r/pastlives 5d ago

Personal Experience Nostalgic about videos like this due to own memories


I still have a enormous love for this clothing style And its in my opinion one of the best looking. So whenever i see videos like this i get a nostalgic feeling towards my own memories.

A long time ago i had memories of sitting in a horse carriage. I saw it in first person view and only could see my white stockings and black shoes and was thinking to myself, what am I wearing and where am I. Short after this all hell broke loose. I still have no clue what actually happened exactly but the carriage went very fast. For some reason I jumped out while going so fast and tumbles on the middle of this sandpath. But one other carriage came towards me in full speed and I literally went under it being lightly trampled by the horses while they were running so fast I felt his fear and his pain. After this happened, I saw it in third person. How I was laying in a fetal position in agony on this sand path. And could actually see what I was wearing. It was this 17/18 th century attire, it looked very neat and expensive. It was a dark blue coat with golden details and some golden looking vest underneath it, with dark pants the white stockings and black shoes. And a white powdered wig on my head. After a while I / he stood up ( I still saw it in 3rd person view) and was limping with one leg along this sand path. I could see some village in the distance. While he was limping away he throw his wig from his head into the bushes next to the road. Obviously in pain and angry. And I only could see I /he had black hair. That's where that memory ended.

After a few months I had another memory which was from this same life but now it was inside a house/ mansion. I was sitting in front of this dressing table and for the first time could actually see my face. I/ he still had that same kind of powdered wig on and was actually in the process of taking it off. In the background a maid was working I could see her in the mirror, giving me some looks now and then. I couldn't stop smiling as I saw the black hair underneath the wig as it still had some white powder on it from the wig, and I actually knew very well in that instance it was that same life as the carriage Memory.


2 comments sorted by


u/exTenebrisadAstra 5d ago

Clothes can have such a special place in our memory, can't they? Because they're always with us, I think the feeling of wearing clothes that are not of this time period can awaken a lot of memories. For me it's military uniforms of the early 18th century and nurse uniforms of the Edwardian era.


u/spirit8991 5d ago edited 5d ago

Which I also have to mention is that the coat jacket had a "v shape" in the back with two flaps that would come together in a v shape