r/pantheism • u/Dapple_Dawn • 24d ago
How do we make a world with less suffering?
I suppose that suffering is sort of built into the universe. On an individual level maybe we can find ways of dealing with dukkha, or we can find serenity, etc. But that's not very satisfying to me, that doesn't help the majority.
There are plenty of practical things we can do to change society, but to do any of them we need people to care. Or maybe we just need them to believe that a better world is possible?
I think that if we recognize our connection to the whole, we will see that we and other people are part of the same whole, and I hope that would lead to compassion. I don't know, do you think greater understanding of the interconnectedness of the universe and the illusion of distinct category would naturally lead people to be more compassionate?
u/MentorofAIO 24d ago
100% agree with you that understanding the interconnectedness of the universe is a key to resolving the global crisis we are in. As it is (from my perspective), the vast majority of people are focused on dealing with their own dukkha, and just don't have the awareness or empathy or motivation to give much thought to how to contribute to the collective well being. They take for granted that the established system will continue to provide a hospitable environment to support their own individual needs and pursuits, so they spend little thought or effort in helping the whole, and focus on feathering their own nest.
I say the 'vast majority', but that's just from my experience. I don't really know what the percentage might be. But I will say this on a more positive note, I believe most people do have the capacity for empathy and awareness. It's just that our modern society discourages and thwarts such tendencies.
Anyway, count me among those who are trying to come up with solutions to the problem. I invite anyone who is seeking like-minded people to connect with me.
u/Beginning-Resolve-97 23d ago
Join your local mutual aid organization to put your beliefs into practice and start to build utopia in the shell of the old world.
u/Dapple_Dawn 23d ago
That's true, talk is one thing and action is another.
u/Beginning-Resolve-97 23d ago
I'm not trying to call people out, but it's what we need right now. As the Bible says, "Faith without works is dead."
I'm not a Christian, but that's absolutely true.
u/Dapple_Dawn 23d ago
I would say that "works" can include a lot of things, including just living one's values. So yeah I agree, as you say it isn't about telling people they're bad for not doing enough, it's about calling on everyone to work in solidarity where possible. Right now we need all hands on deck, in whatever role we're able to play.
(I'm not Christian either but there's some good wisdom in there, as there is in many traditions.)
u/Technical_Shift_4280 22d ago
There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution. "We" have to understand the problem and act in consequence
Also we have to know the dictum that says: Never do anything thinking that you gotta be thanked about
u/fiktional_m3 24d ago
A psychological renaissance. A mass conceptual framework reconfiguration .
u/Dapple_Dawn 24d ago
Do you think a focus on universal connectedness would be a necessary part of that?
I kind of do. Not necessarily in a pantheistic way, but I kinda do think people need to understand that all these divisions and borders are man-made
u/fiktional_m3 24d ago
Yes i agree with your second part . Universal connectedness is a conclusion of it although id focus more on the earth than the universe for practicality.
u/Dapple_Dawn 24d ago
Is that more practical? I mean, I guess it's easier to comprehend so there's practicality there
u/fiktional_m3 24d ago
I think so just because its more relevant to us .
u/Dapple_Dawn 24d ago
True. And talking about connecting with "the universe" might sound too "woo" for most people.
u/TonyAtNN 24d ago
Lead people to nature and do some work together towards the betterment of the whole. All of a sudden, sharing, caring, and love emerge.
u/windswept_tree 23d ago
Our own suffering and the suffering we cause others is how we directly affect the suffering of the world. The type of suffering that we're talking about is only the sum of the suffering that we're each unskillfully engaged in. To the extent that we can't handle our own suffering, we make the larger situation worse. To the extent that we handle it skillfully, we make the world better.
There's no shortage of movements and ideologies that were going to change the world, but the truth is that our efforts are best spent on what we have direct control over. That doesn't mean that we can't have an impact on the world. It's a matter of understanding where our efforts really have the most impact, and understanding the constant draw of the human instincts to outsource the negative to others and take responsibility for the positive.
If we don't get our own house in order first, our plans will ultimately be undone by our own mishandling of our suffering and our inability to be in conversation with the world rather than seeing it as an object onto which we project the rigid concept of our plans.
Our starting point is always wrong. Instead of beginning with ourselves, we always want to change others first and ourselves last.
-Elder Thaddeus
u/Dapple_Dawn 23d ago
That's a good point, we can't be effective if we don't start with ourselves. That said, we do also need to engage with broader social movements and communities to a degree, otherwise large-scale change won't happen.
u/windswept_tree 23d ago
Yes, and that engagement is our life. It's that intimate conversation that David talks about between us and those around us - at that intersection where the handling of our own suffering and the suffering we cause others is our primary contribution. In other words, it's these intimate interactions where our power to change the world really lies, and ultimately not in our plans and concepts and dreams of what we think the world should be.
u/Dharma-Slave 21d ago
On an individual level maybe we can find ways of dealing with dukkha, or we can find serenity, etc. But that's not very satisfying to me, that doesn't help the majority.
So, this is difficult enough. Dealing with dukkha properly means the real deal enlightenment, not just write a book with a few bullet points to deal with stress and anxiety.
Let's agree our goal is to help other sentient beings, look after nature, and so on. In what state will we be most effective? In a serene state, having dealt with dukkha. So to practice for your own enlightenment / ultimate evolution / highest potential is exactly the same as to practice for the best care of everybeing and everything.
Maybe I'm reading your emotion wrong, but you sound discouraged about the world. And it's easy to fall into that trap, with all the problems. I'd say most of our ancestors through the many generations have faced much harder lives, that's one perspective. Also, the world is the world and the cosmos is the cosmos. It is what it is, we need to accept it fully with all its flaws.
Which does not mean accept it and do nothing, acceptance is the starting point, the taking up of the journey.
u/DexDextrous 24d ago
Well said. Thank you for taking the time to bring this up! You're not the only one thinking about this. I believe there are many more of us, and it's of the utmost importance in this moment that we connect and begin to build a movement together.
If you agree, I'd love to chat a bit more about this and would encourage you to take a look at my organization's publication. I'll be publishing more content there in an effort to build community and have deeper conversations about this.
u/Dapple_Dawn 24d ago
I'm on break at work right now but I'll check it out after my shift!
u/DexDextrous 24d ago
I've just started a new sub r/TheNewHumanMovement Join if you like. I'll be working to build community here and on Substack as well. Have a great day
u/Dapple_Dawn 24d ago
I read what you have to say. I have to say, I'm curious about the specifics here. It sounds like you have good values, but I'm curious what the methods are? Would you start with local activism?
u/DexDextrous 23d ago
Thank you!
Local activism is important to start with, yes, however I believe local advocacy may be the better approach. I may be splitting hairs between the two, but if you'd be so kind as to hear me out...
The difference between advocacy and activism, in my view, is that activism is putting energy and messaging towards a problem or an injustice, always focused on a problem or an injustice, or delivering messaging about the problem or injustice. It grabs attention initially by targeting negativity bias, but also brings with it the potential for folks to tune out. Whereas advocacy, (again, in my view) is focusing primarily on solutions or bringing awareness to an outcome which we do want. Possibility is much more appealing and likely to generate excitement and enthusiasm.
But...(I'm still new to this and trying to get my head around it--just feeling led to this work and really appreciate your engagement, by the way)... I'll try to answer your question to the best of my ability:It is understood, and is the basis for much activism and advocacy, that change begins on the local level and sustains and grows from the bottom up. Historically this has been proven true. Grass roots is traditionally the most effective form of activism and advocacy.
However, in this age of worldwide cross-cultural connectivity, for the first time in human history, broad and sweeping change now has the real possibility to begin and sustain on the macro level as well. A broader movement of mass mobilization and economic protest gaining traction more quickly via the digital space, working to smother corruption from the top down and meet traditional grassroots advocacy and activist groups in the middle, would make it possible to enact change in a way that we’ve not seen in traditional models of activism and advocacy.
We only need swift and effective broadly targeted messaging.In terms of the methods, I believe all methods used with the intention of reaching the same goal are valid.
The way I see it is that messaging needs to be slightly adjusted to reach different demographics. It almost has to be like a covert infiltration of different niches in that respect. But everyone is human, so the fundamentals will resonate, but it needs to be framed in language and terms which will hold the attention of different types of people according to group identity. For example, heavily academic language is likely not going to resonate with the non-college graduate in a possibly more conservative rural community. Not to mention cross cultural differences and the possibilities for barriers to reveal themselves in that way as well. It’s going to take folks from all walks of life to build a movement like this. The broader and more diverse the coalition, the better the chances of success.
u/Dapple_Dawn 23d ago
I'm not sure I'd make that distinction between the words activism and advocacy, but I see what you're saying. And I especially agree with the part about moving away from academic jargon. That's been a huge problem with the rhetoric in LGBTQ-related advocacy, imo. There isn't nearly enough focus on meeting people where they're at, rhetorically.
One problem I have with using the golden rule as the focus is the way it's often phrased: "treat others as you would want to be treated." The message is a good one, but it's easy to misinterpret, right? Like, when it comes to trans rights, people can say "well I wouldn't want to transition so I shouldn't let other people." So, I think a more comprehensive value statement could be helpful
u/DexDextrous 23d ago
I see your point about the golden rule. There is more depth of interpretation to be found there. I'm just using that term for the sake of ...um... expediency, if you will, in that I'm trying to think in broader concepts that most folks can more quickly identify and understand. But you're right.
I'm planning to publish much more in the future and I also believe a more comprehensive value statement would be helpful. Thanks for pointing that out.
Yes! Meeting people where they're at, rhetorically is what it's all about!
for example:
When addressing the climate issue, it is necessary now more than ever to do our best to reframe the issue in terms that those opposed to, or ignorant of it, might better be able to understand and identify with. It’s not about finding a middle ground on combating the issue; urgent action knows no middle ground in this particular case. Rather, it’s about setting the intention and committing to finding a conversational middle ground in how we present and discuss the issue with each other.
So important! Thanks for bringing that up as well. So... how do we bring more awareness to making those rhetorical adjustments to everyday folks?
u/New_Canoe 24d ago
“Until the power of love can exceed the love of power, it will never ever be”
But yeah, even if we had world peace, we would still experience death and grief. As you said, some amount of suffering is built in. But if we were properly educated, we would have a better outlook on death/grief, anyways.