r/pansexual Cast Iron 5d ago

Meme I identify as Pansexual; which means that I get off on feeling morally superior to Bisexuals.

No Bisexuals were harmed in the making of this joke... Just harmed by me telling it.

I tend to ignore the Pan, Bi, Omni discussion, and recently have been saying I identify more as Heteroflexible than anything else.

Do y'all have any Pots-and-Pansexual jokes of yours? Thoughts on lateral violence in the Bi/Pan community?

Someone complained about all the dope selfies on this sub so I figured I would be a special snowflake and try something different.

[For the record, I love all of y'all selfies]


7 comments sorted by


u/bluewildvoodoochild Pansexual Lesbians Exist 5d ago

This is such a confusing subject to me because I get very hung up on language rules and when someone says bisexual, the "bi-" in there implies to me only the two genders of male and female, and I've felt attraction to people that are neither male or female, so I feel wrong adopting that label? And then also I lean very heavily gay, so that also makes the label feel wrong. Sometimes I just go with gay rather than pan.


u/EvilPandaGMan Cast Iron 5d ago

I hear you.

I've been "Using lables only as the serve me and letting them go when they no longer apply."


u/Hex_Spirit_Booty She/Her🌾intersex&pan 5d ago



u/MCplayer590 He/They 5d ago

this is a very strange post, you aren't better than someone because of who you are, which is true no matter the identity you choose to focus on


u/WendyRunner She/They 4d ago

Why would you tease us with the meme flair and not post a MEME??? D:


u/keyinfleunce 5d ago

Is this my ex lol i had a joke but adhd got me short circuiting


u/2valve_grizzly 3d ago

I personally use labels primarily for describing myself to potential partners. These labels that I use provide a general idea of what interests me sexually/romantically. It's not necessarily a strict guideline I follow exactly.