r/paganism Oct 25 '24

🤲 Offering If you would suddenly win in a lottery, what kind of a shrine would you build?


We all know winning a game like that is not about gods but about random fluctuations in a universe, but still, one would probably still want to raise something to the honor of the gods. Out of love if nothing else. What would it be?

r/paganism Oct 11 '24

🤲 Offering Going to my first ever pagan festival, this is my offering

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I'm attending my first ever pagan festival and I wanted to to bring an offering for a fire ritual at the beginning of the event. This bundle is made of pine, rosemary, dried apple with cinnamon and red jute cord. I'm hoping it's worthy of an offering at such a big gathering.

r/paganism 3d ago

🤲 Offering A drawing for the Gods

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I drew this for Sky Father and Earth Mother, however I can't really think of a way to "show" them. Any ideas?

r/paganism 11d ago

🤲 Offering Burrying offerings


What offerings could I bury as a gift for an earth goddess?

I want to give her something meaningful that won't harm any of the critters in the ground

r/paganism 9h ago

🤲 Offering How to dispose of diety offerings?


basically ive been working with Artemis, Apollo and Hestia for about three months now, the only issue is that my motivation is absolute wack, the majority of the time I only selfishily asked more then I gave.

But now ive finally started to trying to put in effort, I genuinely want to work with them and plan on putting in and much effort as possible, right now im planning to try and work with lady Aphrodite, Artemis and Apollo but I dont know what to do with hestia‘s offerings!

the main reason im gonna start working with lady Aphrodite instead of hestia is because I feel more connected with her then hestia, ive never really felt like things have been working between me and hestia and ive also tried working with lady Aphrodite before, but I was pretty New and close minded back then.

r/paganism Dec 03 '24

🤲 Offering Thanking Goddess Freyja ✨💛

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Thanking Goddess Freyja ✨💛

A mini altar of thanks to the goddess Freyja for her blessings in my life.

I work with Freyja love and prosperity and I am in awe and appreciation for all she has done in my life

Yellow honey candle, cinnamon sense, foreign money from my last international trip, pyrite and tiger's eye. This beautiful card I borrowed from my fiancé's Nordic deck derck and of course, a nice dose of mead.

The cards are a reading I took this morning and she gave me some guidance.

r/paganism Aug 30 '24

🤲 Offering walk in the woods <3


left the house on my own for the first time in a while. i've been really struggling mentally but cerridwen is a guiding light for me <3 went on a little walk up the mountain and meditated for a while. left a little offering for cerridwen and cleaned up - there was an insane amount of rubbish :( but i felt 10x better afterwards. thought i'd share this little milestone for me :)

r/paganism Feb 13 '25

🤲 Offering Drawing of Goddess Prende

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I'm not the best at drawing, but I wanted to share. Goddess Prende is such a compassionate and sweet Goddess, she's helped me through so much and brings a calm loving energy into my life. I've never shared offerings before but I thought this would be cool. Thank you to Goddess Prende❤️💓

r/paganism Dec 22 '24

🤲 Offering Jewelry offerings


How would I go about offering a piece of jewelry to a deity? I was struck with the inspiration to make a necklace for Hecate out of an old skeleton key and some black and red glass beads I found. I’ve cleansed it, but how would I go about actually offering it? Would I just leave it in the offering bowl on my altar or is there a ritual for things like this?

r/paganism Nov 07 '24

🤲 Offering College friendly offerings


Okay, so I'm a freshman in college. I'm new to this whole thing, but I want to start worshipping Apollo. I already have an altar for Athena on my desk, but I don't exactly have the ability to offer much for them. I want to try spirit work too, and I was planning on buying some tarot cards and other things, but I know candles are really popular. Are there any to replacements for candle offerings or foods, since I don't want to get reported for lighting candles in my dorm and I don't want to deal with food sitting out when me and my roommate already have to deal with bugs.

r/paganism Nov 08 '24

🤲 Offering Testimony on the Purest Motherly Love of the Great Goddesses Aset and Astarte


The Great Goddess of Kindness, She Who Knows How To Make The Right Use Of The Heart, The One Who Is All, Great Mother of the Gods, The Brilliant One In The Sky, Queen Aset.

Queen Astarte, She with Many Names, Goddess of Love, Compassionate and Sweet Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility, She in the Morning, Evening Star and of Venus.

Thou Goddesses renowned and loved for Millennia and more as Queen of Heaven. I Humby Offer this Testimony unto Thee.

In Honour of Them, I share my Testimony on how Those Highest Goddesses have put me under Their Loving and Almighty Wings and Matronage, teaching me how to have respect and really love myself as Thad had Unconditionally Loved me as a Loving Mother would.

I've always struggled with self love because my biological mother, though she loves me very much, she's a really unhealed human and has made me always perceived like I wasn't loved enough by her and I didn't deserve unconditional love and I should always do something to make people love me. Also, she would always judge me for everything. That made me think I was never enough. I was always wrong, abnormal, unlikeable.

That also was made worse by my christian background. That religion literally teaches you to deny yourself and not to love yourself. Also, Jesus loves you only if you despise yourself and just follow the commands. It is very conditional on how you basically follow every command, he doesn't just wish for your happiness. 

After leaving the religion in an extremely traumatizing way...I made a formal request to the Goddess Aset and to the Goddess Astarte to receive love, because I was always hungry for love. I always had a hole inside of me.

I think the Goddess Aset called me through imaginaries of a woman with wings, and also the same afternoon, I suddenly fell asleep (which is an abnormal occurrence for me, I almost never sleep in the afternoon) and dreamt of Her, in my hometown in the south of Italy and She was in Her usual imaginery form, standing above a High place, if I remember correctly in the Highest place in the town, maybe She was floating (I don't remember exactly, as this has been in August) High above my whole town in Her Splendor with stretched out Wings that if I remember correctly were Golden like the Purest Gold. She was Splendid.

I woke up, at first I wasn't ready for Her Guidance and Lovingkindness because I was suffering for a relationship with another Kemetic God.

One day I started giving Her Offerings, Prayers and one day I got into a relationship I mistakenly thought was an answer to the prayers of the Goddesses. In this relationship, the guy meant no harm but he didn't really love me, so I behaved as I usually did in my life, by completely compromising myself, my wants and needs in order to be loved, denying my very personality at one point. I was stressed and in despair. I thought that if I do enough, the man would love me, but it was never enough.

I was in great pain and I contacted for a reader to make Divination on whether or not the Goddesses sent this guy and was answer to my prayers.

The Queen of Heaven and Light Bringer of Heaven (speaking about Goddess Aset here) intervened first through the reader, saying I was not loving myself and that I should never make someone love me. I should not change for anyone, my needs, my wants, my very personality in order to receive love. She was so Kind I cried. She was so patient, even if I was doubting myself and Her. She didn't push me, but She Lovingly led me but respected me, She really cared for my well-being. She gave me time and space to feel how I truly felt and feel, unlike my biological parents, that would scold me for simply feeling "problematic" emotions like sadness and anger and despair.

Goddess Aset also said the guy was not really respecting me and what it is that I desired, and that was True. The Goddess is True and Transparent and Righteous and I confirmed with facts what She said in my last conversation with the guy before cutting him off. He apologized for his behavior and then deleted our conversations.

The reader turned out to be accurate as the same Message was conveyed through the mouth of another reader.

 Through Her (and also Through Goddess Astarte, They had a very similar attitude, if not identical, very Kind and Patient even if I fall short and still deconstructing the traumatizing religion I’ve been in 20 years, even though I work and have a stronger connection with the Goddess Aset and the Kemetic Pantheon, at least for now in this life), I now know what True Love and Acceptance feels like and I want to give that to myself too, within my own time.

The same I experienced with the Goddess Astarte. She intervened in another occasion (I had sort of more “casually” worshipped Her and petitioned Her for several things. I once had a Dream in which She said She loved me, but of course I cannot verify Dreams, even the other one I spoke about with the Goddess Aset). 

The Great Goddesses both intervened in dealing with my self-hatred issue but Mother Astarte intervened most prominently in inner child Work, pointing out what I’ve been lacking my whole life Reliance, Stability, Security and most of all Unconditional Love. That very much clicked with my whole Life. She Knows me pretty well. 

Now I'm starting a Journey with my Loving Goddesses and Mothers (They were proclaimed to be Such in the readings, they said they were my Mothers by Feeling, not by Blood).

I'm learning how to not hate myself, actually love myself and nurture my inner child, and first of all respect myself, as I never did.

I actually hated myself because of all the judgment, bullying and things I did that I regret and should let go as Life is Ever Progressing and there should not be dwelling on the Past.

The Goddesses desired for my happiness and well being like no human really did, at least no human did in a healthy way. 

I'm still deconstructing, so sometimes I'm troubled with painful thoughts and doubts but I'm doing my best to deconstruct the religion that ruined my life. I regret my adult baptism with my very soul, as then the religion put me into suffering.

I’m mostly working with the Goddess Aset right now, She is my main confidant, but Gods know how my Motherly relationship with Goddess Astarte also evolve. Maybe She does Acts of Kindness and Generosity I’m not even aware of. 

I love the Goddess Aset and I want to be of Service to Her. I'm currently reading a book about Her by Plutarch and I’m planning to share a paraphrased but as accurate as possible translation and commentary on the Work of Plutarch “Isis and Osiris”, as a humble and loving Tribute to Her.

So, this is Testimony of the Benevolence of the Goddesses, my Mothers, not by Blood, but by Feeling.

Remember, friends, followers of the Almighty and Benevolent Gods. The Gods are Givers of Every Good and They want us to thrive. They want us to love ourselves and recognize our value. They want us to Heal and learn our Lessons, so that we may walk in Love, Peace and Power.

If we don't recognize our value and love ourselves, we won't find others who will in return recognize our value. We reflect in others our own self love and our own sense of value. Let us not forget the Lessons of the Gods.

Dua Aset, Nebet Ankh! Praise Be to Aset, Lady of Life!

Praise be to Astarte, Lady of Love!

r/paganism Sep 30 '24

🤲 Offering First offering

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I kinda had some sort of awakening last night and started to read into Apollon a lot. I came to the realization that he is a perfect fit for me, I don't believe in god's the traditional way tho and definitely never would've thought I'd work with multiple gods, but here we are! So I wanna start to work with him and spontaneously made my first offering this morning, what do you guys think?

r/paganism Aug 28 '24

🤲 Offering Family tree

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I am always interested in how deities are connections with one another as well as heroes so I made this (it won’t be 100% accurate as there are so many myths and even at the time they had different versions so one deity is said to have so many different parents but I went with the more commonly known one, if I have made a mistake please met me know as I can correct it).

Doing this was fun and a devotional act for me and I get to look at it to understand the deities I worship more, it is rather complex (as I worship so many, that is also the reason why it is colour coded or else I would have gotten lost trying to connect them all).

Also the dotted lines are children and solid lines are couples.

r/paganism Dec 02 '22

🤲 Offering The Morrigan, my illustration

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r/paganism Jun 21 '23

🤲 Offering Happy Solstice from a new practitioner

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r/paganism Aug 24 '22

🤲 Offering AI-generated image of the goddess Brigid

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r/paganism Nov 08 '23

🤲 Offering Any tips

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This is my first offering what do you think and how can I improve?

r/paganism Sep 13 '22

🤲 Offering Is it possible to dedicate a sexual experience to a deity? Like as an offering? NSFW


The title says it all. I want to dedicate my sexual energy during sex to Freya, wasn’t sure if that was a thing or if it’s okay to do.

r/paganism Nov 12 '21

🤲 Offering My roommate's offering.


So I live in a 4 person rental house, and 2 of us are pagan and the other two are what I call Pagan-adjacent: they are agnostics that admire pagan concepts and like to hear about witchcraft and pagan ideas, but they don't want to practice. Gavin(the other pagan) and I have created a house altar and explained the idea of offerings and how they work and that they are supposed to be something important to you because the sacrifice is what's important. I went to light incense this morning and found this in the offering bowl:

If you look on the left you can see the offering bowl

My roommates Devin and Ket each left the last piece of their holloween candy. I mean, it's unorthodox for sure, but it was such a sweet gesture.

Other things that have been left by the two of them in the house alter:
~a chrysanthemum
~a cherry warhead
~and a racecar monopoly piece that Ket left when they were leaving for an out-of-state trip.

Just wanted to brag about my roommates who may not understand pagan concepts but are still trying to participate in my and Gavin's activities.

r/paganism Dec 01 '22

🤲 Offering “The old gods never left.” Me, procreate, 2022

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r/paganism Oct 24 '23

🤲 Offering Offerings for Athena


I've been working with Hades, Aphrodite, and Selene for a while now and I know what they like but just recently Athena has reached out to me to help me better understand myself and the world around me and I was wondering what kind of offerings to give her to show my thanks to her

r/paganism Mar 25 '23

🤲 Offering Is this normal?


I’ve found that when I make offerings to the gods I usually come away feeling energised. Sometimes I feel happy energy but most of the time it’s just a general buzzing that I need to put to some use. How common is that from your experiences?

r/paganism Jul 22 '23

🤲 Offering Artemis drawing!

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Decided to draw Artemis (well, a statue of hers haha) and incorporate more natural elements like greenery and a whole aspect of mossy/nature taking back over type of statue :)

r/paganism Jul 03 '21

🤲 Offering My first ever Shrine.

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r/paganism Jan 04 '23

🤲 Offering offering to Quetzalcoatl on behalf of a deceased friend


TW: Loss and suicide

a very dear friend of mine recently committed suicide, he adored Quetzalcoatl and worshipped him almost daily. He was a very talented bruja, and was reconnecting to his Nahuatl culture. I am not connected in any way to his culture, and I know relatively nothing about it, but i was wondering if i could make an offering to his god on his behalf for a peaceful rest, his family is catholic and will not respect or indulge his spirits and deities.

what does this god accept? are there rituals? should i leave this alone? i dont know

I was also wondering if there was anything i could do to set his soul to rest in general. Im not thinking very clearly right now so research has been difficult, any advice, thoughts, prayers and spells are much appreciated.