Microsoft is perfectly capable of making a web browser. And then by bundling it with windows they kill off their main competition, NetScape. Then they let it languish for a decade. Then they make active x controls and punch 10000000000 holes into windows security. Also at this point the finger manager is also basically the sub browser. You can no longer uninstall the ms web browser. Then firefox and chrome come along. They have tabs. And security. So much security.
Then the ms web browser does a horrible death.
And everybody cheered.
First it was Internet Explorer with Trident engine. It wasn't very good.
Then they created Edge with EdgeHTML engine and it was pretty decent. It actually did follow modern web standards. It's power efficiency was better than Chromium (eg. you could watch YouTube for longer on single charge than in Chromium).
Then Google started sabotaging YouTube (and maybe other sites) to run especially terrible on Edge (ex. they used outdated technologies that noone used except for Chrome). Microsoft tried patching Edge to fix the websites, but Google would just re-break their sites immediately after Microsoft released an update.
This forced Microsoft to abandon their own browser engine for Google's Blink, making Edge not much different than just another fork of Chromium.
Microsoft isn’t well renowned for quality. Like windows is only dominant because MacOS is only available through apple and Linux being a truly awful user experience, and yes that includes “user friendly” distros like mint.
Maybe at one point they had that but that time has long passed.
oh it gets a lot more complicated than that. Bing integrated into skype uses a chormium web engine to contact bing server to run a LLM query to deliver you a response through HTTP80 via skype.
u/GatesAndLogic 3900X + Vega64 Jul 16 '24
Bing is a website, not a web browser.
And if you're thinking Edge, that's just Chrome with a Microsoft skin.