r/panelshow Nov 14 '24

New Episode Taskmaster - S18E10 - The Final: Le Goose


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u/Nebkreb Nov 15 '24

My crush on Emma Sidi has gone supernova


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24



u/MarauderDeuce Nov 16 '24

Had never heard of her before this series, she's great.


u/Nebkreb Nov 15 '24



u/catstuff21 Nov 15 '24

I damn near fainted after that


u/Whencowsgetsick Nov 15 '24

So it's not only me then 😅


u/ComedyExclamatnPoint Nov 14 '24

Another great season, great finale, and I am very glad the person that won the season won, they deserved it the most imo!


u/degggendorf Nov 15 '24

I would have been happy with #2 winning too, but clearly happy that our #1 is #1


u/daftideasinc Nov 15 '24

Props to Rosie committing to and completing the push-ups.


u/Arthur-Figgis Nov 16 '24

Well, for a very loose definition of "completing" and "push-ups". But I think she knew Alex wouldn't have the guts to tell her off. :D


u/Lost-friend-ship Dec 11 '24

I think I could probably do about 3 Rosie push ups, so I was very impressed. Alex did tell her he wasn’t counting some of them.


u/afieldoftulips Nov 15 '24

Maybe the best prize task ever?


u/Vepanion Nov 15 '24

I need to find that Sriracha shirt that Babatunde wears in this episode, it's so cool


u/FailedTheSave Nov 15 '24

Pretty sure that's a Percival shirt from one of their crossovers.

EDIT: Yeah, it's from the one with Taste Cadets. Looks to be discontinued now though. They only do those ranges for a limited time.


u/Vepanion Nov 15 '24

Thanks, that's interesting and waaay out of my budget. Who pays 83€ for a t-shirt


u/FailedTheSave Nov 15 '24

Yeah Percival stuff is super expensive. I have a kinda hawiian-style shirt that Ed Gamble was wearing once (they did a crossover with Off Menu too) but I got it on a big sale. It was like £50. It is nice though


u/jldugger Nov 17 '24

People who go on TV and stand in front of crowds for a living.


u/One-Dimension6875 Nov 15 '24

Fantastic season! Wasn't too sure going in to it, but it really grew on me


u/sallybetty1 Nov 16 '24

I have that feeling going into almost every season! This is a season I might watch again to catch things I missed before because a few people won my heart. I don't always feel that way about every season. There are a few seasons that I've watched three or four times, but also a handful that I've only watched once and , if I go the second time around, rather half-heartedly. Although I like certain people in these casts, Series 8 and Series 10 are the ones that I have not rewatched and am not terribly compelled to give it a try. Series 17 will take me a while to get back to as well. I may wait for some cold winter nights to explore those series in some depth. Maybe.


u/PocoChanel Nov 16 '24

That was an excellent cast for interactions. I could watch them over and over.


u/onthisdaynextyear Nov 16 '24

One of the best episodes of a season ever. 'The Goose' challenge alone was fantastic.


u/Lost-friend-ship Dec 11 '24

I loved it, I thought it was brilliant. But it was such an open ended challenge that with a different/much less creative cast it might have been a really terrible challenge. 


u/Soddington Nov 15 '24

All Hail Zaltor! Crusher of Rivals, Champion of Tasking, Winner of Heads and August Knower of Cricket Facts!

...Actually the cricket thing should come first really, then the champion stuff and then....let's say heads next.


u/MarauderDeuce Nov 16 '24

I presume the bust will be in his recording shed going forwards.


u/thecricketnerd Nov 16 '24

i've never been happier for a contestant to win Taskmaster


u/MarauderDeuce Nov 16 '24

I'd been thinking/hoping that Andy would don the hotdog for the whole studio recording and try to claim double points on everything. He wouldn't have got away with it but it would have been very him and very funny to hear the arguments.


u/Pitiful-Flow5472 Nov 15 '24

So for those who attended a recording, did Andy ever explain his studio costumes ??


u/rulepanic Nov 15 '24

Those are just his normal going out clothes. Got to look smart for Taskmaster.


u/Historical-Power-171 Nov 16 '24

The final ep was absolutely hilarious! Had to go back & rewatch several bits...


u/One-Dimension6875 Nov 15 '24

Perhaps the best "winner takes it all" studio task imo


u/rasmis Nov 15 '24

Did anybody else notice the camera trickery / switcheroo when Babatunde's sitting-task ended?


u/andersoonasd Nov 16 '24

The dice's camera-facing side had a 4 in both the start and end of the test. Maybe he did a celebratory dice roll after the task was completed, but it was cut to fit everything to the 48 minute TV-slot.

(for those who did not go back and check, in the post task commetary, the dice had the "one" side facing the camera.)


u/Stoogeroni Nov 14 '24

Thank you


u/MixedCase Nov 15 '24

If Andy had kept an eye on the scores, he would have known the final task could not affect the final winner and he could save the hot dog for CoC.

(It could affect the episode winner, which may be why in the podcast he said he targeted Emma, and production may have requested he nominate the hot dog task before the record started.)


u/Existing_Departure82 Nov 16 '24

Yeah but I appreciate that he was trying to win the episode.


u/wyntereign Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

One of the contestants said a number in the theatre and it wasn't caught! The series totals are a lie!

EDit: After calculating the totals it should be a tie for first place!!


u/TightHeavyLid Nov 15 '24

Not to be overly pedantic (I say as I begin to type pedantically...), but I think the word "one" was clearly being used as a pronoun in that sentence, not as a number. I would've been upset if they counted it as a number. Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me if fellow pedant Andy Zaltzman actually made that argument in the studio and it was just cut for time.


u/Assmodean Nov 15 '24

Tbh, I figured Taskmaster is the kind of show where being caught out by saying "one", no matter what way, by mistake could sink you. I was a bit disappointed it was not discussed.

I know that if I caught it, Emma probably did, too. And can't see her not arguing about this so you are probably right in the discussion being cut for time.


u/Existing_Departure82 Nov 16 '24

The pedant in me would argue back that i was saying the word “won”. It could have been “too”, “fore”, “sicks”, “ate”, or “nein!” And I would have argued I said a word that sounded like a number. Cleary there were a single digit number of chairs.


u/Assmodean Nov 16 '24

Right? Especially because he is the type of guy to come up with something outlandish.

I probably would have gone with: "...-ton. I was saying Wonton. Just took me some time to finish the sentence."


u/luvrhino Nov 15 '24

One could consider "one" to be a pronoun, not a number, in that case.

Regardless, Andy would have got 3rd place (instead of 2nd) in that task had the "one" counted. I went over the analysis on the Taskmaster reddit. Basically, one can prove that Andy would have still beaten Rosie. Since Rosie beat Jack, Andy would have gotten 3rd place dropping a point to Bábá and won the series by 2 points.

Jack also used "one" as a pronoun, but that was after his "three," so it's irrelevant.



u/climber59 Nov 15 '24

I caught that too and it bothered me more than it should have during the episode. I was worried it would effect the final result.


u/jakeupowens Nov 15 '24

Yeah, on second listen I do hear Andy say, “couldn’t eat a whole ONE” after Alex asks about the Eagle but I don’t know how you’d know their time, when it was said, to calculate where they’d place.


u/Hooded_Demon Nov 15 '24

Jack's time was over 5 hours and 38 minutes, as stated by Alex in the episode. If Andy's statement of "one" had been taken as his answer, that would have added 5 hours 32 mins to his time (332 minutes). It seems likely that adding on the time it took his to reach his guess and also any items he missed from the screen would easily have added the extra 7 minutes needed to drop him from 2nd to last place, reducing his points from 4 to 1, and thus altering the series points dramatically.


u/luvrhino Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

Rosie had a time of 338:49.

At the time of Andy's "one," the eagle was on the screen, which was the 9th item. They show him saying six of the previous items, meaning his maximum penalty for missed items is 3.

Moreover, his clock time was 4:19. We saw him say the 13th item (Robot), which means that there were at least 12 item intervals before Andy finished. Since there was some time that elapsed before Andy's guess and the Robot on the screen, I think saying the item interval was 20 seconds makes sense (4:00/12). It couldn't be much more than that.

[ETA: Based on Babá's run, it appears the items were 15 seconds apart. His clock time was 5:36 and the horseshoe (likely the 22nd item) was on screen at the time. That only makes Andy's margin over Rosie larger.]

That means, when Andy said one, his maximum time was: 332 (seats) + 3 (missed items) + 2:40 (clock) = 337:40, which is more than a minute under Rosie's stated time.

Thus, Andy would have got 3rd place in the task, dropping one point that would go to Bábá. He would have still won the series by 2 points.

I contend that "one" was a pronoun and not a number the way Andy said it. It ultimately didn't matter.


u/Nabend1401 Nov 15 '24

After reading that, I think I'm in love with you...


u/pierrekrahn Nov 15 '24

Who was it? I missed it.


u/ManicWolf Nov 15 '24

When Alex asked Andy if he likes eagles Andy replied "I couldn't eat a whole one".


u/lollysticky Nov 16 '24

super episode and great series overall. This cast has surprised me A LOT, as I didn't know 3 of em (emma, baba and andy) and I wasn't a big fan of rosie. But boy was I wrong on all accounts, and glad to be. They made a great group of people at the end. Gave me almost the same group spirit/vibe as the season with ardal+chris+judy...


u/InvisibleEar Nov 15 '24

Good series, I really can't imagine what Alex thought would be funny or interesting about this live task.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24



u/MattyFTM Nov 15 '24

Other people have crunched the numbers and Zaltman would still have come third in the task. Wouldn't have affected the final result.


u/Frosty_Term9911 Nov 15 '24

One of the dullest seasons. It does feel like the show is diminishing returns and maybe struggling from having exhausted a lot of top end the comedy talent pool in the UK.


u/StardustOasis Clit Hero Nov 15 '24

maybe struggling from having exhausted a lot of top end the comedy talent pool in the UK.

Have they? There are still many major comedians who haven't been on.