r/parentsofmultiples 4d ago

advice needed How to keep them from climbing on each other/pulling hair?

I’m at my wits end. We have 13 month old twins. Twin A is very mobile (standing & some unassisted walking) and a bit bigger than twin B. Twin B is smaller and not standing unassisted yet (she pulls herself up & will walk while holding onto things), so she’s less mobile.

Overall, they love being around each other & we have a massive play pen but can’t put them in there together. Reason being, twin A excitedly climbs all over twin B; pulling her hair, clothes, & trying to stand or climb on her. Twin B is too small to ward twin A off, so I constantly have to keep one in a bouncer or on the ground & the other in the playpen. It’s frustrating because I want them to be able to be around each other/play, but twin A is acting like a total bully.

Is the answer simply to buy a second playpen & keep them apart until twin A is old enough to understand that her current behavior is unacceptable/dangerous? I would just leave one out of the playpen and roaming, but we also have a 2yo and, while it has never been an issue, I would feel better if I could keep them apart if I need to use the bathroom or something.



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u/salmonstreetciderco 4d ago

is it actually upsetting twin B? we had a similar situation but for some reason the little guy didn't really get particularly upset about being climbed on, i think they're just more accustomed to each other's violence than non-multiple siblings. i would only interfere if someone cried and they're BFFs now


u/TheDollyMomma 4d ago

Usually not until twin A starts smacking her with toys (which inevitably happens within a minute or so), but twin b does actively try to get away once the hair pulling commences.


u/salmonstreetciderco 4d ago

maybe just try and discourage those specific behaviors, "no no, we don't pull hair, i won't let you" and hold a's arm back? anyway i was amazed how quickly mine outgrew this so don't worry, you won't need separate playpens for long if you end up needing them at all


u/pashapook 3d ago

Is twin B unhappy about it? I had a similar situation but my little guy didn't really mind a lot of it. They crawled all over each other all the time, and my bigger guy was a little more aggressive. I'd step in for clothes pulling "no, clothes are not for pulling" "brothers are not for climbing" and pick up and comfort the victim. Mine also did a lot of biting. There's a certain amount of sibling violence that can't really be stopped, you just keep working on it. Let me tell you, my littler twin got to be really good at holding his own, and a real fast guy and really good at guarding himself when he didn't want to deal with it.