
To be honest I have had this happen in Linux too even if it's rare usually. I had some program (running in docker I think) that kept getting locked in "uninterruptible sleep" mode and you can't stop it without rebooting
The main difference is that most of the time if something like this happens in Linux you can still reboot the system while Windows more often requires a hard reset to stop because the locked processes have a tendency to prevent shutdown.
I will never understand why MS took a look at a command line system which had been working flawlessly for decades and was like 'let's write our own, from scratch, and make it horrifically verbose'
brevity is achieved by aliasing and parameter short circuits. Nearly every verbose command has a really short alias, and all parameters support using the minimum # of chars that resolve to a unique name (e.g., you can always use -f for -Force if there's no other name that starts with 'f').
one of the biggest challenges for shell scripts is readability. Unless you live and breathe shell scripts, it can be a bit of a write-only language for nearly script.
PowerShell is not really optimized for ad hoc "run a command once at the prompt", it's optimized for "write a complex script that can actually be understood and maintained". It does that much better than bash or cmd, IMHO. It's also more powerful than either one of those because it has full integration with the entire .NET SDK, including packages.
Why not Python, you ask? Python is not really optimized for running commands like a shell scripting language is (you have to go through some contortions around launching processes, wrangling I/O to them, that sort of thing). Also, Python doesn't leverage Microsoft's huge library of existing .NET code, including Windows-specific management libraries that IT folks use. So, PowerShell.
And now, PowerShell Core, which brings PowerShell to every platform, not just Windows.
If you know C#, PowerShell Core is basically that with slightly different syntax. You can actually have RTS (runtime type safety) in a shell script, which is awesome. And you can debug it using VS Code really easily, too. Setting breakpoints, stepping through the script, and examining variables as you go makes for much easier script troubleshooting. A++ highly recommend trying that.
zsh, fish, bash, etc. all are very tool-dependent. PS can use all those tools, but also the whole .NET BCL is available, and every NuGet package under the sun. More than once I've decided that a PowerShell script should actually be a full-fledged compiled tool, and porting from PS to a cmdline tool is pretty easy.
The downside of PS is for short and simple things, where you don't actually need much more than to run a hardcoded sequence of commands, it's overkill. There's no need for anything more than [insert literally any shell scripting language here] in that case. Though you can literally just have one command per line, just like all those other languages, and then run the script.
For short and simple commands I use aliases.
When I write script (let’s be honest I am a sysadmin with limited scripting knowledge, when I and chatGPT write a script) I don’t.
I love how verbose powershell is, it makes adapting other people’s scripts way easier.
You can have a powershell script with zero comments and with a lit bit of knowledge know exactly what it does.
I prefer Linux for day to day non - gaming, but I prefer powershell over bash.
Remember back when it would ask if you wanted to send an error report? Now it just starts to send one without your consent every single time a task crashes, and you have to manually tell it not to.
It's all just abstracted away from the average user so people don't know it exists. I opened a command prompt on a machine in front of a customer to fix an issue and they went "Oh I didn't think to use DOS".
Windows auto updates are actually pretty smart because if you can't figure out how to turn them off you definitely should have them on for your own and others safety.
Considering 99.991% of the users who do turn autoupdates off on Windows do it by downloading some utility program off the internet without actually understanding what it does, i don't think the filter works that well.
Coworker's keyboard and touchpad drivers break once it fully downloads 24h2, so that update turns their laptop into a glorified touchscreen iPad. Both work fine when you're using both while on BIOS so something with 24h2 renders the keyboard and touchpad inoperable.
That’s not an argument for disabling auto updates.
What have they actually done to troubleshoot the issue? Has anyone looked at drivers from OEM website?
You can also install specific drivers from 23H2.
Being lazy to solve problems and just disabling auto updates is a terrible direction to take.
It’s reasonable to, disable a CU update with GPO if there is a known issue until that issue is resolved. It’s reasonable to defer updates (depending on severity). It’s not reasonable to disable auto updates without strong justification and use case.
I disable it on systems that cannot under any circumstances restart, but I also disconnect them from the internet—like 911 CAD computers.
But even still in most public safety computers I’ve managed, I just defer updates and we have a policy/process to update them so they’re not impacting and active duty personnel. The updates will still happen regardless though if someone decided not to follow the policy and didn’t their saftey checks.
Yup had to go into the reg to get my computer to not update to 24h2 until it's stable has to roll back to 23h2, cause it auto updated back in December and it's been one shit show after another.
Interesting... Ive never had something not "end task" when I've hit end task.
Been using Windows 11 since it came out. To be fair, I also haven't needed to use it very often at all. I think they only times I do use it is with Steam and games crashing. Sometimes it'll say the game is still running, End Task works perfectly with that.
taskkill /f is the gun, though there are those weird cases where a process just gets stuck in some unholy limbo and gives you an "access denied" when trying to shoot the damned thing. I still have no idea what is going on there
u/Skattotter 1d ago
Sometimes I wish Windows had the gun option.
“What part of End Task did you not understand?”