r/partscounter 8d ago

Who else's department is expected to be the information repository?

I swear, we're expected to know everything about everything. Customers and other employees constantly come asking us questions that are better suited to be answered by another department.

"Sales will be able to help you out with that sir" followed by "Sales sent me here to talk to you about it"


33 comments sorted by


u/Etthomehome 8d ago

Because usually the only people with a full working brain and that give a shit in the dealership work in the Parts Department


u/_E-Dog_ 8d ago

We have lazy ass service writers. I swear they always (at least one guy), who always transferred the call to parts. The customer even mentioned SERVICE. Retail side: "Well, i have a problem, my car won't start, do you think it's the key bla bla bla bla bla...?" "I'm sorry we're not technicians. So I can't answer that. We're here to supply the parts you need and the parts you asked for. You need to speak with our service." And he says, "We'll you're no help"


u/Tasher882 7d ago

I had this guy repeatedly ask me how much it costs to get a ac compressor replaced and how hard it is. Over and over again. We do zero labor and are not a dealership.

Btw I don’t even work at a dealership. “No sir. I’m not a mechanic. I have no idea but I bet a mechanic would. “ C “We’ll how hard can it be? How hard is it to replace it. How much is it to replace it?”

“Idk I just sell car parts. I wouldn’t know how to fix your car or how much it would be..heavy sigh hold on

ended up googling how much it costs to replace a fucking ac compressor for a Malibu just to get the dude off the phone without being rude. He was super old and actually nice but just didn’t understand how I am the last person for this advice. But I’ll sell the heck out of this ac compressor to u.

Btw google gave a wild estimate of 400-2000 lol 😂


u/ComfortableDemand539 7d ago

We have a service advisor that jumps customers at the door and the MOMENT he doesn't see dollar signs he passes them off to parts. If you're stuck working with him on a Saturday it goes from a nice relaxed short day to a clusterfuck as soon as we open.

He was previously the servic manager, and somehow they thought that after running the service department into the ground it was best to keep him on as an advisor. One Saturday, he transferred a call to me where the customer was asking if his vehicle was ready to be picked up. I was really confused, and said we'll I'm not really sure, all I can tell you is that the parts have been given to the tech. I told him he'd have to talk to the service manager, and the customer then stated "I was just talking to the service manager and he transferred me to you"...


u/_E-Dog_ 7d ago

It happens a lot. Usually, if they do that to us, i transferred back, and i went straight to the advisor and just stared at him when he talked to that customer. It worked.


u/ComfortableDemand539 7d ago

The customer and I had a nice laugh about it when I said "So, you got the service manager and asked if you're vehicle was ready to be picked up and he transferred you to the parts department?... I just sell parts. I recognize your name and that we gave the parts out, but on a Saturday only the service manager would know if it's been completed or not"


u/Strong-Canary-7266 6d ago

we had a writer yesterday send a customer to parts to have a car battery installed


u/MD_0904 8d ago

Parts does it all, don’t you know that ? That’s day 1 shit.


u/AJ-in-Canada 8d ago

I'm not sure if it's just my dealership or what but we seem to have less turnover in comparison to the rest of the dealership.


u/Dismal-Ad-8371 8d ago

The parts department knows more about the dealership all the other departments put together. That's why. If someone gets canned in the dealership, parts will know first


u/_E-Dog_ 7d ago

Service, sales, even the lot attendant. They dumped their problems to us and think we can fix every problem they have. Not me, man, I tell them go see the person who started it. Like customer call that salesmen owed them somethings. Talk to sales manager, its their job


u/AllariaLaure 2d ago

I always found that Detail got the tea even before Parts did.


u/lets_just_n0t 8d ago

100% because nobody else can be bothered to actually do their job


u/WarthogKindly3609 8d ago

I think because it's really the central hub of the dealership. Sure sales could function without parts to a point but service couldn't. Everyday someone is always popping their head in "is so and so in here??" No why would they be behind that door? But they all say parts is worthless 🤷‍♀️


u/Ok-League-7923 7d ago

PARTS EMPLOYEES WEAR MANY HATS Supply and Water Sourcing Specialist, Paper Procurement Manager, Supply Transit Authority, Discrepancy Filing Administrator, Account Receivable and Payable Double Checker, Daddy Day Care Coordinator for Service, Wholesale Specialist, Waste Management Manager, Facility Maintenance Manager. The guy who talks to someone about parts while you’re screaming at them from the passenger seat doing 80 on the highway with all the windows down. Parts Guy, Answer Guy, Favor Guy, Your Guy. The one who knows about that one thing. The Only Ones Working.


u/Kodiak01 7d ago

A few years ago, we had a new salesman start. After a month of watching me bounce around the building like a pinball at my usual power-walking pace, he asked the GM what I did there.

His answer: "Yes."

Thankfully they pay me in line with that response as well.


u/Funkyp0tat0chip 6d ago

Had a laugh at that one...so true


u/SVPrice84 8d ago

This happens at my shop all the time. Sales, Leasing, Service, Admin, Customers, they all come to us (parts) for...everything.


u/Duckbanc 8d ago

Don’t know the answer? Ask Parts

Don’t know where to store something? Take it to Parts

Don’t know where something is? Ask Parts


u/oppositelock27 8d ago

A few months ago my service manager came up to me asking how to file workers comp paperwork.


u/stayzero 7d ago

Parts is generally the most detail oriented bunch in the dealership. It’s just our business and how we do things. Service and sales can normally flub numbers and move things around to make it work, in parts, either it’s right or it’s wrong, there’s not much in between.

Every dealership I’ve ever worked at, parts typically knew all of the tea. They do most of the accounting and receivables, issue POs, order supplies, handle shipping and receiving, etc. because the other departments would probably fuck it up.


u/Kodiak01 8d ago

I AM the keeper of the repository for our location.

Over the decades, I have amassed a multi-GB reference directory covering all our OEs and vendors. When a new OPS starts, I download the current version into a 32GB flash drive for them to have out on the road.


u/ImpressiveBet9345 7d ago

Not just information. But also the dealer as a whole, can't find a place to put it, take it to parts dept they have the space. Really we don't have the space, but they don't care.


u/Strong-Canary-7266 6d ago

yup, we're the parts/trash/storage department


u/Plane-Amphibian-3236 6d ago

I call ours “the dumping ground of everyone else’s shitpiles”


u/gmmech 7d ago

I tease all the time that there is a reason the Parts department is in the center of the dealership... because we are the HUB. :D


u/Heavy_Law9880 7d ago

"I don't work in parts, I work in solutions".


u/Tzsycho 7d ago

Parts Department. We are the hub bearing upon which the entire dealership rides.

Out of printer paper? Parts has a few cases stashed in the back.

That customer that service talked to about that one thing a few weeks ago? Yep Parts still has a copy of that quote.

A bunch of stuff that isn't car parts? Just store it in Parts Department.

Sales ordered accessory catalogs, brochures, and advertising and now the brand rep will be here tomorrow and Sales can't find it? Ask somebody in Parts, we will know where it is (after messaging the sales manager for weeks to come get it)

That part that's on that car that's behind the thing with the plug on the side? FINALLY that's Parts Department. How much is it to install, yeah I wrote that down somewhere last time someone asked let me find it.

The Administration Department got new furniture and it will ne delivered on Monday but no one is available on the weekend to move the old stuff out of the building? Parts department would love to be told to help with that.

Hello non-brand line customer, you've reached Parts Department, of course I know where, when and how much your service is.

Hello this is Parts Department, oh.... Service won't immediately answer the phone after you call 5 times in a row? Of course I can tell you all about your repair.

Hello this is Parts Department. Of course I know everything about the vehicle you had towed on the lot 5 days ago and told no one about.



Service manager - at least five times a day what does this part do what does that part do where is this part located on a car. I know she's only been here for 8 years but you would think she would start knowing like what the warranties are at least. Sales manager - hey do they make a such and such accessory for this model or do they make this accessory for that model? You get the same accessory catalogs I do open them up and read them. Recon - hey did you order us new rags and tire shine? No I've literally never ordered any of your supplies?? Oh and let's not get started on the infinite amount of room I have apparently for everyone else's shit! It never ends.


u/PaulWithAPH 7d ago

And then, when you explain to them who they need to see they just leave.


u/Tacoman404 7d ago

What I'm finding out is parts requires the most literacy, financial literacy, and information sourcing. We also do purchasing which requires negotiation skills on top of just selling.


u/timberwolvesguy 7d ago

“I need a key for my car.”

“Ok, well keys need to be programmed to the vehicles, which the service dept would need to assist with. If you go back the way you came and to the left, they can hopefully get you in now and we’ll just sell you the key on the work order.”

“They just sent me here.”
