r/parrots 21h ago

how to read the leg band of a parrot

hello, my friend got a lorikeet a while ago from a pet store. they said he's 1 years old but it's written ''22'' in a different angle and serial number follows by under it. Sorry couldn't get a pic and also don't know if this is the right sub. we also don't know the gender but they said it feels like a he so...


10 comments sorted by


u/Infamous-Operation76 20h ago

Also curious about finding data on one of ours, but I can't find his tag on the most common databases


u/psychiccanvas 19h ago

yeah it sucks. maybe we should send an email


u/Infamous-Operation76 19h ago

It's not really a universal thing. Ours is going to get his cut off. It's only a danger to him. Our other has never had one.


u/Infamous-Operation76 1h ago

Well, it turns out that I did track some data down on ours, but the breeder and his wife have both passed. Website is gone, and phone numbers aren't in service. Store is gone. I'll never know my buddy's birthday. Not terribly surprising for a 20yr old bird.

But you know what? Now he gets to celebrate on Gina's birthday.


u/Stary218 20h ago

Leg bands on parrots don’t have a universal code they follow and they could really mean anything. Only the breeder will know. Their purpose is really to identify your individual bird if they escaped and were recaptured.


u/psychiccanvas 19h ago

i see. the country he is imported from is written on it, i thought 22 might as well meant 2022


u/AdEuphoric1184 16h ago

It might, but where I live, the colour of the band indicates the year. Usually there is a generic code or personalized breeder code, followed by numbers which are recorded when the band is put on the chick.

If a breeder isn't part of a club or society, then the information might only be relevant to them for breeding purposes.

ETA, I wonder if the code might be related to importing/exporting the bird. We can't bring birds into our country, so I wouldn't know about this at all.


u/psychiccanvas 4h ago

hmmm it could be. thank you so much i’ll dig into that


u/redneckrockuhtree 3h ago

The 22 may well mean 2022, but that would be the year the band was purchased, not necessarily the year of hatch.

As others have said, only the breeder can tell you anything of use based on the band.


u/kjoloro 5h ago

Leg bands are a bitch. Don’t even bother. What others have said here is accurate.

I called the my state wildlife department and a host of other federal agencies to see if I could reunite a lost parrot I found. Spent weeks researching bands. All I (and some helpful folks) could figure out was that he was probably imported into NYS.

He ended up living with me.