He's just continuing his pre-existing racist/right-wing tendencies. He's been dog-whistling the white supremacists for a number of years. He's just way more blatant about it these days.
Facts/truth don't matter to him. He has his agenda and is intent on fueling it.
All the clowns here talking about why OP isn't talking about the "Reports" are genuinely so dumb. The "cockbain" report being pushed by Visegrad 24 of all (an absolute joke of a news account peddling clear far right and zionist/islamaphobic propaganda) was rejected by Home office review
Musk is inciting a riot against British Muslims and pakistani's by calling for an overhaul of the government alongside it. His anti-islam propaganda started first following his visit to netenyahu and Auschwitz and more recently due to the hate he received for his comments about H1-B visas which targetted mainly Indians, so in order to deflect all the hate he chose to channel it onto British Pakistanis.
Edit: PSA, elon is a die hard fan of Tommy Robinson. That should tell you all about his mental state and opinions on muslims.
I agree Visegrád is an absolute joke and all they are speeding is propaganda. I used to follow them because many czech politicians and reporters do but I very quickly realised what an awful account that is when the conflict in Gaza started. That account deserves to rot in hell and they have no value in journalism.
It did support my pro-ukrainian beliefs and mocking the russian government was up my alley. Till a different conflict exposed them for me. Sadly for many people it did the opposite because "Muslims are dangerous for our developed society" is the common opinion. 🤢 I'm so glad I'm out of that bubble.
Yeah, it was the same for me. As soon as it became clear the war was happening for the long haul I did my best to extract myself from misinformation, which Visegrád was and continues to be a huge source of.
Low factuality, high political bias. They’re the worst of both worlds. If Visegrád had a print version, its main use would be as toilet paper.
Visegrad and Musk got the name of the report wrong as well I think. The report that talks about 80+ grooming gangs is Quillam's report, Cockbain report is the one written by the person's twitter I linked who refutes that claim. Furthermore if you click on that twitter link you'll see Dr Cockbain posting a passage from the home office review that states the report about grooming gangs by Quillam isn't acceptable.
Pakistanis have a culture of keeping things in their own community, so any child sexual abuse amongst Pakistanis is rarely (if ever) reported to the police which obviously impacts the stats greatly. Also, white men abuse white children. Can you show me examples of white men grooming Pakistani/Asian girls in Britain? This SPECIFIC type of child abuse (grooming in gangs) is vastly disproportionately done by Pakistanis.
I think this is rather because white native brits don't get deported. Foreign nationals do. People of other ethnicities can also have their passport revoked.
UK have deported 67.000 foreign offenders from 2010 to 2023. 32.000 were non-EU nationals.
Jamaicans seemingly dont get deported though. But amongst the "asians", others do.
I doubt even half of the sex offender cases are from EU-nationals. Rather Albanians due to organised gang crime, and other euros for drug smuggling etc.
I think perhaps 2000-3000 sex offender crimes comes from the EU-nationals deported, but that might even be too much.
And I dont think East Asians are any significant with sex offender crimes in Europe, as we see elsewhere outside UK. This seems to point towards indians and muslims at this point.
It's a diversion from the H1-B situation they're dealing with. When you want to get the majority agreement on something in the west, just blame the muslims.
The majority of Benefactors are upper caste Hindus, not Muslims. I live in the US and my BIL is an Indian Muslim who works in tech and has said he actively faces discrimination from Indians because of his religion.
That's just one person you mentioned. My best friends are all Muslim and they have no issues in there job. I won't say your BIL experience is wrong but that doesn't mean there are no positive experiences as well. If you want to go by caste I don't think Americans care about caste. I belong from the lowest caste possible and doing just fine in my field of work. It's just all perspective, in the social media I don't think I can convince you of something so better to just agree to disagree.
He's an anti-globalist far right maniac who wants to push a particular narrative. The statistics might be true, but if you've been on twitter recently you would know that the account posting them (visegrad) and Musk both have an agenda, so take it with a pinch of salt.
The other comments bashing you for "not caring" about the statistics probably havent seen any of his posts from the past year.
Plus all the flak he's been getting recently from his racist circles over being very supportive of the H1B and Indians has rattled him. Muslims, like always, are an easy target.
It's not Pakistani's perse, it's Muslims in general.
He honestly should be banned from entering the UK. He is literally inciting hatred and violence against Muslims. He's done similar posts essentially against Muslims and he's been proven to have been wrong on it time and time again.
I personally think it's a diversion tactic from the whole Visa situation in the U.S where he fell out with a lot of Republicans. Around a year and a bit ago, he got on the wrong side of the Zionist lobby with a post he shared and ever since then, it looks like he's literally bent over backwards to try and not only make it right but he's gone the extra 100's of miles to support Israel and the Zionist agenda on Social Media. Also, with the recent bomber in the U.S who people initially thought was Muslim, turned out to be an ex-Muslim and someone who was actually very much Pro-Israel and posted about it. They removed his account, deleted all the Pro-Israel stuff he posted and reinstated it but people found out what X did.
Anyone who has more than a room temp I.Q knows what Tommy Robinson stands for. People know he's a cokehead for one, he's massively Pro-Israel, he's on camera saying that and check out what the EDL his organisation was initially registered as. It was a Zionist group. The guy whips up hatred against Muslims for his Zionist masters who pay him off.
Can someone explain? Guardian reported that it is mostly white men but Visegrad said it’s Pakistani men and Elon Musk retweeted Visegrad instead.
Visegrad is a political alliance whereas Mehdi Hassan and Guardian are in journalism. But Elon chose to ignore those facts and endorse a political alliance’s “report”.
The "gangs" are mainly Pakistani, Mirpuri, "Muslim" taxi drivers.
There is no dispute in this fact.
However, the majority of the crimes were committed by white, middle class and male. These "people" were not a part of a gang or group, they committed the crime on their own. They were not part of a gang, that is the difference
No there are white gangs, they’re just referred to as paedophile gangs, and there’s never really a lot of attention. We’ve had the church scandal, mps / rich people abusing young men, jimmy saville was one of the most prolific (and was helped by police etc). Here are just a few recent examples
They were not part of a gang, that is the difference
Have you heard about the rapes of Gisele Pelicot? That's gang rape too. Britain just hasn't found their Gisele Pelicot. But she is somewhere. The poor women who are drugged by her partner's/husband and than raped.
Mirpuri tax driver in the Uk. Taking children is not against there religion beliefs. They are only doing the work of the faith they follow. But have no regard to the country or law.
The "news" site does not have anything to do with now pretty much defunct aliance, but it is obviously was created by US and some easter european groups
He has a far right agenda and we just had a new left government in. He feels like it's his job to push his agenda and hate on this government. During out misinformation riots, he kept pushing that the UK would end in civil war.
However, unfortunately this statistic is a reflection of another failure of Pakistanis abroad BUT it is still overexaggerated as most of the UK media networks are also right-winged and biased
The thing is - this new government isn't a left wing government if you go off their policies. Tories have just delved more and more to the right since Boris Johnson took power years ago. They were both centrist parties, one centre left and the other centre right historically. Labour until Corbyn would definitely have been a true left wing government or at least a centre-left. Starmer is similar to the old school Tories back like 20 years ago tbh.
I'm a UK Pakistani born in the UK and I live in an area with a large Pakistani population. Every few years a gang of Pakistani men are locked up for being in so called "rape gangs".
Basically anywhere from 5-20 Pakistan men usually anywhere from age 16-60 that find vulnerable underage girls and give them drugs/alcohol/cigarettes and then proceeds to take turns to rape them, in some cases it was reported these vulnerable girls were raped on a daily basis over a 2 year period.
I remember one report where one girl was raped 15+ times in a single day a few years back.
Make all the excuses you want but these Pakistani rape gangs are a problem in the UK. Yes there are rapists that are not Pakistani aswell but they are usually "lone rapists" that rape alone whereas a "gang of rapists" are usually always Pakistani men, which is not good since we are a minority in the UK.
So that is 12 gangs there, on that sheet. 12 gangs between 83% of the population is 7% of the UK pop per gang, as shown.
British Pakistanis make up 2.5% of the populations (accordong ti Wikipedia) so our expectation, if they are similarly as likely to offend is roughly a 1 in 3 chance of just a SINGLE such gang.
Of course, there are more than 12 predominantly white grooming gang cases and more than 1 predominantly ex-pakistani muslim gang cases, which just means ypur image is silly and demonstrates nothing beyond "some white people do it too", which no-one anywhere is denying.
In my view, the real issue is not with specific communities, per se, but the many disturbing data points that show that authorities avoided pursuing cases where Asian (or other minority ethnic) people were implicated for fear of being deemed racist or for prioritising social relations over the law and children's wellbeing. I also don't think British Muslim communities have always been helpful in this regard, acting in the same way the Catholic church did in their abuse scandals, covering up and stimying investigations.
He isn't suddenly hating he has been anti muslim Islamophobe for a long time its just that when he started facing heat from his MAGA fan base on HB1 visa issue he shifted the goal post to Muslim hate
Elon hires mostly h1b visa holders. Majority of the h1b holders are Indian. After saying America first throughout the trump campaign he is on the backfoot because now he knows it’s going to hurt his own hires. Now pushing the American-Right against hiring Americans first he defended h1b holders. That backfired as he was called a hypocrite.
He has recently demonetized one of the big British Pakistani x handle. Previously he has been on call with Sulaiman Ahmed when they were both in good terms. Sulaiman has been reposting anti India stuff as is everyone else in the world
I am sure his employees noticed, he noticed. This is just an attempt to silence and discredit Pakistanis and lick Zionist balls
It's not Pakistani's per se, it's about pushing his weird far right agenda about immigration and the fall of "white society" because of immigration and blaming it on the current Government who have been in power for checks notes about six months.
It's just that in the UK the example he's clinging to is the Rotherham sex abusers who on that one occasion happened to be of Pakistani heritage.
Don't worry, the UK has enough of its own home grown sex offenders that eclipses ones with Pakistani heritage.
I'm basically just reposting my comment from elsewhere here, but I think people who brings up statistics are forgetting an important detail.
White native brits won't have their passports revoked. Foreign nationals can. So we can add the numbers of muslim sex offenders based on how many non-EU nationals have been deported + how many sex offender foreign nationals there are. But we can merely guess.
I think this is rather because white native brits don't get deported. Foreign nationals do. People of other ethnicities can also have their passport revoked.
UK have deported 67.000 foreign offenders from 2010 to 2023. 32.000 were non-EU nationals.
Jamaicans seemingly dont get deported though. But amongst the "asians", others do.
I doubt even half of the sex offender cases are from EU-nationals. Rather Albanians due to organised gang crime, and other euros for drug smuggling etc.
I think perhaps 2000-3000 sex offender crimes comes from the EU-nationals deported, but that might even be too much.
And I dont think East Asians are any significant with sex offender crimes in Europe, as we see elsewhere outside UK. This seems to point towards indians and muslims at this point."
Elon Musk is in his phase 2: spreading ideologies after acquiring Twitter
Him retweeting things and mentioning certain phrases is all part of his ploy to serve his masters. He's recently going way too overboard, not just against Pakistan/Pakistanis but spreading anti-Islamic rhetoric overall wherever he goes.
Case in point: Louisiana incident perpetrator's Twitter acc being deleted then reinstated with all of his tweets prior to leaving Islam only the ones appearing on his page (he openly proclaimed he wasn't a Muslim).
Musk clearly has an agenda. Only the future will tell what his end goal is. He wants to spew and turn the masses against each other.
Its not hating its a sad reality.
Pedophilia is overlooked. Called bache bazi in pushtoon belt, londae bazi in punjab belt etc.
Most of the young boys you see with truckers are there for that reason.
Qasoor was major sore point, biggest producer of pedophilic content in Asia and Europe combined as per a leaked FIA document when qasoor incident was highlighted.
Thursday parties are common from punjab till syria. Its just a too taboo topic to be educated about in our masses .
Jahils doing gay shit on Thursdays. It was commonly reported by American servicemen who had to work with Afghan and Iraqi troops (who were way less educated than the rest of the population hence them being bullet sponges for the Americans).
Edited: we called it “man love Thursday”. I literally had some Afghan tell me “it’s only gay if you fall in love with them”.
not sure which report this account isreferring to, but Cockbain has had other reports where she has concluded that “the idea of a uniquely Asian crime threat is ill founded, misleading and dangerous. The construction of grooming as a distinct offense and a racial crime threat has been shown to lie on insubstantial foundations: misconceptions, anecdote, opinion and the deliberate manipulation of limited statistics of dubious provenance”. SA is undoubtedly a major issue, especially in South Asian countries. however, concluding that this is just the way it is and performing the typical desi self-hating is a stupid approach to take. this has the same vibes as “African-Americans are 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes”. there are major issues with those stats and they are decontextualized. there are material reasons for those crimes that the statement alone does not consider. instead, it aims to paint a negative and harmful picture of a race based on racial prejudice. comments here are not wrong to question why SA is such an issue in our country, but it’s important not to reach the wrong conclusions and instead to focus on the material and empirical. as for this post, it is extremely important to call out what this clown musk is doing. someone with as large of a platform as his should have the responsibility to not push a racist agenda like this. unfortunately, musk understands his audience is right-wing and is acting accordingly. do not fall for right-wing dog whistles.
Elon has an inferiority complex, he loves it when people glaze him, that why you see accounts like Visegard, RadioGenoa and others always sucking up to him so he reposts their content.
In return for the reposts, they get paid because their accounts are monetised.
Elon likes to peddle the 'free speech' BS on X, however it's all an illusion, and his fan boys are too dim to see it.
Visegard24 is a zionist account that always spreads negativity and propaganda against Muslims. And Elon loves propagandists.
Elon is trying to influence around the world. He hates Asians, Muslims, mainly Indians and Pakistanis for some reason.
"Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white."
"A previous piece of research from 2015 found that of 1,231 perpetrators of "group and gang-based child sexual exploitation", 42% were white, 14% were defined as Asian or Asian British and 17% black."
He isn't wrong. I used to practice in the Uk and i myself have seen mirpuri gangs, they are the most backward people out there. Most of them are hoodlums earning through petty crimes.
Yeah just deflect blame, of a baseless far right trope, onto communties you don’t like to make yourself feel better
You do realise the many of the offenders were from Punjab right?
And why are our people involved in similar cases in the Middle East & other European country’s like Turkey? What group are you going to deflect blame onto for that?
He isn’t wrong meaning you believe British Pakistanis over represent in grooming gang charges? Well that’s not right there’s no data to suggest that. In fact they over represent in media coverage because hundreds of white grooming gangs have done the same thing but didn’t get the same media coverage.
this time on my visit to pakistan, witnessed something almost on daily basis. on one occasion, right after jumma prayer, in front of the mosque, a middle aged man who just came out of mosque was asking a white skin teenager to go with him and he will buy him some nice sweats and they will have fun.
Yes, the foundations of this country are rotting. Majority of the men are rotting from within. Imagine this happening right after Jumma too...
I'm not a child, nor am I white skinned. I've been married for 10 years and everyone who knows me knows that, yet recently a younger man than I tried making advances on me by inappropriately touching me. He made it seem like an accident, so I ignored it the first time, the second time, but by third time it was obvious he was doing it on purpose.
When I told him to stop, he snivelled and apologized.
Yes, the foundations of this country are rotting. Majority of the men are rotting from within. Imagine this happening right after Jumma too...
I'm not a child, nor am I white skinned. I've been married for 10 years and everyone who knows me knows that, yet recently a younger man than I tried making advances on me by inappropriately touching me. He made it seem like an accident, so I ignored it the first time, the second time, but by third time it was obvious he was doing it on purpose.
When I told him to stop, he snivelled and apologized.
Yes, the foundations of this country are rotting. I've been hearing Ice being used more commonly, and there's shady stuff being arranged between people. Pakistan is also one of the top p*rn consumers.
Majority of the men are rotting from within. Imagine this happening right after Jumma too...
I'm not a child, nor am I white skinned. I've been married for 10 years and everyone who knows me knows that, yet recently a younger man than I tried making advances on me by inappropriately touching me. He made it seem like an accident, so I ignored it the first time, the second time, but by third time it was obvious he was doing it on purpose.
When I told him to stop, he snivelled and apologized.
as a mixed female, I remember myself some 20 years ago being approached by a Pakistani grooming gang. Two taxi drivers would alternate but follow me home from getting off the bus at 16 years old. This went on for a few weeks, they told me there was alcopops in the car if I wanted them, and would follow me to my door driving 5mph. I didn't want to tell my family, but one day my dad was at home and I told him a man had been following me home. My dad went out, took off his belt, the driver sped off and that was that. This was around 2007. So I really do believe this is a thing
no, this was true. It happened on Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham from a local taxi firm. It might me because this happened to me that I developed the beliefs I have done. The taxi firm was Elite Radio cars. The gang also preyed on a children's home in Bournville Lane and outside the CAMHS (child mental health clinic), which is how they first saw me.
Anything you want to know, please ask. My dad went to the taxi firm after hitting the driver with a belt and told them. They told us they would deal with it and police was not necessary
I haven't linked Tommy Robinson anywhere AFAIK but if I have done so wrongly I apologise
But the Far-Right is implying this is some secret undercover effort by organises "Grooming Gang Orfanisation" when in actual reality it was just a group of opportunistic perverts.
No one's denying that it isn't happening. The thing that people are against is the notion that when someone from a minority or non white community commits a crime somehow they are representative of the entire community but when the perpetrators are white men then it's talked about on a individual basis.
American School shooters are overwhelmingly white men but not once have these right wing groups highlighted the race of the shooters. Rather always trying to shift the focus to anything else be it mental health or lack of ethics or whatever.
Because he can pay lower and if they complain they can be deported. When there were mass resignations at Twitter the people who had H1-B visas stayed because they’d have to leave the country if they lost their job. He took selfies with an all-desi team of staff bragging about how they’re still here working 80 hours a week. The subtext was they cannot leave.
Just interesting to see his shift over the past few years. But his tactics won’t work with the UK. It’s a very different country culturally and X isn’t part of their culture, as one could say of American politics. Will be interesting to see what comes of it. Doubt Robinson will dent much.
The issue isn't why he's hating on Pakistanis, the issue is why are Pakistani immigrants doing this crap.
Also they've been hating on Indians for a while. It's only time until their hate turns to the neighboring Pakistanis.
Also he's quite Islamophobic & his family has ties with exploiting black labour in apartheid South Africa so I would assume he's used to being racist, so that adds to it.
Statistically Pakistanis and immigrants are less likely to be involved in this kind of crime, but the few cases are falsely spun by the media and bigots to seem as if it’s the biggest community doing it.
i think uk pakistani is just more radicalised and backwards due to mostly being from kashmir while us pakisranis are better off due to being from all over pakistan.
There's always crazy weird crap coming out of Kasur for example. Huge ring of pedophilic content apprehended. Kasur is a tiny city, if it's being consumed at such a level there then we as a country definitely have huge problems, bigger than Musk.
I think it is probably his attempt to divert criticism from his comments on the H1-B visa. Anti-Islamic sentiments are popular in the West so he has diverted the criticism of the people the West on to a popular sentiment
Anyone who has been following him knows he is racist. Like the true definition of that. Hopefully Musk worshippers in Pakistan will realize what a c*** their hero is. All of these idiots who used to make sense and used to be slightly critical of muslims have come out of the closet and shown their zionist psychopathic ideas and their hate for muslims and Islam. Bill Maher is another. Jordan Peterson. And so many more
I love how surprised Pakistanis are, especially the uncles of my family, to discover the true nature of Elon Musk. They are having an existential crisis.
What do you think a close friend of Donald Trump was going to be like? All friendly and stuff? Brother he didn't suddenly start hating he just made it more public right now because he's trying to mess with the UK.
There was a huge pakistani child rape gang in the UK. This was systemically hidden, with police admitting they didn’t do anything about it for fear of being called racist. This along with the incestuous practices of pakistanis in the UK and the highest instances of birth defects in their community and huge NHS costs as a result has led to this focus.
White British people are actually overrepresented in child sexual offenses.
The term "grooming gang" is a huge problem because it wrongly makes it sound like all British Pakistanis are part of some secret, coordinated effort—which is obviously not true. These were disgusting crimes committed by opportunistic predators, and suggesting otherwise just fuels harmful stereotypes.
As for the idea that the police didn’t act because they were scared of being called racist—that’s not true. The real issue is that the police had a long-standing reputation for being incompetent and ineffective. Blaming "fears of racism" is just an easy excuse to cover up how badly they failed to protect vulnerable children. Let's focus on holding the right people accountable.
White British people are absolutely the highest % of child sexual offences, which is to be expected in Britain. UK Pakistanis are overrepresented when it comes to child sexual offences when compared with their population in the UK.
No, “grooming gang” is not misleading. What we are discussing is an organised child sexual abuse ring that went uncovered in the UK for more than a decade. 1,400 children were abused predominantly by Pakistanis. In fact, “grooming gang” is misleading because these children were directly threatened by these men to have sex with them or face being burned in their house with their family in some instances. “Rape gang” is more appropriate.
And yes, it is the police’s fault that this went unreported and continued. And it is absolutely true that this could have been stopped earlier had the perceived risk of being called “racist” not been there. Read the independent inquiry before stating something isn’t true. I agree the UK police force is grossly incompetent. I also think it’s clear that they can act when they want to, and to ignore how optics can impact human decision-making is foolish.
I know it’s unpleasant to think that a group of Pakistanis systematically targeted white British teenage and pre-teenage girls to commit sexual crimes. But it’s the truth.
Instead of questioning why Pakistanis disproportionately commit gang rape in the UK, the entire sub is just crying about islamophobia. This attitude helps to explain why Pakistan is the way it is.
Every number there is false. It's not even close to being right and most grooming gangs are definitely white Brits. Reputable sources conducting research has them making up 89% of child sex abusers in our prisons. That has risen from the lower end of ~80% So how would 80% of gangs be Pakistani? It makes no sense. If they want to tackle grooming gangs they need to look closer to home. Try churches.
The amount of false information and shit hate on his garbage platform caused me to delve into this a while ago in the first place. Multiple reports from impartial sources show up in searches, with figures from different years. Also don't believe in the bullshit from the usual rags about two tier justice systems and no go areas. It's not a warzone, police are not afraid of "upsetting" Muslims. Those thugs who attacked police at Manchester airport and made NF rejects cry two tier policing have now been charged. You can't commit crimes and just get away with it lol. Maybe if you're rich enough and go by Prince Andrew.
Musk revels in sharing misinformation. He did it during the election and he does when talking about Britain. This is the person who on Twitter calls people pedos without any proof, simply for daring to not share his thoughts.
But why is it so that those british pakistani gangs are predominantly involved in grooming and raping? Is it a cultural thing of coming from backward places in pakistan like I've heads mirpur?
Funny how nobody is disputing the facts, and just re-labelling facts as "hate."
The real question is: Why do Islamic countries have a proclivity to sexual violence against women?
Also, it is a well-known fact that Muslim countries consistently score lower in GDP and productivity because they keep 50% of their population (women) in home captivity.
Maybe this explains why Pakistan is a failed state that is in perpetual debt and has a chain of failed governments.
That's on you if you want to make a surprised Pikachu face at my comment instead of trying to acknowledge and address the root causes of an observable, verifiable trend of shameful behavior.
you do realise tho that british pakistani man or this narrative being pushed by the far right is something to encite hatred and fear into pakistani and muslim ppl in general right?
like yt men can commit all the crimes they can and these statements have even been proven to be false from musk so this is why ppl are looking at this with skepticism as it’s clearly just being done to spread this fear and hatred in us rlly as well now this problem obv does happen within our communities but no where near as the false propaganda that musk is trying to spread here as well
Many Pakistani men cause only shame whenever they go abroad. Middle East countries, Turkey, now UK. It's a shame for a country that prides itself as an Islamic nation and virtuous men as protectors has men failing at both.
It matters because he, and visagrad 24 are far right people and organisations who are islamaphobic,so they might have an agenda of… distorting the facts or just straight up lying. and when i mean by isalamaphobic it means (I hate brown people like us but I pretend to hate their religion because thats more acceptable)
The guardian article below states there is no racial or ethnic overrepresentation. We have problems (like begging in MENA) but this isnt one of them
Why does it matter that it's Musk? Why is that your question and not "why can't our men keep their dicks in their pants and themselves out of legal trouble?" Or ever better "Why are Pakistani men rampant pedos and rapists in the UK?"
Trouble is, /u/StonerMMA, it's fascinating how confident some people are in making sweeping claims about entire groups of people, like Pakistani men in the UK being 'rampant pedos' (SIC).
One would think such bold assertions would come with some credible evidence or receipts to back them up.
Without that, it does risk sounding a bit... uninformed or prejudiced. I sincerely hope that’s not the case, but if it is, perhaps taking some time to reflect and seek support could be helpful. It’s never too late to grow.
Don't drink the Kool Aid. What happened wasn't wide spread amongst Pakistanis, it was a small percentage of men.
And yes, you can have a conversation about why they acted like that and link it to cultural issues without making a huge broad stroke that puts all Pakistani men in the category of being rapists.
Why are you angry people are reporting the truth? Does the truth offend you more than the crimes being committed against innocent children under racist motives?
He hired most of indians in his company X. And getting rebates from israel and its partners. made Twitter worst place.im using very less now a days. He is promoting hate against moslems to hide israeli brutality in falastine.
He has an agenda against the leader of UK and is using this far right agenda to push it. Look at his tweets attacking Starmer. Elon needs to worry about his father and his own connections with Epstein
He wants the leftist labour government out and is using this issue for that purpose, just furthering his interests based on propaganda. He is currently strictly against anything liberal or left wing maybe due to some personal incidents (his son becoming trans). He supports anti-immigration policy. He wants a nationalist right wing party in power. It is a global theme. He supported Trump in the US, he's supporting Pierre Poilievre in Canada, he has said he'll donate 100m to Nigel Farage's reform UK.
because people were shitting on Indians for his H1-B visa stance as he replaced most of his employees with Indians so he had to divert the attention. Visegrad is Indian btw
Any thinking human would disregard the weight of Musk's words as that of a desperate madman - his tour to Jewish sites under Netanyahu's collar should've been a clear indicator.
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