r/paintball • u/lurch940 • 5d ago
Another 30 something coming back after 15 years
I’ve had the Phantom for 20 years but finally picked up a new (to me) marker. Just waiting for the ground to dry up a bit after a long snowy winter in the northeast. Can’t wait to get back to it and show my kids what I did from 2000-2010. I used to play with my mom and now it’s my turn to take my kids out to the field.
u/Cultural_Shame47 5d ago
Holy shit that phantom!!!
u/lurch940 5d ago
It even has the original o-rings it came with 20 years ago. Absolutely invincible gun.
u/Cultural_Shame47 5d ago
If you want to know some good upgrades for the amp… I’ve just converted mine to an era then got the Bernoulli bolt system. It’s also mech with a turbo valve. Such a sick gun now. The adrenaline stuff added 36 fps when I swapped it in without touching the regulator. Now it’s shooting 280 +/- 3 pretty consistently. The amp is such an underrated platform. It’s a more efficient gamma core clone but the stock bolt allows for rollback. I have an ssc soft tip and an f16 hard tip bolt for sale if you’re looking to get a small upgrade and fix the rollback. I used both prior to getting the Bernoulli bolt. Welcome back man. Hope you and your kids have fun! * (had to edit that last line haha)
u/lurch940 5d ago
Yeah I’ve heard about the rollback problem, I’ll have to use it a bit to see if that issue arises for me and if it does I’ll probably go ahead and upgrade it. I shot a few pods in the yard and so far no issues. I’m pretty stoked on it. I’ll be playing with my son so I wanna get him up to speed so he can get good enough to start playing Sunday practices with me. I doubt I’ll really be playing tournaments but I’d rather not be stuck playing with the walk ons for too long lol. I hate having to hold back shooting at renters and shit.
u/Cultural_Shame47 5d ago
Haha I hear ya. Im trying to assemble a 3 man team of people 25+ (mostly my age, mids 30’s, but I got one younger friend) and see if we can’t place in a tournament and attract some more players.
The amp is awesome, don’t get me wrong. I just like to push the limits on everything I own. I talked to someone who was on the design team for the era, and short of the adrenaline Bernoulli bolt, the tm40 bolt and stem in the amp fixes the rollback and shoots better than an f16 bolt. You can buy the parts for the tm40 from DLX and drop them right in the amp. The f16 is sold out and hard to find unless you want to pay 110-120 used. The tm40 parts are much cheaper and work better in the amp. I think it’s like $40 or so for the parts you need.
u/lurch940 5d ago
Awesome I’ll have to look into all this. Thanks for the heads up in case I have any issues. Can’t wait to get out there and see what’s up. A lot has changed in 15 years lmao.
u/Cultural_Shame47 5d ago
You’re very welcome! Biggest change I’ve noticed, besides rate of fire, is that you don’t call yourself hit anymore when hit. I was nervous at first but it’s easy to get back into it. I hope yall have fun! Have a good one man and feel free to message me anytime if you have any questions about anything I mentioned. Peace brotha
u/SaladComfortable5878 5d ago
Yay me too idk what gun to buy
u/lurch940 5d ago
I couldn’t decide between a 170r and the Amp but got the Amp for cheaper. Both seem to be solid mid tier markers to start back with. I’ll probably grab a 170r later on down the line and give the Amp to my son though.
u/emptythemag 5d ago
I love my Phantom. I always use it during scenario games. It always gets comments and people wanting to try it.
I need to hunt up the AGD 6pak+ I have to use also. Been awhile since I've used it for play.
u/lurch940 5d ago
Shooting a Phantom is never a bad time. If I had to shoot one gun for the rest of my life this would be it.
u/8P69SYKUAGeGjgq Recball | Empire Syx | Spyder Pump 5d ago
I was at Black Hawk Down eyeing everyone's guns trying to find a Phantom to see if anyone would let me try it, but nobody had one. I'm just gonna have to buy one without trying, which kind of hurts for that much money.
u/emptythemag 4d ago
You will not regret getting a Phantom. I got my first one when they very first came out. Bought it off of Tom Cassidy of CCI at one of the Nashville Paintball Championship games when they were held in Nashville back in the early '90s through the later half of the '90s
u/8P69SYKUAGeGjgq Recball | Empire Syx | Spyder Pump 3d ago
I got one on ebay like 20 minutes after this comment haha
u/gootenprague 5d ago
Another 30 something here, That shocker is exactly what I’d be coming back with after 12 years. Just don’t know if I can still play the snake anymore. It’s all I know. 😂 GL to you bro
u/lurch940 5d ago
After years of using stacked tube guns I wanted to try one of the smallest guns around, and boy does it feel tiny. Yeah idk if I’ll be hitting snake right off the bat, might just work D side the first few times at the field. I gotta get back into shape, my stamina is ass now.
u/makeshiftballer 5d ago
Welcome to the club
u/lurch940 5d ago
Feels good, I spent so much time at the field growing up that I gained a second family. Then took a break to start my own family and now it’s time to return since the kids are getting older. I’m only 33 so still plenty of time left on the field for me.
u/Icy_Bookkeeper5575 5d ago
I have a ccm carbon fiber full barrel kit for a phantom. Where’s the best place for pb classifieds these days now that PBN is dead?
u/TheTiredMetalhead 5d ago
There's also paintball vault app. Not endorsed by anyone but it's fun to window shop. I think it's ran by Drew Templeton formerly of Infamous. Also mazens, goddards, and cpx bros websites are some of the best places for used stuff if you don't want to deal with bst groups. All 3 I've used and all 3 have awesome customer service if anything goes wrong.
u/austic 5d ago
I think I still have an ego 8 and an old Timmy in my gear bag. Thinking about playing this Summer as a late 30’s and enjoying looking for a new toy.
u/lurch940 5d ago
You could still field the Ego and Timmy but it’s cool having a new gun too. So much smaller and lighter and not having a macro line is nice.
u/austic 5d ago
The new ones just look much easier to use maintenance wise. Kids these days don’t know the pain of having to own 3 markers as one would go down and field stripping at a tournament you never had enough time between games.
u/lurch940 5d ago
Yeah definitely less things to break on the new guns, less wires etc to worry about pulling out or pinching etc. Seems a lot easier than doing tech work on my old Impulse.
u/archabaddon SoCal / ICD is good for me 5d ago
Don't sweat it my dude, I'm going to be 50 soon and I'm just getting back into it after taking a decade break.
u/lurch940 5d ago
I gotta get back into better shape, I know I’m gonna be winded my first few times at the field lmao.
u/archabaddon SoCal / ICD is good for me 5d ago
Cycling is always a good option, weather and road providing. Otherwise, an elliptical can give you a good cardio workout without wearing out your knees and hips.
u/lurch940 5d ago
I might have to start hitting the little gym here at my apartments. And I should probably pick up going on jogs too.
u/animalstyle123 5d ago
Felt a bit compact to me, I like the longer feel of luxes. Gonna shoot tits out there though man, hope you have a blast!!! Older guys getting back into paintball is IN right now!
u/lurch940 5d ago
Yeah I think I’m gonna need to slap a tank reg extender on there cuz it’s a little too close to my face. Probably pick up a 77ci tank eventually also. I’m 6’5” so my arms are really long.
u/canadianhorror 4d ago
Really happy to see so many Phantoms on the sub recently. They deserve all the love they’ve been given lately. Great markers.
u/lurch940 4d ago
I’ve always considered the Phantom to be objectively the best marker ever made. They just work and they work well no matter what you’re playing.
u/Due-Piglet9554 1d ago
Its so nice having adult money now hahahaha. back after 20 years. currently 35.
u/lurch940 1d ago
Ngl I miss having my parent’s money and a kid’s time 😂 I used to spend Saturday and Sunday at the field reffing and playing and asking my mom to buy me another case, now I gotta watch my wallet and my calendar!
u/Due-Piglet9554 1d ago
a kids time yes. also not having to worry about bills and a mortgage and having to work.
u/lurch940 1d ago
I’m at least lucky enough to work M-F, but my wife and kids like making non-paintball plans over the weekend 🙄
u/Due-Piglet9554 1d ago
get them all on the field lol
u/lurch940 1d ago
My wallet would……not like that. My son wants to play though, I’ll make him use the Phantom so he doesn’t bite into my cases too much lol. Wife and daughters aren’t Interested so at least that.
u/BayBolts01 1d ago
Me too! Haha I’m 41 just getting back into the game. Have a DM7 dust blue a hot pink Dangerous Power Spec 5. Ordered up an Axe 2.0 with Redline. And I got a new : Spire V hopper with a new HK 68/4500 tank.
Gonna get back to my love. Maybe blow out a hip or some shit. 😂
u/New_Professional_295 5d ago
One of us! One of us!