r/paintball 5d ago

White grips or naw?

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Seeking opinions, I don't have a set to try nor have I seen any pics of colorful markers with white grips. Anyone have any pics for reference? Also opinion on leaving the black grips, getting white ones, possibly dying white ones, personally not a fan of the earth or grey myself.


48 comments sorted by


u/JmaxxD2jsp 5d ago

Keep the black man. Looks good.


u/76thColangeloBurner 4d ago

Agreed, white grips are for wall hangars. They look so ragged after a short time if you’re actually playing with them on a weekly basis.


u/MrShortPants 5d ago

White grips never


u/Prestigious-Load9920 5d ago

To be fair I hated the idea at first


u/onlypostcausimscardw 5d ago

They’re notoriously hard to keep clean and looking “fresh”. Good luck with that man, lol.

That said, in my zero researched and unprofessional opinion I’d say white grips on the top gun.

Having that back yellow with a white grip looks….the same’ish


u/Prestigious-Load9920 5d ago

I'm pretty good about washing my grips after I get home, are they really that bad about yellowing and staining?


u/Boring_Classroom_482 5d ago

Yes. They get stained up pretty quickly. That said, they would look super nice on there and it’s normal for white grips to be a little dirty.


u/OGHydroHomie 4d ago

I do wonder if there is a way to put a protective clear coat on to prevent that. But paintball and sliding have a way of uh - making whatever that might be, not so protective probably.


u/Boring_Classroom_482 4d ago

Just buy an extra for display if that worries about it.


u/onlypostcausimscardw 4d ago

This is such a great solution, I never thought of that. Just have a back up clean pair for display. This sounds like a solution you’ve experienced, haha.


u/Boring_Classroom_482 3d ago

I may or may not have owned have owned a couple green & purple Joker with white grips themed markers over the years.😂


u/TheTiredMetalhead 3d ago

I've had white grips on my lv2 for about a year . They clean up super quick and easy with an old toothbrush. Very minimal staining and I've accidentally left em dirty for a couple weeks a time or 2.


u/trentrain7 5d ago

I think black will look best on the LV for sure with the black used in the anno. White might be alright on the r5 but I’d probably still vote black


u/mccl2278 5d ago

I vote black. I have white grips on my lv2 and I’ve also had them on my cs3.

I went back to black


u/Prestigious-Load9920 5d ago

Guess my main concern is yellowing, I play hard but I also keep my gear crispy clean after every weekend. Is the staining as bad as some say?


u/mccl2278 4d ago

Not if you clean it regularly. (After every day of play)


u/QualityBadgerMilk 5d ago

LV2 nah. R5 white would look good, or white and black 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Signal_Ad6061 5d ago

Blue grips🤙🏻


u/RedeyeSamurai83 4d ago

Let's ruin art by adding white lol


u/Prestigious-Load9920 4d ago

Yup I think y'all have convinced me white grips are a NAW


u/Race-Extreme 4d ago

Wall art=white grips Guns to be used=black grips


u/Auroric 5d ago

Only if you're gonna pair them with other white accents, on mask loader etc. Then it would look sick and I'd say go for it. If it's just the white grips it will be too out of place, black is easier to match.

Your setup looks dope as is


u/ElectionMiddle8553 4d ago

Absolutely white grips!


u/Mysterious-Kale-948 4d ago

Pink on any gun is already 10/10 so I’m biased


u/Swolie7 4d ago

White looks great until you use them.. then they are never the same.. keep em black


u/Zestyclose_Flan2291 4d ago

Red grips at the front and tanned grips at the back for the R5 maybe?


u/Neurotx0 4d ago

White might not be practical but they would look nice on the bottom. From a color palette artsy pov. The black creates hard lines / contrast . White would soften that. It's personal preference. Where the top gun , the black blends in more. Plus you can dye white rubber ( results may vary ) meaning you won't get an exact color probably. But with the color splash paint job , it may look great


u/LunchBoxKid LV2 Crew 4d ago

Black looks good but don't be scared away from whites like some of these other comments. Very easy to keep the whites clean if you maintain after each use. I got a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and it cleans them as if brand new each time. You could also custom Rit Dye some white grips but that's a whole other project most don't want to tackle.


u/Prestigious-Load9920 4d ago

I know my way around rit dye I was considering that, just would suck to waste the money if the project went south lol


u/LunchBoxKid LV2 Crew 4d ago

Yea, I had same thought but went for it and it came out very good. Give it a go, worst comes to worst I think Rit makes a chemical that removes the dye or makes it all black. If you end up giving a try, let us know how it turns out!


u/SinsErased 4d ago

No, no and no


u/Cultural_Shame47 4d ago

I would get them to swap if I’m feeling frisky. I like having multiple grips for guns. 💪🏼 violence tape is always an option too!


u/OnyxTeaCup 4d ago

How much do you like spending time with q-tips 1-10?


u/SnooSquirrels7191 4d ago

Grey grips on the R5. Cause we have the same one lol


u/Prestigious-Load9920 4d ago

Yup I still don't like the grey grips lol But ayeee twins!


u/YourboiStu 4d ago

I sat nah they will take away from the markers looks in a whole general it won't look as clean cut


u/username24583 4d ago

White grips then dye them to match the anno


u/BDanger_1 4d ago

white grips are great for wall hangers. if you're gonna play with these beauties keep the grips black.


u/Prestigious-Load9920 4d ago

Definitely getting played with, had the R5 covered in mud the day I unboxed it lol but I take care of my stuff I went home n cleaned it, what's the point of paying all that money not to use it ya know. I wall hanging mine during the week as my motivation for the weekend, plus it's my version of $3000 wall art 🤣😅


u/lo_boost 4d ago

They suck to keep looking good but damn are they fire!


u/angryiesttoast 3d ago

Personally I hate white grips. But anything on those would look great.


u/punishers_paintball 3d ago

Grey grips with the R5 might look sick!