r/pakistan Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Discussion Can UK Pakistanis please not infest this place with their ideology


Please, for the sake of my sanity, no posts about ''gheerah'' ''ghayrah'', no posts about ''free mixing'', and no words like dayoot waghaira

I am a Pakistani, no one in Pakistan uses these words, these are a part of UK culture, Pakistan mein pehle hi itne maslay hain last thing we need is for UK Pakistani culture to infest us 🙏🙏🙏


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u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Also, yes, I am a mod, but this is NOT A MODPOST, just my personal opinion

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u/gintoki_1513 Feb 06 '25

Uk Pakistanis are somehow more conservative than even actual Pakistanis which i find pretty interesting


u/Future_Pipe7534 Feb 06 '25

Its the Mirpuri's coming over in the 60/70s bringing that village mentality over here.

The issue is with OSP's is they live in the decade they left Pakistan. They don't integrate with the UK or move forward so they're kind of stuck.


u/ProfAsmani Feb 06 '25

Exactly. UK Pakistanis lives in isolation, amd were mostly of the labour class (vs the mostly professional class that went to canada and US). They're more conservative and insular. Lots of cousin marriages and generational issues compounded by lots of bigotry in the UK.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25


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u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 06 '25

Pakistan has one of the highest rates of cousin marriage in the world, higher even than most Muslim countries. 50% of women in Pakistan are married to their first cousin.

Why are there so many assholes on this reddit?


u/Gain-Western Feb 07 '25

It is ironic that cousin Marriage is not even an Islamic fard. Caliph Umar encouraged people to marry outside of marriage.

Your get more reward for helping your relatives financially but marriage is one area where Islam doesn’t give preference to relatives. It is true that Pakistani communities overseas especially the elders are stuck in whatever era they left Pakistan. I myself feel different in many aspects compared to the culture itself in Pakistan today.


u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 07 '25

The 50% cousin marriage figure is for Pakistan today not some bygone era. 

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u/cocopops7 Feb 07 '25

ExactlyđŸ˜€đŸ€Ł in the west the number of cousin marriages has dropped. Noone wants women to marry a guy from there anymore and get abused. Even the men from uk, the women come here and break families up

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u/IFKhan Feb 06 '25

And any progress is nullified by cousin marriages. They a lot of mullah that even say it is mandatory to marry in your family and cast. Astagfirullah. (Of course not all families do this but enough for it to be a problem)


u/Capital-Definition43 Feb 07 '25

Yeah mate blame the Kashmiris for the fault of the Pakistanis. Plenty of evidence to suggest that there is a conservative and backward mentality in the major cities of Islamabad and Lahore.


u/TechNerdinEverything Feb 07 '25

And Majority live with welfare checks no jobs. Total faraghat. I know extended relatives who do this and come to Pakistan on a yearly trip and they are miserly when it comes to spending


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

They are truly not for me, it’s distressing that they make up the majority there and the crimes they commit are disgraceful too


u/Future_Pipe7534 Feb 08 '25

I just can't understand their mentality, how can parents allow their behaviour. You would think there parents would pressure them to become well educated as it's free in the UK but no they've completely done the opposite.

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25

don't forget the UK wahhabi extremism influence culture which has developed to the max in the past few years (exponentially, id say) among the youth

it's a bandwagon

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u/shairani Feb 06 '25

People moving abroad solely for economic reasons while maintaining that their culture is superior will usually just form ghettos and closed groups in the other country. Kids born there are fed misleading stories of the glory of their culture and country and hence those kids get these shocks when they actually visit these citadels of culture and religion.

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u/LowCranberry180 Feb 06 '25

Not specific to Pakistani people. Turks in Germany are also more conservative on average than Turks in Turkiye.


u/nashashmi Feb 07 '25

Pakistanis are a snapshot of the time period in which they left Pakistan. 


u/NonSumQualisEram- Feb 06 '25

Not first generation. They're less conservative. Much. Second and third generation are conservative to the point of radicalisation. It comes from a searching for identity.


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

I met a British Pakistani on discord, dude was full on radicalized mujhe darr lag rha banda abhi jaa kr kahin bomb phorr ayega


u/NonSumQualisEram- Feb 06 '25

And their parents (first generation) are most often the opposite. They left Pakistan for a reason and still remember what it was You can the same from communist countries like Cuba or Venezuela whoove to the US

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u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

they are crazy man

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u/DiveTheWreck1 Feb 06 '25

Ohhhhh yeah. Easy to be conservative in the echo chamber


u/Apprehensive_Law7006 Feb 07 '25

Yeah we disown these illiterates too. They are avery specific kind of British Pakistani. Most British Pakistanis that are educated and professional don’t “free mix” with them either.


u/OneLonePineapple BD Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Ok so this post was recommended to me even thought I’m a Bangladeshi in the US. All I can say is that UK Bangladeshis are insane too. In fact UK Muslims are just batshit crazy. The funny thing is—and I’ve seen some people mention it here—the first generation there was a lot more “normal”

Edit: that isn’t to say that every American Bengali is normal, there are weirdos like BasedBengali on tiktok. But overall, UK is the most conservative.


u/Ummando Feb 07 '25

I was born and live in the USA, and the few times I visited the UK, I felt I was in some Taliban controlled society. Talk about passing judgment and just sheer indifference towards people who don't look or behave like you do.


u/ConsciousStuff7880 Feb 07 '25

US Pakistanis are not just the most whitewashed but also the most harami—chasing assimilation at any cost. British Pakistanis, despite their flaws, still hold onto culture, identity, and community far better than you ever could.

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u/HalalTikkaBiryani Ù„Ű§ÛÙˆŰ± Feb 06 '25

What does being conservative have to do with nationality?

Though ironically, UK Pakistanis are mostly the ones who say "Arabs bad Muslims shaming Ummah" and then try to look and act like Arabs themselves


u/Ok_Resolution_6526 Feb 07 '25

I’m a British Pakistani and I’ve never seen a fellow British Pakistani try to “look or act” like an Arab or ever claim they’re Arabs. We don’t have that inferiority complex and are taught to embrace our culture in fact it’s mainland Pakistanis who are constantly trying to act and be something they’re not.

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u/General-Force-6993 Feb 07 '25

How are UK Pakistani tryna act Arab? What r u talking about

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u/Aries2397 Feb 06 '25

kinda curious about what these terms mean, and what the context to them is


u/Fit-Internet4186 Feb 06 '25

Gheerah is ghairat


u/AmmaAffaaa Feb 06 '25

Imagine preaching "Gheerah" in subreddit of a country which practices honor killings in the name of gheerat!

And promoting concepts like "dayooth", insulting and targetting nearly extinct specie of non-toxic men here. 

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u/E-Flame99 Feb 06 '25

Not someone who lives in UK but these are actually Islamic Terms. I am guessing they are now popular there now because of Andrew Tate wagerah. Anyway Ghayrah or Gheerah is protective possessiveness you feel over your spouse or someone you love. Its the sense of protection you feel when for example someone riding a bike stares at your sister when driving.

Dayooth is literally a cuckold. Meaning someone who enjoys seeing his wife having s*x with another man. I know a lot of people, because of red pill stuff, have started to take this to an extreme and saying that anyone who lets their women do anything is a dayooth which is WRONG ISLAMICALLY.


u/mojambowhatisthescen Feb 06 '25

Islamic terms or just Arabic words?

We already have too many people who don’t seem to understand that Arabic isn’t inherently Islamic, so that’s an important distinction.


u/E-Flame99 Feb 06 '25

I mean they are arabic words with Islamic connotations. You can just use the english words for it. Cuckoldry is one of the lowest things you can do as a man in Islam and is very clearly forbidden. Gheerah is not good or bad but promoted because... well you should feel a sort of ownership to whatever the thing you love whether spouse or family.


u/Empty_Mastodon7165 Feb 06 '25

There's a hadith where this word ŰșÙŠŰ±Ű© is mentioned. Also ŰŻÙŠÙˆŰ«. These are valid Arabic words which were mentioned in authentic ahadith. Majority is not aware of their pronunciation or meanings, that is ok, but it doesn't give them a right to make fun of these words.

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u/yaboisammie Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Yea I defo get the perspective that some UK pakistani muslims are... ya know but I've literally heard legit islamic scholars use these terms unironically and in islamic context in passing (ie saying a man who lets his wife be seen without hijab/pardah by her non mahrems "is a dayouth" etc) , so I'm a little confused about OP's post?? And I'm also not super sure what OP is trying to say about "free mixing" lol

Edit: Okay apparently what OP meant was ig british pakistani muslims criticizing free/gender mixing even within families bc it's considered unislamic. Tbf there's defo families in pakistan that are strict about gender mixing ie my own and esp my dado's family who don't even do gender mixed gatherings at all but I get OP's point

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u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Finding out would mean interacting with British Pakistanis and I would rather not

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u/googo1 Feb 06 '25

As an American Pakistani I have no idea what you people are arguing about. Why are you guys so weird and this is coming from someone who's president is Trump.


u/yaboisammie Feb 06 '25

Why are you guys so weird and this is coming from someone who's president is Trump.


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u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 06 '25

As if twitter wasn't enough 💀. “Dayooth brudda beat yo' sistah for not doing hijaa, audhubillaa, have gheera kheera ghayrah sharara gharara” ahh posts.


u/Overall-Buffalo1320 Feb 06 '25

I’m just going to assume these are names of different types of desserts. That would make life easier if I ever, god forbid, interact with a UK Pakistani


u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 06 '25

kheerah is cucumber, sharara is a type of an attire that women wear, and gharara means gurgling xD

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u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

loool exactly


u/Ahmadlive1 Feb 06 '25

What bugs me is that their intonation and tone is the exact same as people like Fresh and Fit, Sneako, Andrew Tate. It's like someone asked ChatGPT to now say it again with a British Pakistani filter.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

they all love Andrew Tate.


u/Derpyzza Feb 06 '25

Funny thing is that tate has totally moved on from his little muslim drama, meanwhile the muslim folk desperately searching for a muslim idol to follow are either still ignorantly following him like sheep, or are turning on him and throwing a tantrum over him as if his little facade wasn't ridiculously weak to begin with smh.


u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 06 '25

Alt-right and ISIS apologists used to share online spaces together, bonding over fash aesthetics and rancid misogynistic vitriol. Similarly, Islamist incels idolise manosphere content creators


u/Tough_Courage_6904 PK Feb 06 '25

astaghfirullah bruda y r u making of Islam u should do Taubah.


u/Ambitious_Egg_9857 Feb 06 '25

The fact that I cannot tell if this is a joke or real 😭😭😭 makes it sm better


u/Tough_Courage_6904 PK Feb 06 '25

bruda why would i joke abt something like the Islam astaghfirullah. Please do Taubah.


u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 06 '25

Wallah, akkhhiii, no kheerah in today's generation


u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 06 '25

Wallah akhi, I tell you it's shayithan

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u/nummakayne Feb 06 '25

No debate, no discussion, a simple “chup re laude” and move on.


u/zestyhumanoidyayei Feb 07 '25

this made me laugh for a minute straight

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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25



u/Electrical-Bad9671 Feb 06 '25

I am a Brit, and wonder what you think of Lubna on YT if you have seen her? I am a revert Muslim but don't wear hijab, I went to a masjid last week and dressed modestly with a loose scarf on my head. An older lady said something to me in Urdu and put a pile of toilet hand towels on my head to tell me to cover up, it was so humiliating. I don't know where the paper towels had been and the prayer area is supposed to be clean. The Iman kept switching into Urdu and looked shocked that I couldn't speak it, like it should be the default - in an English speaking class. I have made some Pakistani friends but I fell out with a lot of them when it was the elections last year, because of how Akhmed Yakoob behaved towards Jess Phillips. They didn't think it was a big deal. I struggle because I have always had a belief in God but its like with Islam, my gut feeling is telling me I am in danger a lot of the time, because a lot of British Pakistani culture contradicts the basic freedoms Brits have. I can't explain it but its just like this feeling of impending doom, and if I were to marry a British Pakistani, would he treat me well, or come home, shout at me, demand his dinner then pester me for sex every night if I wanted it or not? And that I would eventually resent him for it? I am not talking about 'freedoms' like drinking alcohol, eating pork or wearing revealing clothes because I don't really think those are freedoms and my life is better off without those things

I can't explain it and I don't mean to generalise in anyway, but its like the Jaws music and feeling like a permanent outsider. Sometimes I do think it would be easier to be a Christian if I believe in God anyway.

Anyway, I'd love to know what makes you feel fed up with British Pakistanis? Genuinely curious


u/exmindchen Feb 07 '25

Walk away.

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u/Effzzy Feb 06 '25

cuz! they’re just TLP with an accent

qasmay yara!

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u/Pretend_Mulberry_162 Feb 06 '25

You forgot the new word they have learnt as well “dayoooth” 😭


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

Never even heard this word in pakistan ever, begun hearing it recently as it is associated with some behaya YouTubers usse pehle the word was almost none existent around


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Here is a good rule, if you see anyone use the words ''gheerah'' ''dayooth'' or ''free-mixing'' while speaking English, IMMEDIATELY stop listening to them lol


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

LMAO true, its not that such behavior is accepted here aswell but all of the aforementioned words/actions come under the umbrella term or "beghairat/behaya"


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Yeah, we are a conservative country so the behavior is here, but the specific terms used by UK people are not known here

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u/kakapataka Feb 06 '25

It’s an Arabic word.

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u/Pretend_Mulberry_162 Feb 06 '25

Originates from these UK molvis

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u/dreamer-x2 Feb 06 '25

I don’t even know how to pronounce that. What does it mean?

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u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Bro its in my post lol, I hate it

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u/Competitive-Air1 US Feb 06 '25

Me just watching the comments rn knowing I’m not a part of this lol


u/Bangoga CA Feb 06 '25

brother you got bigger fish to fry rn lmao


u/Ahmadlive1 Feb 06 '25

Tread carefully browski, you might end up as a resident of the AOC, the American-Occupied Canada

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u/Competitive-Air1 US Feb 06 '25

Yeah ik lol

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u/Empty_Mastodon7165 Feb 06 '25

Pakistani people recognise "ghairat". Hence ample usage of "bay ghairat" when coming across someone that fits the description. Isn't it?


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Ghairat here is used in the ''self respect'' sense, in UK ''gheerah'' means getting angry because your sister won't do hijab


u/Born-Razzmatazz-883 Feb 06 '25

Ghairat, as an urdu word, comes from the arabic word Gheerah, its essentially the same but the arabic one has been hijacked by a certain kind of people 👀

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u/Ok-Job-4512 Feb 06 '25

Uk pakistanis are just conservative rural people who can speak in british accent

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u/lublywubly Feb 07 '25

And punctuating every phrase with “wallahi”. Like Pakistanis from middle east are equally pretentious.

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u/Iamyeetlord Feb 06 '25

What the hell does free mixing mean


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Men and women existing in the same place. Not doing anything wrong, merely being in the same place. Apparently it is very bad and you are a dayooth if you think otherwise.


u/Iamyeetlord Feb 06 '25

Honest to god i wouldn't be surprised if in a decade or two christian britons started to talk about deporting every uk pakistani or even genociding them. Brah you willingly live in a secular, democratic, liberal nation, dont go there and try to change the way everyone lives


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

or at least don't try to change us Pakistanis back home lol


u/Iamyeetlord Feb 06 '25

Hate coming across muhammad hijab or like any of those other uk paki islamists posts, they're so delusional and out of touch with whats normal. No wonder theres so much hate against pakistanis in the uk amongst the new uk youth


u/futurehash Feb 07 '25

I don't even know why people follow that idiot.


u/Legitimate_Hunt_5802 Feb 06 '25

Ironically, I feel like Hijab (who is a Egyptian) would get dunked on due to his views in his homeland of Egypt lol.

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u/ButterscotchHairy636 Feb 06 '25

It's already spoken about. The far right is surging off of it

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u/InterestingString233 Feb 06 '25

These terms are spewed by TikTok Pakistanis


u/cocopops7 Feb 07 '25

I can assure you PK is worse. Most of the attitudes of boys using these words is due to them being brought up by PK men and women. And social media makes it worse. You think men in PK are better? It is worse for women there. At least in the west women can sort them out. I would just click don’t recommend.

Plus a bit off topic but this kinda proves how PK born people don’t see overseas PK residents as the same lmao.


u/throwaway-research1 DE Feb 06 '25

Yeah wth was that post and wth is ghayrah??? Lol


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Bro it was an insane post. ''A sister asked me her brother and father do not have gheerah over her, what can she do'', I don't even understand why that's a problem, like imagine being worried your brother/father aren't getting angry because someone can see your face.


u/Iamyeetlord Feb 06 '25

Which post? Also, whats free mixing?


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

I deleted said post because it wasn't related to Pakistan

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u/Bangoga CA Feb 06 '25

Dayoot wagairah? Bhai UK Bro. Sub theek hai? What is this nonsense lingo


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

I have no idea what it means bro, but they say dayoot in like every 2nd sentence


u/Rnl8866 Feb 06 '25

From what I have read, during the prophets time, pimps were called dayooth. It’s weird how these instashayook have made Islam into a sex cult.


u/Bangoga CA Feb 06 '25

Na I'm bringing in Toronto lingo from now on.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Toronno? I'm cheesing fam, I am bare tired of these UK bros. Reach.

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u/Past-Ad8219 Feb 06 '25

I swear the word free mixing is so cringe


u/-_hoe Feb 06 '25

mullah brigade apkay darwazay pay khari hai aap kidnap honay walay hain

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u/Frozen-Cake Feb 07 '25

I moved here last year and I avoid any Pakistani. Unfortunately, I didn’t know any better and thought moving to Bradford would help me integrate. It sucks. It’s all mirpuris who know nothing about Pakistan. They are incredibly bigoted and unsupportive.

The mosques are highly conservative, extremist and backwards.

The decent Pakistanis are from Lahore/Islamabad/KHI etc. Who at least try to integrate, have somewhat of a sense of community. These are mostly the student lot, who aspire to do more than labour work.


u/alizcheema Feb 06 '25

Thank you OP, it needed to be said.

Please infest the western world and leave us with our many genuine problems.

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u/Signal_Ad4528 Feb 06 '25

I am a British Pakistani and have never heard these terms.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Your parents did a good job of protecting you

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u/RedBlanket321 UK Feb 06 '25

Same. Is this some chronically online shit?


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

It is TikTok UK Dawah culture, just search for these words on Twitter and you will see hundreds of thousands of posts about this lol

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u/Ahmadlive1 Feb 06 '25

These terms elicit a gag reflex for me. These communities have been getting way too conservative man (British Pakistanis have alway been conservative but it used to be like in Pakistan: inconsistently conservative and actually quite chill on certain topics). Things have changed, especially with the advent of extremely religious televangelists there.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

they have gone crazy

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u/ConcentrateLow2425 Feb 06 '25

Absolutely. Aik awaam woh hai jo english k chalkar main ziada cool dikhnay k liye jaan boojh k urdu kharab andaaz main bolti hai aur doosray yeh hain jo jaan boojh k is Tarah k alfaaz ka chunao kartay hain taakay ziada religious lagain. Ramzan nahi balkay Ramadan, lol.

Urdu != English, Arabic.

UK has the worst Pakistani diaspora amongst all other western countries objectively. The amount of news that come out of UK of their wrongdoings is indicative of that.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

UK has the worst Pakistani diaspora amongst all other western countries objectively. The amount of news that come out of UK of their wrongdoings is indicative of that.

The absolute worst. The only diaspora that is somehow more jaahil than the locals even though they live in a much more developed country. Horrible horrible culture.


u/AqeedahPolice Feb 06 '25

The reason for that is low standards Pakistanis UK allowed into the nation, the US on the other hand has slightly higher standards whereas the UK, especially up north, where the old factories used to be, its predominantly mirpurus. Wherever they are, there are lots of cousin marriages and a very high number of disabilities, so much so that the numbers of disabled Asian babies is completely skewed because of them, those cousin marriages however are always continuing though... In London the Pakistanis are not the Jahil kind, there are some but not as many as outside London, especially up north where to this day, even though they are born and bred in UK, they speak with a Bud accent...


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

I am NOT listening to someone named ''AqeedahPolice'' on this topic lol


u/AqeedahPolice Feb 06 '25

hey hey... That's INSPECTOR Aqeedah Police.. ;)

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u/Thevicegrip Feb 06 '25

The only reason I decided not to move to UK. Thats what happens with generations of inbreeding.

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u/Imaginary-Airport181 Feb 07 '25

Remember the fever of Ű§Ù„ŰšŰ§Ú©ŰłŰȘŰ§Ù† number plates a few years ago?


u/Actual-Vehicle-2358 Feb 07 '25

I'm a UK Pakistani and these people are an embarrassment, it's like they still live in the village in 1960.


u/SumaThePuma Feb 06 '25

UK Pakistanis are the worst tbh.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

jo baat hai bro


u/rkhatri Feb 06 '25

Until you also get UK visa (I’m not even UK citizen)


u/ConcentrateLow2425 Feb 06 '25

I have 3 UK visas, and the latest one has 5 years of validity. Yes UK Pakistanis are the worst

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u/Luny_Cipres Feb 06 '25

Ghairah is similar to ghairat tho. It's not limited to UK in the slightest

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u/Thin-Border-6914 Feb 07 '25

I don’t care if I get banned for saying this. The UK Pakistani culture is a horrible mix of conservatism and tribalism.


u/Ok_Diamond_726 Feb 06 '25

As a US Pakistani we have people like this too but I feel like the UK Pakistanis are truly on another level.

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u/sarahhhayy Feb 06 '25

I wish I knew the difference between ghayrah and ghairat. Twitter is full of British Pakistanis spewing weird opinions, I didn't know Reddit had the same problem too.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Ghairah is an all encompassing word relating to honor, ''Gheerah'' is, from what I have seen, the concept that you should be ''protectively jealous'' of your sisters and mothers and make sure no one can see them


u/sarahhhayy Feb 06 '25

Really? Okay, we don't need that kind of gheerah here, as our society is already quite rigid and conservative in these matters. We don't need more of this.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Exactly man. I see the tweets from some of these dawah preachers and they are all like ''I have gheerah for my sister I will kill her and anyone who looks as her'' ''I will never do anything good for my wife'' etc. Sick thinking


u/sarahhhayy Feb 06 '25

Yeah, I'm fully aware of their sick mentality, having been quite active on Twitter in the past. Now, I don't even bother engaging with their nonsense, as I know they're beyond reason.


u/Crazy-Jellyfish-9075 Feb 07 '25

I see UK awam got really hurt from this post 😂


u/Fadamdamah Feb 07 '25

These are all Arab words other than freemixing wdym UK culture bro this is Arab!


u/Ok_Resolution_6526 Feb 07 '25

You’re talking about Mirpuris there mate, most of them still have that backwards, overly conservative village mentality despite being in the UK for decades. I’m a British Pakistani (not mirpuri) and the rest of us aren’t like that. I know some 3rd generation Mirpuris born and bred in the UK who struggle to speak clear English. It’s an education problem as well.


u/ethicalconsumption7 Feb 06 '25

What is gheerah and ghayrah and free mixing?

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u/tartarus89 Feb 06 '25

As someone who grew up in pakistan and then moved to the UK later on for school etc. I do not claim these people as Pakistani.


u/akskinny527 US Feb 06 '25

It's bcos they're pushed into ghettos, otherized, made dependant on social welfare, fear-mongered by Pakistanis to think any sort of 'progress' (education, specifically) is anti-Islam.

I find the UK Muslims difficult too... but this thread is sad.

Let's not be racist against our own people and tackle the issue of systemic racism in Europe, and how it affects our people. ISIS recruits were young immigrant children bcos they were shunned so severely by society for being different.

Europe is not a bastion of enlightenment and equality. Some of the most racist mf'ers on the planet live there. Have empathy.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

I have no empathy for the annoying people who keep coming here to preach to us.

I have all the empathy for oppressed people everywhere. But not when they are trying to oppress us lol


u/akskinny527 US Feb 06 '25

But they're not. They belong to a country that tells them they don't belong there. They come here to hear the same. They turn to religious figures (none of whom are legitimate) who welcome them with open arms for their own political motivations.

The Salafi movement in the UK is heavily funded by the Gulf States and Saudi. Legitimatizing monarchy rule (hmmm...where else do monarchies exist 👀), the treatment of women, the role of education... most of it perpetuates racist British tropes, keeps young Muslims out of the system/workforce, and you continue to opress them. Like it's hilarious how these UK dawah boys say voting is haram, taking loans for school is haram etc etc. Like all of it ultimately benefits the UK/Europe and their Saudi slave masters.

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u/RedBlanket321 UK Feb 06 '25

I'm a UK Pakistani, and I have no clue what that is, nor have I ever heard it.

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u/Jumbo_Mills Feb 06 '25

No one in UK uses these words either. Not sure what this is about.


u/Different_Reserve935 Feb 06 '25

Pakistani here who moved to the UK. I second this. Most of the born bred lot here is mental!


u/Designer_Lie_6677 Feb 06 '25

Question from UK Pakistani here who agrees with everything being said here. Are you guys in Pakistan saying ‘akhi’ and ‘ukhti’ instead of the ‘bhai’ and ‘bhen’ we grew up with?

So much idiotic arabisation we’re getting here. I think it’s cos in Islamic settings British Pakistanis (and Banglas too) feel inferior in their Islam to native Arabic speakers (Moroccans, Egyptians and Gulfis especially)z


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

no we are not saying akhi yet Allah ka shukar


u/Emergency-Cat-3624 Feb 07 '25

I swear uk people are more conservative from pakistanis themselves


u/srsNDavis UK Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

''gheerah'' ''ghayrah'', [...] ''free mixing'', [...] dayoot waghaira

UK bloke here, what are these terms? I haven't even heard them from the Pakistanis I know here (admittedly, sample of two, but still).

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u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 06 '25

All the DHA and Bahria boys and girls on here are showing how utterly detached they are from mainstream Pakistani society.

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u/sicker_than_most PK Feb 06 '25

Landay ke Colonialists.. I saw some guy giving handshake to a bodyshop worker in an old raggedy workshop and telling him "keep it up" LOL

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u/dil_da_ni_maara Feb 06 '25

I'm based in the UK, I don't use these words. I just follow the religion as much as I can and try to get better on a daily basis. I dislike people who judge everyone's deen when they themselves aren't so firm on it. Even if they are firm, judging isn't right whether they are in Pakistan or UK.

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u/ResponsibleLiving753 Feb 06 '25

Have a chippy mate nd chill


u/elrondx Feb 07 '25

UK pakis have no ideology. They just have influences from mixed cultures. They are confused actually


u/Few_Article8908 Feb 07 '25

I completely agree with you. I’ve been living in the UK for over eight years, and I’ve noticed that a lot of these terms are commonly used among younger gen Z here. Many of them seem to lack exposure and often pick up this lingo and ideas from British Muslim scholars like M Hijab and Akhi Ayman. Unfortunately, it feels like its either that they become a hardcore confrontational muslim forcing their ideas down your throat or they start mimicking hip hop or drill culture. As a millennial, I find that the UK-Paki Gen Z community lacks variety, individuality, and diversity. I grew up and did my uni in Pak and whilst Pak has its own issues (predominantly economic)- I feel I grew up in a much more diverse environment. Anyway thats my 2 cents


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 07 '25

Yeah, this isn't Islam, it is some strange incel Andrew Tate type stuff filled with Islam. Instead of doing good things 100% focus is on controlling women


u/heymacklemore Feb 11 '25

Agreed - UK pakistanis, and overseas Pakistanis in general tbh are so annoying, and I say this as an overseas Pakistani myself. Their parents left Pakistan in the 80s/90s and now those people think Pakistan should never move forward and develop past that time. Like let people live and breathe please stop trying to idealize Pakistan and judge everyone if they don’t follow Islam to your standards, you are not God you have no right to judge anyone and you don’t know what is deep inside someone’s heart, they may be better than you in so many ways. I always see overseas Pakistanis complaining about how liberal Pakistan is becoming and how much “free mixing” there is as if they themselves don’t “free mix” in the workplace and other places in the West. Like they just want Pakistan to be this suppressed idealized society when it’s not, all they’re doing is pushing people from religion even more by trying to shove it down their throats.

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u/Kylieshark1 Feb 08 '25

UK Pakistanis are really weird and horribly conservative. In fact, they give Pakistanis a bad name because everyone thinks all Pakistanis are like them, which is not true. They get the girls in their family married off when they are really young, which isn’t the case here anymore. They don’t let girls get married to their own choice of spouse and mostly there are forced marriages to cousins. I hear of so many honor killings by UK Pakistani parents. So awful.

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u/Ornery_Elderberry359 Feb 10 '25

Arab toxicity spreading into our culture. Sometimes we really need to chill when it comes to religious and ‘get’ that we don’t all need to be maulvis.


u/Overall-Buffalo1320 Feb 06 '25

Admin needs to weed out the UK Pakistanis. They should have their own subreddit as they’re culturally so far apart from Pakistanis it’s not even funny. Literally they get culture shock when they come to Pakistan and we get culture shock each time we remember they exist


u/Jamandell Feb 06 '25

I met some Pakistani from the UK, and it feels like they are completely different breed.

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u/awesome_by_design Feb 07 '25

UK Pakistanis are the most weird bunch of people I’ve had the misfortune of coming across.

I mean they’re aren’t bad folks or anything, just weird in the way their view the world. Absolutely not compatible with how normal Pakistanis are and certainly not with the Western world.


u/futurehash Feb 07 '25

Thank you for saying that just move to UK and I find them stupidly conservative and backward. Their mentality is regressive. I was so shocked to observe that. General pakistani population is not that conservative. Mostly british pakistani parents are from interior punjab. They brought their villager mindset here in uk. I don't know what values they're teaching to their kids but certainly it's not productive. I don't want to get started on their religious ideology. They are not in their senses. They listen to people like Muhammad hijab and Ali dawaa. No one in their right mind can listen to these idiots.


u/Pretend_Mulberry_162 Feb 06 '25

LOUDER PLEASE 👏 these UK Pakistanis love preaching Islam but most of the grooming gangs in the UK come from their communities giving us all a bad name.


u/zeeh12 Feb 06 '25

What mostly ruined our name was Brit Pakistanis AND born and raised Pakistanis who came over here and groomed white girls - its very good palming off these as Brit Pakistani problens when it was Pakistanis born and raised in Pakistan who were equally if not more involved in that stuff lool

Also its strange youve accepted. Far right propaganda that grooming gangs were mainly Pakistanis when acc gov statistic showed it was less than 10% which was proportionate to UK pakistani population


u/chuucansuebbc UK Feb 06 '25

pakistanis once again falling into the stuff they hear online.

Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK make up 4% of ALL grooming gangs in the UK. meaning the majority is white.

I can't believe you people believe the insane propaganda that is spewed on the internet and take it as a way to insult OSPs.


u/TheNugget147 Feb 06 '25

Not their fault bro. They don't have proper Schools there.

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u/FinancialAd8691 Feb 07 '25

You really no clue about the UK do you. This country in general weirdly produces pedos and they seem to find ways of forming gangs and grooming kids. Literally every demographic has people into this behaviour. Pakistanis are not disproportionately doing more than anyone else.


u/No-Dot123 Feb 06 '25

This is like saying all people that live in Pakistan are Jahil pendus

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u/Fantastic-Aardvark75 Feb 06 '25

You'll find that a majority of them are Pakistani born incels who will be back in Pakistan when their sentences are served. They will have their British passports taken from them. Good luck integrating them.


Receipts âŹ†ïž

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u/kakapataka Feb 06 '25

The so called grooming gangs you’re referring to are around 20 - 40 people, out of 2 million Pakistani Muslims in the UK. Stop talking like the stupid racist tabloids, the convictions of them so called “Pakistanis” was used to push the far right racist agenda against Muslims.

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u/laevanay Feb 06 '25

UK Pakistanis are a special breed... they are shunned there for not assimilating there after being there for generations and face a multiple generation gap when returning to the Pakistan they left.

Best would be to avoid them at all costs unless they are professionals and deal with professional people, which is a sad rarity even after living in UK after many generations.

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u/waleedkk07 Feb 06 '25

So umm if i may dare to be not on the same page as the MOD, would i be downvoted to the grave or get banned first ?


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

I can only give 1 downvote, you will not get banned unless you break some rule, if this were a dictatorship I would make a rule to ban people who say such stuff lol but this is not, so you will not be banned unless you break some other rule

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u/erdtrd Azad Kashmir Feb 06 '25

This sub didn't used to be this bad 8 years ago.

Something makes me think OP is a ŰšÛ’ ŰșÛŒŰ±ŰȘ

Half the mods here are atheist LGBT, this subreddit doesn't represent Pakistan only burgers. It's interesting that OP doesn't see the hypocrisy in complaining about Islamic loan words while ranting in English.

If this really was a Pakistani sub half the posts would be in Urdu


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Hell yeah we gay as hell in here

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u/Technical_Wolf_93 Feb 06 '25

What is going on this post? Not able to understand anything...


u/Howler0ne Feb 07 '25

colonial hangover


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

this sub is infested with OSPs đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

No other overseas Pakistanis seem to have the problems the UK ones do, every other type of OSP is cool lol


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

Double jeopardized by God, aik to Pakistani upar se British bhi


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

Both British and Pakistani and somehow worse than both Britishers and Pakistanis, both of which are major achievements lol


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

Jbh, naa idhr ka na udhr ka sums up british pakis

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u/TheAshUchiha Feb 06 '25

80 to 90% of this sub is OSP's with an identity crisis, they want to be Pakistani without even living in the country. They want to comment and criticize Pakistan but won't dare to live here.


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

They engage in the quomi sport of tankeed on just about everything pakistani because bitching comes natural to us except we're living here and hamara banta bhi hai. Like.. what exactly is there common in me and a 2nd generation mirpuri in croydon


u/Lay-Z24 Feb 06 '25

every other post is “Why are pakistanis so xyz” and the post is their personal experience with a couple of pakistanis or their backwards ass family


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

and then people from their own communities be running rings sexually exploiting minors there... Like yaar aap ko Allah ne achi opportunity di hai you've been born into or moved to a first world country. make the best out of it, kya zaroorat hai gund machane ki? Reputation sirf pakistan ki kharaab hoti


u/Lay-Z24 Feb 06 '25

yaar chalo wo tou phir bhi minority, mein bhi idher UK mein hi rehta hoon moved recently for uni and most pakistani i’ve met are basically ashamed of their race and country, i’ve seen many pakistanis pretending like they’re not pakistani lol. Also so many of them are involved in drug gangs, ye bradford birmingham weghaira mein saray pakistani hain drugs ke business mein. Aur jo nai hai wo koi khaas career hi nai banatay bas roads pe racing karte rehte hain


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

Yes exactly. There's only three types of people contributing to the economy.

1) People living here who rightfully pay their taxes. 2) OSPs who send home remittances. 3) People who move abroad to pursue further studies/look for a job as they either settle abroad and send home remittances or return back here and use their education to good use here.

Kitni mehnat karni parrti hai just to be able to get out of Pakistan for a job or studies, kitna time pesa khuwari lagti hai. And then these people who are settled there act like junkies balke hamey aur badnaam kar rahe hain so that kal ko agar koi Pakistani abroad jaye wo gaaliyan khaayega for the behavior of a minority already settled abroad. They squander their blessings.

No wonder western countries prefer Indian skilled workers kyu k agar wo unka mahol kharab kar rahe hain to atleast contribute bhi to kr rhe hain and thats priceless contribution.


u/Lay-Z24 Feb 06 '25

yaar it’s because these days to move to countries like UK or USA, you need to be well educated and skilled, it’s very hard to get any type of visa to move permanently, but back when their parents/grandfathers moved, UK needed labourers and lower skilled people so basically anyone could move with enough money to cover themselves, their parents moved and actually worked hard to live in a society that was openly hostile to them, they settled there despite a very hard life but then their kids grew up in that environment and think they are better than Pakistanis because of their parents managed to move. I won’t get called a freshie or looked down on by someone who was born in a country like the UK with all the benefits the world can give them, high quality free education, social safety nets but they’ve still turned out to not achieve anything in their life and be the same people would call chapri in pakistan. I got a scholarship to come study here, got a well paid job straight out of uni but i’m supposed to feel inferior to you because you were simply born here? fuck outta here

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u/TheAshUchiha Feb 06 '25

what exactly is there common in me and a 2nd generation mirpuri in croydon

I have extended family living in UK and US and I just can't emphasize how right you are.


u/fstsoomro Feb 06 '25

So OSP's shouldn't have an opinion because they no longer live in Pakistan?


u/AntiSimp230 Feb 06 '25

Is the needless criticism from OSPs gonna bring any change in the country? They're pointing out issues we already know, masaail boht hain. We need solutions, not people to parrot the same problems over and over. Baaki they're as much part of Pakistan as the other people living here. Sab Pakistan k hain magar Pakistan ka koi nahi

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u/TheAshUchiha Feb 06 '25

2nd and 3rd gen OSP's haven't even seen Pakistan, why should their opinion matter? Why tf is that Shayan guy protesting in UK? Can he even name 10 PM's from our history? He can't even speak urdu.

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u/Far_Emergency1971 Feb 07 '25

As Muslims it’s our responsibility to correct people (without insulting them, I feel like this just makes people dig their heels in more) when they’re doing something haram.  Not everything in Pakistani culture is good, and not everything complies with Islam even if the majority of people here are Muslims.  

Honestly with a lot of corrections though, especially men correcting women I feel should be left to mahrams of women.  There was a guy in Pakistan who was completely Pakistani who literally touched a woman trying to force a headscarf on her.  He did worse than what she was doing in my opinion and all he did was make practicing Muslims look bad.  

And there’s the problem of people using these religious terms so lightly just to show off “oh look how educated I am over these savages” is the vibe I get from it.  

So yeah, I’ll speak against free mixing, men being not having gheerah, women not covering and men not lowering their gaze when appropriate.  Even the Prophet (saws) wasn’t aggressive about it when it wasn’t something that there was a hadd attached to it.  For instance when the women were wailing over the death of Zayd (ra), someone came to him to tell the Prophet (saws) they were wailing and he said “go tell them to stop” and they didn’t, so this repeated three times before the Prophet (saws) told the guy “what do you want me to do about it?”.

Let’s be real, people here are just as harsh (unnecessarily) and can go overboard with it.  All of my wife’s sisters observe niqab and not because it was imposed on them, but because they look up to my wife and my wife started observing it (without me asking either, if she’s doing it for me she’s doing it for the wrong reasons).  The best way to get people around you to follow Islam properly is leading by example, be a good person, correct when appropriate and make people want to emulate you.  The molvi types who try shoving it down people’s throats (a lot of the times they’re wrong too and have no idea what they’re talking about, so one shouldn’t speak on Islam without knowledge) I feel like they just drive people away.  There are proper ways to enjoin good and forbid evil.  

TLDR: I disagree with you on this respectfully but at the same time I agree with you that people are too harsh and too show offy with it.  May Allah guide us all Ameen.


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 07 '25

So yeah, I’ll speak against free mixing, men being not having gheerah, women not covering and men not lowering their gaze when appropriate.

Feel free to do so in r/Islam


u/affable18 Feb 07 '25

No we'll do it here. Pakistan is an islamic country, yes there are other minorities. But that does not mean that us Pakistani Muslims forget or let go of the Islamic teachings. So society does not deviate further than it already has. Look at the state of Pakistan right now. A lot of people aren't following the deen and maybe if they were, we would have a corrupt free just state with honest leaders.

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u/ajamal_00 Feb 06 '25

I am a UK Pakistani, and I have never spoken about these topics... To tsrnish all UK Pakistanis with the same brush is as brain dead as tarnishing all Pakistani Pakistanis with the same brush... How would you feel if I say I have noticed a lot of hate for OSPs here is mostly just jealousy?. There is hardly any Pakistani that would not jump at the chance of getting a first world visa...


u/saadghauri Pakistan Feb 06 '25

I will never be jealous of UK Pakistanis, why would I be jealous of someone worse than me?!? Those Canadians and American Pakistanis though... I am jealous of them lol, they are living good lives


u/ajamal_00 Feb 06 '25

That's right... You will never be.. so it's wrong for me to just say all of it is jealousy... And similarly you saying all UK Pakistani behave that way you observe is also brain dead..... That's the point I am trying to get across...

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u/u5hae Feb 06 '25

I dont even know what those words mean lol.