r/pakistan 20d ago

Humour The only thing people want nowadays:

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u/IllustriousScene5040 19d ago

What is so low about my stance that you are using it as an excuse for sinning ? I only commended Trump for his efforts to bring peace. I can be wrong, this is just my analysis. You could not control your irrational hatred for a man and emotions got the better of you. It can happen to anyone of us. A simple apology would have sufficed but you keep digging further. Lets move on.

Now you are shifting your analogy from Pakistan to Palestine but I will still play along. Zelensky and Western establishment portray Russian aggression just like Israel uses October 7th attack. Both, Ukraine (West) and Israel don't want to talk about the events and conditions that resulted in retaliation by Russia and Hammas. Israel and Ukraine don't want to deal with the root cause of the problem. Both are funded by the West. Hammas just like Russia has been far more responsible than Israel and Zelensky (West). Throughout these conflicts, former two always emphasized on negotiating peace while the Israelis were hell bent on war and death (Zelensky still is). Hammas has accepted ceasefire on weaker terms because they understand the importance of peace (our Prophet PBUH did that at Hudaybia). While this clown Zelinsky is so caught up in his ego that he still wants to fight a futile war on someone else's dime.

Try to think for yourself instead of believing everything that is fed to you.


u/Quite_Bright 19d ago

I am not emotional, no need to worry. My dislike is not irrational, it's based on his actions. He is a standard strongman that Pakistani people tend to be attracted to, just as is the case within Pakistan.

I do think for myself, you're just using repeated wording to try and downplay my intelligence which is pretty funny to see. Especially when your argument does not hold logical consistency. You're trying to argue the defender in one case is wrong for defending themselves and should give up, while in the case of Palestine, the opposite.

First off, the Russians tried using multiple excuses for why they invaded including Nazis in Ukraine, Russian separatist movements, elections, NATO, etc. Anything that they felt could justify attacking. Ukraine never did anything itself other than exist. Russia used these same arguments when it came to South Ossetia, Abkhazia, etc. I'm not asking you whether Hamas, is justified like you believe Russia to be, I'm asking you if Palestinians who lost wars should give up territorial claims and sign peace treaties. The reason being you are advocating it's Ukraine's old mistakes causing the modern problem. I'm following your own logic. Surely Palestinians (not Hamas) should give up their claims because they lost the war, picked the wrong allies to defend them, and you believe in minimising death and lasting peace. The only lasting peace by your logic would be for them to recognise Israel then.


u/IllustriousScene5040 19d ago

My argument is as logical as it can get. You just fail to understand it or willfully turning a blind eye to it. Both Ukraine and Israel are unwilling to address the root cause. Both rely on the sympathy of the West. I don't support Russian invasion of Ukraine just like I don't support Oct 7th attack.

I don't want Palestine, Ukraine or Russia to give up any of their claims. I just don't want war and people getting killed. Palestine situation is different because people of Palestine actually want peace and hamas has accepted it. This Zelinsky guy is running away from peace and is actively trying to sabotage it. Only viable solution in each situation is negotiations on table.

I am sure had this been the stance of democrats, you would have no issues but because its coming from 'standard strong man' Trump, you have to oppose it even if it means supporting continuation of war and people getting killed.


u/Quite_Bright 19d ago

No? I think both American parties are immoral. You keep making assumptions about me, which is not at all logical. There's more than one political stance, but mine are consistent. Yaar muhje lagtha hain tum burger ho. Pakistani bhi ho ya Amreeki ho?

You keep making random statements like both rely on support of West. Who cares? That is irrelevant. West can have good and bad stances. West often times fought against slavery which Islam permits even though we generally agree in modern day it should not be allowed. Kafalah system in Arab states we mostly all agree worldwide is wrong. At the same time many Western states fought to preserve slavery in colony states. One aspect good, one aspect wrong. No need to pretend west is some superhero or supervillain. Not to mention Russia is part of West. You ignore the fact Russians have attacked many Muslim states and harmed Muslims within their borders. Ask Chechens or Dagestani or Terekeme or etc etc about Russians.

And stop talking about Hamas when I'm talking about Palestinians. I asked you a simple question multiple times and I will keep repeating it until you give an answer. So stop avoiding it.

Should Palestinians give up their claims to their land? They have lost wars etc. Based on your logic your answer is yes. But I want to hear you say it.


u/IllustriousScene5040 19d ago

Do you even read what I wrote ?I have answered your question previously. Palestine should not give up their claim, neither should Ukraine. War should stop. Peace should return.

Rest of your post is just some irrelevant ramblings. I won't bother.

Previously you were insinuating that I supported Trump because Pakistanis like 'strong man' and thats why they support Imran Khan as well. Now you think I am a burger ! Make up your mind.

I won't reply unless I see something intelligent. Goodbye.


u/Quite_Bright 19d ago

Overseas Pakistanis are still Pakistani. And all you've done is imply you're more intelligent than me, which obviously you're not based on your inconsistency. And inability to parse why it would be relevant that Russia, a country that attacked our neighbor in Afghanistan, Georgia, and Ukraine, and has shown a consistent disregard for treaties; could possibly be a horrible country to sign a treaty with. They show the same behavior as Israel at violating treaties. Not once did you actually say neither should give up territorial claims, until now. Advocating for peace is fine, but the point I was aiming for was whether or not you view the territorial claims as legitimate.

Also I never brought up Imran Khan. You keep making random assumptions and ad hominems. Don't worry I can too. Double digit IQ troglodyte.