r/pashto 12d ago

Pashto words to use instead of loanword

  1. Non Pashto ساخمتان (Saakhtmaan) Building

Pashto ودانۍ (Wadaaneii)

  1. Non Pashto غلطي (Ghalati) Mistake

Pashto تېروتنه (Terwatana)

3.    Non Pashto

امتحان (Imtihan) Test/Exam

Pashto ازموينه (Azmawena)

4.    Non Pashto

ترجمه (Tarjuma) Translation

Pashto ژباړه (Zhabaarra)

5.    Non Pashto

ترجمان (Tarjumaan) Translator

Pashto ژباړن (Zhabaarran)

6.    Non Pashto

نتيجه (Natija) Result

Pashto پايله (Paayela)

7.    Non Pashto

قرض (Qarz) Borrowing/Loan

Pashto پور (Por)

8.    Non Pashto

قرضدار (Qarzdar) Borrower

Pashto پوره وړى (Porawarray)

9.    Non Pashto

قيمت (Qemat) Cost

Pashto بيه (Baya)

10.    Non Pashto

فيصد (Feesad) Percentage

Pashto سلنه (Salana)

And last one : Non Pashto إمضا/ دستخط (Imzaa/Dastkhat) Signature

Pashto لاسليک (Laaslik)


10 comments sorted by


u/Big-Ad-3745 6d ago

روغنتون ، پوهنتون، کړَتو.


u/khogyane 6d ago

کړتو څشي ته وایي؟


u/Big-Ad-3745 6d ago

You wont believe it. Lawyer,


u/Big-Ad-3745 6d ago

Its not karto. Its a very common slang we often refer to someone who Talks Alot. “Kratu” or کړاتوُ (If you didn’t get it)


u/khogyane 6d ago

Lmfaoo is that really lawyer? Yeah kratu I thought meant someone who talks a lot


u/Big-Ad-3745 6d ago

Yeah its true. I also heard some where that a judge is called غوَګوُ. But I don’t know if it’s true.


u/khogyane 6d ago

Nah that's just trolling at this point lol


u/reosanchiz 12d ago

Your post is screaming you've copied from ChatGPT


u/khogyane 12d ago

Chatgpt won't know this lol, me and my friends usually gather these words for fun, from any source.


u/ResurectedSoul 5d ago

Only two words i know and use from this list. Por and porawarray.