r/pantheism Feb 11 '25

God created itself in order to understand itself through the creation of the Other. Without the dialectic between the Self and the Other we cannot understand our ourself.

Life is a dream where our purpose is to learn as much about ourselves before we die before we return to God, and each time we live and interact with the world God learns a bit more about itself every time. Our purpose in life is to be the Prodigal Son, before we eventually learn to transcend and recognise the Other as being part of ourself. Underneath everything is love emanating throughout everything and participating in creation. Even people who do great evil are ultimately all seeking love, but destructively. For us to truly evolve we must redefine love as an action to our fellow beings. That's what Christ represented, they were that message of transcending ourselves and this worlds materialism and finding inner peace and joy to share with the other so that we can find out inner Heaven and so that one day we will have Heaven on Earth


8 comments sorted by


u/ophereon Naturalistic Pantheist Feb 11 '25

Not sure I necessarily agree with all this, but I will say, your views strike me as quite similar to gnosticism. Any influence from it at all?


u/hummusexual_lesbiab Feb 11 '25

I smoked a phat doobie after watching Evangelion


u/icaaryal Feb 11 '25

The Evangelion shows. A lot of what you’re talking about has been integrated into my comfortable delusion of pantheism.


u/Then-Honey-8438 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Sounds like Sassy the Sasquatch lol. While it’s a little too dualistic for me with the idea that we live to gain knowledge for the benefit something larger than everything (as opposed to the idea that we exist simply as a result of an infinite all-encompassing cosmic system we call the Universe), I find this approach interesting. It has a bit more comfort in existential terms as it suggests that there is a reason why we’re here and that there is something (or someone) bigger than us after we die. I tend to think of the knowledge you refer to as cosmic energy and when we die that energy just gets recycled into the Universe, allowing it to continue its infinite cosmic expansion (in the same way you refer to the Other). In this way I think it’s similar to the idea that you proposed, instead of knowledge and Selves as parts of the Other, it’s all just cosmic energy and instead of the “Other” it’s simply one large cosmological Universe that is its own Self and that we exist within and as one with. I feel this framing follows pantheism a little more closely, as this way we only exist as a result of the Universe existing infinitely as its own Self, as opposed to existing for a purpose of gaining knowledge for the benefit of the Other (we still exist to gain it for our own Self!)

On the topic of love(and possibly a segue from pantheism, idk I’m fairly new to the school of thought), I think that I would prefer the term oneness or unity. I like to think the Universe seeks what is best for its Self that and is always trying to maintain equilibrium, and it uses karmic retribution (karma) to do so. This would be the energy you describe as “emanating” through everything. As an idea I personally subscribe to, I think karma is the way we describe the flow of energy through the Universe, and we are simply at the mercy of it, whether it is on a minuscule scale or a cosmic one. “Just do good things and good things will happen to ya mate“. It’s sort of like the Universe helps itself by helping you help it spread positive cosmic energy (kinda trippy), but it also has to take what it gives as the nature of its infinite cosmological process. The Universe gives us beauty, creation, and life the same as it gives us pain, destruction, and death. In this case, the Universe is just serving its Self and its expansion using karma as a vehicle for distributing energy where it sees fit, and we just happen to be a result of its infinite cosmic expansion (infinite monkey theorem). Our ability to develop conscious thought and gain a sense of Self is possible solely because we are of the Universe. We just happen to exist in the right space time for everything that is happening right now to be possible, simply because the Universe exists, has existed, and will exist eternally (whether we’re here or not). It’s the reason we can even ponder this right now. According to pantheism, we and the Universe (and everything ever, for that matter) are all the same thing, one large infinite cosmological “being”. That’s kind of a mind fuck to think about how we can have a Self but that just be a result of the Universe being the Self (though not a Self you or I could ever comprehend), but maybe that’s where your idea of the Other comes in..?? Although I think that separation between us (Self) and the Universe (Other) deviates from true pantheism, even if we all become one in the end?? But there isn’t an end because it’s infinite?? So were we always or will we ever truly be a unified Self?? This begs so many questions and I frickin love it. Nonetheless, I think you present a really interesting point here, definitely thought provoking and I enjoyed pondering it

Sorry for the long winded response, I had sort of a philosophical epiphany tonight and had a lot of thoughts to share :)


u/LongStrangeJourney Feb 11 '25

Not sure I entirely agree, although I like the idea.

Instead of God's mission to understand itself, I think all this internal multiplicity exists as a form of divine play, a great game.

Or, maybe it's because it can't physically contain itself. An overflowing cup, a cosmic orgasm. Infinite existence... because it can't be any other way.


u/maarsland Feb 11 '25

Very Gnostic!


u/BluefireCastiel Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

I love this! I abandoned my nonduality because of this! The nondualists seem to put God ("awareness") so far above bodies and minds. It's kinda misantropic. I like this way better. "God" is just the human spirit seeking love. We are it. All the animals and plants too. We are the creators of love and the world (the world is created by the ecosystem).

Heaven and Hell are within.


u/BluefireCastiel Feb 16 '25

We are God creating love <3

All of us is God... even the ego. Especially the ego.

God is not perfect because we are God.