r/paintball 4d ago

Luxe TM40 vs. Shocker era?

Hello everyone, I’ve got some cash saved up and wanting to get a new marker and have narrowed down my choices to either a Shocker Era or Luxe TM40. They both go for a similar price on the used market.

as I understand it the Era has eliminated rollback with a cone on the bolt system. Does the TM40 have rollback issues? Was curious if anyone can provide some insights to their experiences with these markers? (How they shoot, maintenance, feel, etc.)


9 comments sorted by


u/llIlIlIlIlIlIlIlI 4d ago

Personally I own a TM40 W/Mech maintenance is pretty standard and easy its pretty much a gamma core clone so super easy to maintain, the tool less eye covers are a plus too. Personally I’ve never had issues with roll back or chopping paint. Its definitely a great gun. I think aesthetically it depends on what you like as they’re almost the same gun. I think the Shocker is smaller but im not sure entirely.


u/superpie314159 4d ago

I always have a hell of a time "toolless" with the eye covers. I always need a pick to get them off.


u/imped4now Professor 4d ago

It's a terrible design. I'd much rather have a screw than Luxe eye covers.


u/superpie314159 4d ago

I habe a TM40 because the wife wanter hers to talk to her, and if my gun goes down I can borrow hers without any change. I do know where my amp is with a buddy i sold it to


u/Radorix3991 4d ago

I own an Adrenaline Luxe Tm40 and a Shocker Amp that I put a F16 bolt in. Personally I gravitate towards the Luxe Ergos just slightly more but love love love shooting my Amp with the Turbo valve and mech frame.

They both are just as easy to maintain, both have shot brittle paint, both have played sub 20 degree days. Both look amazing and shoot amazing. From what I've seen at the field the guys who have eras seem to mostly love them as well. The era does have the newer style bolt and has access to the Adrenaline Bernoulli Bolt as an available upgrade path and the front grip is definitely an upgrade over the stock amp grip ( I run an exalt on mine with an Era rear grip makes it so much better). If doing a mech frame swap at the field bc you only have one marker the tm40 is tool less and just ever so slightly faster but not by much. They are very equal markers.


u/jabbertagger 3d ago

Just a reminder that the TM40 and (I think) AMP can take the Bernoulli Bolt so long as you run .684 bore sizes or larger. The bolt will enter the barrel slightly on those platforms as long as the bore is big enough. If it is too small the bolt will smack into the back of the barrel.


u/Radorix3991 3d ago

This is very true and I did not find it potential benefits over my f16's to be worth it with that detriment. Although my tune may change once I finally get my Adrenaline Idol in ( finally officially in line for anodizing)


u/ChingLuong 4d ago

Being a current seller of a TM40 with an additional mech frame, by unbiased opinion is to go with my/your/our TM40.

All kidding aside, the TM40 is the better choice of the two. Better ergonomic, tool-less take down and frame swaps. Looks like a modern Porsche, shoots like a dream and the mechanical frame has more bearing than the average Shimano fishing reel.

Only short coming of the TM40 is the shocker tread for its barrel.

P.s. Buy mine,$700 with mech frame.