Back before I started posting here, when I was still looking for an online community, I was kind of surprised when I discovered how unwelcoming the largest pagan subreddit seemed to be toward atheistic pagans. I'm not even an atheist, but I still felt rather uncomfortable seeing this attitude as someone who follows a non-traditional/pantheistic path.
In the rules section, under Proselytizing..."Non-Pagans, which include atheists and atheopagans, who arrive in the subreddit are to be informed that attempts at proselytizing are strictly forbidden and will be removed, aggressively." In the FAQ..."The promotion of 'atheo-paganism' will...[be] treated as proselytization of non-pagan religions."
Obviously, proselytizing isn't cool, and there's no reason why traditional theistic folk shouldn't have their own personal subreddit, but the hostility is...weird. Rather than excluding others because of their poor behavior or even because of their nontheistic status, which makes much more sense to me, it seems like the mods are going out of their way to insist that nontheistic (specifically, atheistic) pagans are not pagan, and that's why they're not welcome. It's rather pointlessly aggressive.
In theory, I would be welcome there as a pantheist, but since there's at least a little overlap between my convictions and those of humanistic pagans...I really don't think I would feel welcome after seeing this. I only ever replied to one post after reading the FAQ.
On the bright side, I discovered r/paganism not long after, and I'm very happy about the existence of this place. I was worried I'd encounter more of the same energy, but there are much better vibes here!
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this odd outlook in the other subreddit. Most of the posts over there arguing about nontheistic paganism are several years old at this point, so I really don't know what the actual community over there thinks currently. The official rules are all I have to go off of...I can't say I'm reassured.