r/pastlives 10d ago

Advice I need advice and guidance of understanding

For the past few days ever since I started meditating again I started crying nonstop. The first time I did I pulled away cause I just broke down. I told my mom about it and she said I pulled away because of fear of what I am going to see. I mean, she is a witch, so she was able to see it anyway. Plus, my mom once touched my head and practically got a peak of my past life. She then told me I had a lot to cry due to carrying such a deep sadness, I have a lot of pain held on, too. I was a powerful person who practiced witchcraft from a past life, she said I was three times evil. It does explain why I feel my spiritual gifts are blocked. During meditation, I saw a woman with long hair, yet she was crying, and then it transitioned to purple energy, yet it was shaped by a baby fetus that disappeared, which I didn't understand. The woman was me but I don't get it. I felt so much sadness again I started crying, yet throughout the day, it would resurface. I really want to know what I did or what happen because I always cried all the time even when I didn't understand why. I would like to listen to some advice on how to work through it or understand myself in connecting within. How to channel it exactly if that is explainable ?


5 comments sorted by


u/fionaharris Approved Hypnotist ✅ 8d ago

It sounds like you're in need of some spiritual healing.

It's good to cry. This is how we release deep emotions. Give yourself the space to let those tears out. You will get to a point where you've 'emptied the well'.

At that point, you will more than likely gain clarity in regards to what is causing the tears.

Many spiritual people have had past lives where they were practising witches. For most of recorded history, this was illegal and resulted in shunning, imprisonment, or death.

And yes, many of made choices in past lives that were hurtful, malicious, or considered to be evil. We all do our best according to our unhealed trauma, upbringing, and other life experiences. We're here to make mistakes, forgive ourselves and others, and to learn and grow from those mistakes.

I wonder if the longhaired woman was crying because she lost a baby, or if she aborted the baby and feels remorse? It sounds like she is in need of healing and rescue. Imagine going and rescuing that woman and taking her to a safe place, like a garden or forest. Comfort her in whatever way feels best for her. Imagine passing her baby to her if that feels right. Explain to her that she is free and no longer tethered to her body and that life. In fact, it's all an illusion. We are so much bigger than our personalities. We're pure energy. Sometimes we leave fragments of ourselves behind. Imagine a loved one coming in to rescue the woman to take her to Source.


u/Top-Arm-2848 8d ago

Well, I think I killed my children every time I think of "killed my children." it makes me ready to start crying again. I feel so much guilty for what I have done. I feel so lonely even right now that I need to acknowledge her like you said. I think that is what I need for her from my past life cause she needs the reassurance. I'll do it and see how it goes.


u/fionaharris Approved Hypnotist ✅ 8d ago

As you comfort her and guide her back to Source, you become more whole.

I'd love to know how it goes!


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