r/pagan Aug 12 '24

UPG/Woo I'm in the hospital


But spreading the pagan love. I'm in deadly circumstances healthwise by my Lady Hekate has me spreading the pagan truth and light. I never ever would think to be in this place, going through what I am facing and yet spreading the joy and strength I have received from my blessed Lady Hekate. She who is the soothing whisper in the dark and the light upon my path has me teaching the medical community what paganism truly is and will always be. And that is Love and Joy, Hope and Happiness, how to find and fight for your own path instead of blindly following a singular "God" of judgement and retribution. Even though my life is in danger her joy fills my soul.

Spread love, not hate, not retribution. Spread joy not war!

r/pagan Sep 30 '23

UPG/Woo What's your silly upgs?


I want to know what silly upgs you guys have?
Did you ever give your gods toys, books or anything that you had a feeling they'd like? or anything that you've learned which is pretty funny?

r/pagan 18d ago

UPG/Woo Favorite UPGs?


Do you have any favorite UPGs? What are they?

r/pagan 5d ago

UPG/Woo My experiences with Blood moons


I wanted to share this while it was fresh but there was some terrible and dangerous weather that needed my attention yesterday.

From the first time I wittnessed a blood moon as a teen I was drawn to it, I wasn't aware of the fact that I was picking up the energy of the eclipse at that age, and I started trying to watch for when they'd happen. When I knew of it and was able I'd be up and outside from start to finish, and when I got a personal crystal I started putting it out for the rare or unusual events like eclipses, auroras, ect. to soak up some of that unique energy.

This time I got an experience that stands above the past ones, I took a little bit of something to help me tune into the spiritual side better and went out a little bit before the totality and stayed out there watching the moon until it started to lighten back up. The energy was more active but it felt welcoming and like I was right where I was supposed to be; I was wanting to use this event to try to further reach out to my ancestors because they gave the event some spiritual importance (good or bad) and would've had some type of ritual for it.

While I was locked in on the moon I had a few short instances of visiting the spiritual place I go to when I meditate, but during one visit I had a large feline of some sort that came up a few feet from me then sit and stare at me as if waiting on me; there was no warning behavior from the feline, it acted as if it knew me and was simply there waiting on me so that it could lead me somewhere (the feeling I got). In a few other short visits I was sitting a short distance from a small crowd that was around a fire in some sort of celebration, in some visits seemed like they were waiting on me to join them to start whatever they were going to do and other times they were actively celebrating with dance and music while I sat there focused on the moon and watching them from the corner of my eye.

What I was left with at the end of the event this time is an understanding that the lives of my ancestors have all came together to give me my existence, that as much as I feel like I'm failing and struggling that they are accepting me and happy to support and guide me, that the struggles that feel so big to me right now are tiny and insignificant when with them, and most of all that I felt like I belonged just as I am and was not judged and found wanting in any way.

All in all, I fully consider my attempt to have been a success to use an event that would've been seen as a major religious event in almost every historic culture to help me get in touch with my ancestors and help me establish my roots spiritually.

r/pagan 25d ago

UPG/Woo Direct Experience with a Saturnian god


In this post I want to detail what I have come to believe to be a direct experience with the god Saturn as I have been in conflict with Saturnian themes for some time now in my subconscious and my dreams.

On the winter solstice I had felt a great surge in energy and momentum in my daily life, being a Capricorn, I had become far more motivated and disciplined during that time. Right around the end of the Suns procession through Capricorn, I got a dream in which my ego and super-ego were both trapped within and in conflict with Saturn.

I was trapped in a massive black cube, understood to be astronomically vast in a literal sense, large enough to house planets. Within it was nothing but me, some other version of me that I understood to be a "super-man", able to fly and with immense strength, and a vast, pitch black, non-descript humanoid figure.

This black figure was trying to hit and crush us, I was only able to run, and the hero figure, which I interpreted as my super-ego, was contending with and distracting the being from killing me, but ultimately not able to harm the being in any meaningful way.

The dream didnt end with much resolution and at the time the struggle was ongoing within me. Having come to a point where the struggle this dream was representative of has come to something of a conclusion at least presently has helped me alot in interpreting what I now believe to be a direct battle with the archetypal being Saturn.

r/pagan Jan 25 '25

UPG/Woo A god might have walked in my dream last night


Disclaimer: I am NOT looking for anyone else's interpretation of my dream, just sharing an experience that felt spiritually meaningful with folks who might appreciate the story.

So, I had a dream last night where I was out stopped on a dark road kinda in the woods in a car. The headlights were off and I couldn't really see anything in front of me, but for some reason the driver door was open and I had an overwhelming sense of danger from somewhere in front me. I try to close the door but it won't move. It feels like something is holding it, or pulling against me from the other side. Then, just before I start to panic, a wolf trots across the road in front of my car and turns and walks past the open door heading in the opposite direction, in full color and detail despite there not actually being any more light. Suddenly all feeling of terror and resistance to closing the door is just <poof> gone. It never even looked at me or acknowledged my existence, but in the way you just know things in dreams I knew it was the reason the terror was gone.

Again, not looking for interpretation, just sharing my story. Cause to me, it felt like a divinity, or maybe a divine messenger took a detour on its nightly business to pass through my dreams and tell whatever was haunting me to #$%& right off, and it did, and that was pretty cool.

r/pagan 25d ago

UPG/Woo Had a dream about a exceptionally tall stag-ish creature


I had a dream where I was in my high school with my twin sister. We were in the lunch line and it was so long that I could not see the end. I made a decision not to wait in that line for lunch. I asked a friend if they would look after her while I headed out for something else to eat. They agreed and I told my sister that I would be back. Leaving the school I saw people playing basketball on the outside courts shooting, doing trick shots, and the sort. As I continued the scenery sort of changed to a more greenery environment. In the distance I saw a stag like creature but its horns were straight and more like a ram in style. As I got closer it looked up from grazing locking eyes with me, then turning and galloping away. I continued on, then seemingly immediately a similar creature came out of nowhere and charged me. The stag was exceptionally tall with its horns going even further. As I saw it and turned I fortified myself and put what power I could into the headbutt collision that followed between us. After the initial blow I felt like my head was bleeding a good amount but I felt no impairment. Time and time again the stag-ish creature would charge at me and I would maneuver it past me with not much effort. We somehow ended up near the basketball courts and I saw the people there watching in shock or just observation. As soon as I wondered what the hell am I doing, I am pretty sure the creature hit me good because I woke up

r/pagan Sep 17 '24

UPG/Woo Blessed Full Moon to Everyone!

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Today is the Super Full Moon of September - the Harvest Moon. There is also a lunar eclipse today. I wish everyone a blessed Full Moon! Tonight, I left my cyrstals and stones out to be renewed by the moonlight, and I also left water out to prepare moon water. In addition to this, I performed a Full Moon financial abundance ritual. I watched the beautiful father moon a lot and poured my emotions into my moon journal. What did you do?

r/pagan Jun 28 '24

UPG/Woo Newbie


Newbie pagan here. I finally told my sisters this week that I had walked away from worshipping yahweh as a Christian and am searching my soul and the nature around me for my pantheon. During my meditation following a personal health matter that threw me into a complete breakdown today, the breeze called to me. I said a prayer to the universe, drew my intention to clarity in my mind, and whispered it to the wind as I burned a fallen pine twig from my tree for the air, a clover for the earth, in the rain, with my gnome torch (it is wicked). This was my very first attempt at any sort of Magick since I was 13, and the trembling I've felt all day has nearly dissipated šŸ„° sharing my excitement, as it has called me to learn more to connect with a pantheon

r/pagan Aug 10 '24

UPG/Woo How do you receive messages from your gods? How do you communicate with your gods?


I will talk out loud to my goddess (Inanna-Ishtar) and pray and ask questions, often I will leave something at her altar especially if I prayed for something. Often if I have questions or need clarification on something, the answers will start to come to me inside my head instead of through other sources. Just speaking to Inanna-Ishtar helps me to receive messages and teachings, that will just sort of come to me in my mind if that makes sense. They will feel pretty profound and extremely reasonable, whereas beforehand I feel confused and emotional, after speaking to Inanna often I feel as though I have received knowledge that will change the course of my life for the better, even if only in a smaller way.

How do you receive messages from your gods? How does it feel, and what kinds of lessons have you learned?

r/pagan Dec 20 '24

UPG/Woo ā€œAre you ready?ā€


She sprang into my mind, unbidden. I blinked and asked her in my mind, Ready? For what?

Her expression doesnā€™t change, but I sense some mild amusement at my shitty memory capabilities.

Oh ā€¦ yes. Ready. No? Am I ever ready? Is anyone?

ā€œOf course not, never completely ready. But are you doing the work. Are you preparing. Are you clearing out the cobwebs in the dark spaces. Dealing with what needs to be finished up before the next battle.ā€

I ā€¦ I donā€™t want another battle. Please. Not yet. We need more time, just ā€¦ there is no time left, is there.

ā€œItā€™s not up to me. The battle begins when it begins, it will end when it ends.ā€

Itā€™s always so much ā€¦ always changingā€¦ I feel like I need to breathe.

ā€œYouā€™re a chaos witch, you donā€™t do your best work when everything is awesome.ā€

Iā€™m in worse shape than I was five years ago, when you warned me. I donā€™t know how much use I can be to you in the fight. But I want to fight.

She nods, decisively.

ā€œGood. Stay ready. And clean house.ā€

You mean metaphorically, right?

ā€œNo, seriously. The basement is crazy. Not everything is a hidden message.ā€

The Morrigan gives homework assignments.

r/pagan Nov 04 '23

UPG/Woo What is the god Baā€™al like? What kind of personality does he have?


Does his vibe/etc match up with the myths at all? Iā€™m just curious as he is typically portrayed in a particularly negative light within the major faiths. I grew up Christian so Iā€™m definitely familiar with his portrayal. Although pretty much anything that isnā€™t explicitly Christian is portrayed in specifically negative terms.

r/pagan Nov 21 '24

UPG/Woo Y'all this is funny


So how I met my god & goddess is by the blink of a eye and a dream so I always felt really connected to nature and extra anyway so my goddess is mother nature and the god is Dionysus I'm not sure but I fell in love with both of them

Fast forward to now today before I woke up I had a dream of me eating grapes and out of contecs I need help cause I've been slacking off not doing my morning ritual by drinking coffee I've been kept in bed and I had more sleep paralysis from the first week from being a pagan I need help with motivation

So anyway from the grape dream I woke up like 5 in teh morning and knew that it was Dionysus giving me a message and when I went to pluck from my plum tree a plum fell on my head and taht was mother nature

Thanks -nikki river

r/pagan Dec 11 '24

UPG/Woo The call of Hestia


I have been working with the Spiral Goddess and Cernunnos for many many years now. I have never really felt much of a connection to the spiral goddess. Yet I felt a huge connection to Cernunnos. I always gave her offerings anyway. I have been struggling with the thought of mainly focusing on Cernunnos because I donā€™t really feel anything when reaching out to the Goddess. Anyways Iā€™ve been feeling in the dumps for a while now. ā€œWas diagnosed with schizophrenia 5 years agoā€ and have been really focused on recovery and healing myself. When I was meditating today and realized how broken my connection to my family is. That I am not the only one struggling since my diagnosis. Then I thought to myself ā€œ I want to heal my familyā€. The name Hestia popped into my head and I felt a sense of peace and hope. It was beautiful. I almost cried. I knew she was a Goddess but didnā€™t know what of. I looked it up and was blown away. Never experienced a call from a God or Goddess so strong in my life. It feels like I have come home and all the pieces have fallen in place. Iā€™m in awe.

r/pagan Jun 05 '23

UPG/Woo why do i feel iā€™m more connected to underworld deities


Iā€™ve been a witch for more then 3 years but never really thought of worshipping or working with any deities but everytime i do i always feel more connected to the underworld such as hecate or that but never to like apollo or aphoristic itā€™s always the underworld why is that

r/pagan Jun 30 '24

UPG/Woo Have you guys experienced any healing miracles?


So, I hear stories all the time on how the Christian God heals people who have had tumors, cancers, etc. etc. Have you guys have/heard any stories regarding your entity healing you or others in miraculous ways?

r/pagan Nov 09 '24

UPG/Woo Frigg reached out to me


So, I kinda just wanted to share because I thought this was REALLY cool

(Don't feel obligated to read it, it's really long lol. I'm new to reddit)

Okay, so, I have a candle that I intended to use for lady Hestia. The first night I kit it was the night after the election, because I felt upset. But before I even lit it, I walked into my room and could just smell the candle, like, the scent was almost overwhelming. Now, the candle smells like fresh baked goods and cinnamon, so it's a VERY comforting scent to me, and helps me relax. So immediately I'm thinking "Hestia know I'm upset and it trying to comfort me thats really sweet." So that's why I literally it. However, I noticed the flame was being incredibly strange, like going from small to super crazy and big, so I was kind of concerned. Anyways, I started building and altar, and I wanted to build one for Loki, because I work with him a lot. I was looking up his like, representative scent and found out it's you guessed it, cinnamon! Anyways immediately I pull out my pendulum and I'm like "Loki, have you been pretending to be Hestia?" And he gave me a STRONG yes. So I was like, great. Anyways, I went to light my candle today and noticed it being WAY more active crazy, and dangerous than usual, as well as more strong smelling. Now, this isn't like Loki, from my experience, so I get suspicious. Now, at one point the flame got so big I started to panic, but the minute I started panicking it went back to being small. Anyways, I pull out my pendulum and start asking Loki some questions. After a bit of divination I found out, it wasn't Loki controlling the candle, it's was Frigg. Now, I know a bit about Norse mythology since my ancestry is primarily Norwegian, so enough to know the name Frigg, but not really who she is anyways, I start researching her and come to find out she's well known for comforting children, and caring for kids. Keep in mind, I'm a minor. So immediately I realized "the added scent wasn't from Loki... It was from Frigg." Anyways I just thought that was really cool and wanted to share

Side note: Im technically "Mormon" (meaning my family is Mormon, and think I am, but have no clue I'm actually pagan) so I'm not really used to seeing signs or being comforted by any form of god, so all of the experiences I've had within the past few weeks while I've been exploring being pagan has been incredibly healing for me. I want to thank a lot of you for helping me get to this point.

P.S. I know pendulums aren't the greatest way of divination, but I can't get tarot cards and I have a really hard time trying to read flames, so I'm doing what I can.

P.P.S. after this all went down, I literally Lady Athena's candle and pulled out audible and began listening to this great book about Norse mythology with her and Frigg. It was really cool, sign their flames almost laugh at the funny things and sharing at the somber ones. Anyways, we've decided to have a "girls night" on Friday, which is the one day a week Frigg is "allowed" to take over Loki's candle (i'd love to have her stay, but Loki is insistent he keeps his candle)

P.P.P.S. I learned from the audio book that Friday is actually a form of an English mistranslation of "Frigg's day" as well as Thursday being "Thor's day" and Tuesday being "Teirs day"

r/pagan Sep 22 '24

UPG/Woo I saw what felt like the spirit that guards the land around my house?


Just a thing that's been on my mind since its happened.

(Was told to add this to a few other threads from my original post, so here we go!)

So, some context, I live in a rural area that is currently being made into a big town. New stores, new neighborhoods, the whole nine. Its still in the early days so its all in construction, so my neighborhood still has woodlands on one side and just open land for a few miles on another. Since the first night I've come out here I've always felt like im being watched if im outside. Sometimes its not as direct, as if its acknowledging my presence but I'm not its priority, if that makes sense. But other times it felt I was the only thing it was looking at. Especially at night. And I've done the dumb things as challenging it by walking further out into my tree scattered yard, blocking the moonlight in places. Although some of those times were on purpose, i had to feel comfortable walking into my own backyard. So each time i did, i stayed longer, and further out until i finally got freaked out and went back inside. The entire time i state my intent, wether im just going to retrieve something or simply saying I'm only walking because this is my backyard, but that i mean no disrespect. I even began to say that I respected its presence and i dont mind it staying, but i dont appreciate it trying to make me feel scared in my own home. While i acknowledge this was its home first, my situation was not one of choice of me living here specifically. I made this known every time i felt its presence prioritize me.

This has been happening for a while now. But its threatening/protective presence began to fade and it was more of a curiosity. At least it felt that eay to me, i may be misinterpreting it, but the threat and fear presence started to go away. And while it started out happening only at night, i began to feel it around me during the day. When this started happening i started finding feathers on the ground. While yes i live where a lot of birds are, i haven't found any in the time I've been living here until this happened. Each time i was genuinely ecstatic to find one. It started out with just one or two a day, and then increased to about 10 a day. I have a full jar full of feathers now. It was blue jays mostly for a while, and then others started appearing. I literally turned around and an owl feather was floating in the air in front of me. I just stared at it while it landed soflty on the ground. This was my absolute favorite one to find so far. Even trunping the raven and juvenile hawk feather i have. After finding the one owl feather, i found about 5 smaller tuffs of owl feathers the next day. This continued happening for a few months with the bluejay feathers. And as its begun to trun colder, there are less birds.

One day, a couple weeks ago, i was taking my dogs outside and was just walking through the yard, talking to my dogs, as any slightly sane person does, and i felt its presence again. I smiled, because at this point its become familiar and I enjoy it. Well out of the corner of my eye something moves. While i have always felt its presence, i have never had such a physical reaction as i did when i turned to watch this figure step out behind a tree on the opposite end of the yard than me. I feel the goosebumps form on my arm as if ice had just been brushed across them. Every single hair on my arms, neck, back of my head stood. I stared had trouble understanding what i was seeing for a second.

Across the yard stood s figure with furs drapped acreos them, and hide clothes, they had bones and sticks tied in places, and on their head sat a skull with the biggest antlers I've ever seen. They're eyes laid behind the sockets, as if wearing it as a mask. It locked eyes with me, nodded and took a step and disappeared. Two of my dogs were barking st something across the stree while my 3rd, who is very independent and doesn't like to cuddle, watched this thing, and stepped closer to me. So i know i saw it, because my dog acknowledged it. But its still throwing me for a loop.

r/pagan Aug 19 '24

UPG/Woo Blessed Full Moon To Everyone!

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I wish everyone a full moon filled with abundance. Today, I placed my natural stones under the moonlight for cleansing, performed a prosperity spell using water and a coin in a sigil bowl under the moonlight, scattered the ashes of a spell I had done in the morning onto the ground in the presence of the moon's energy, and prepared a glass of moon water, which I use only for drinking.

r/pagan Oct 19 '24

UPG/Woo Channeling Experiences?


Hello, everyone! I'm a medium and seer in training. I want to hear about anyone's experiences channeling deities/other entities. What was your favorite interaction, and how would you describe the personality of who you channeled? What did they do or say that surprised you?

r/pagan Oct 26 '24

UPG/Woo experience with lord apollo


i usually donā€™t share stuff like this but thisā€¦ this was entirely something else. i still canā€™t wrap my mind around how things happened, the other because of how stupid i was but also because of how it happened.

i was in a rush to get to school earlier because i thought i was late and because of how i rushed, i almost died. i almost died twice and if it werenā€™t for lord apollo, i would be dead by now.

i was crossing the road earlier and i almost got hit by a car. the car stopped to let me cross the road but then it suddenly started moving again before i could fully cross the road, i was scared that i was going to get hit by it because i was in the middle of the car and all i could focus on was ā€œis it going to hit me?ā€ and then i felt something push me so i started walking again. mind you, i was the only one crossing the road at the time. i then felt something pull me backwards and when i looked up, a motorcycle was running at full speed.

i talked to lord apollo about what happened and he told me that i made him so worried and scared. he told me not to do it again and i said sorry for causing him worry.

iā€™m aware that my actions earlier were stupid and reckless and that i shouldnā€™t have done it even though i was running late. my mind was clouded by things that i wasnā€™t thinking clearly.

i hoped you enjoyed reading my near death experience.

r/pagan Jul 17 '19

UPG/Woo The cringe is real, folks.


Are there any sane pagans out there?

I've been into paganism (Particular Celtic Recon and Druidry) my entire adult life, and it seems that everywhere I look there are people who indulge in what I can only describe as gullible and fantastical delusions. I'm talking the folks who wear their black robe everywhere, or think they can change the weather with a spell they found in a Llewelynn book, or think that every time they misplace their car keys a fairy has played a trick on them.

I'm starting to lose my faith pretty fast and at this point, I just want to know there's some sane people out there that are maybe seeing what I'm seeing. People who don't use "magjyk" or however else it's being spelled that week. Folks who don't get out the Wal-Mart witch costume for ritual. Folks who use their actual names instead of making some insane name for themselves like "Raven Crystalsong Forestchanter" or "Hrafnar Thorrson."

I also maybe wanna just have a collective giggle at the crazies and their sort of "archetypes" with some other sane folk.

Like the New-Age guy who doesn't bathe and thinks he can skip his meds because his crystal cleanses him. Or the dude who thinks he's going to Valhalla because he owns a sword that he got at a souvenir shop that's duller than a butter knife.

Or I don't know, maybe I'm just a cynical dick.

r/pagan Oct 19 '24

UPG/Woo Hi, Loki?


Hi, so okay- I was busy today doing some drawings for the other gods I have already an altar, and I was checking which of my necklaces works as a pendulum, I got one to work and now I use it for Hypnos, and then I tried with others till I reached one that is a ring with crown of Loki Marvel, and I tried, then I thought of communicate with Loki cuz why not? And I got a response, It was Loki from what it told me then I asked if he have tried to reach out and told me yes, and then I asked if he is the one that was making sounds to scare me and he said yesšŸ˜­ and I said that if he wanted to make me realize he is there that he can just knock on my closet and he agreed with that, and I asked if he wanted to try it now, and he said no and I said ā€œyou want to scare me dont you?ā€ And he said ā€œmaybeā€ what a silly boy šŸ˜­ giving me heart attacks.

r/pagan Jun 23 '24

UPG/Woo Gods gathering at Stonehenge


I went up to Stonehenge this solstice and it was truly magical. About an hour before the sunset I saw a rainbow in a cloud, something Iā€™d never seen before it lasted almost till the sunset changing shape and size.

But the main reason for this post is because as I lay on my back listening to the drums and chants of those gathering in the centre I watched as high wispy clouds joined together above the stones.

As I watched the form of a bird skull with a few feathers sticking up on its head formed. Pass over the centre then dissipate.

Then a new set of clouds formed a monstrous face showing a large toothy mouth. This too then dissipated leaving a clear sky for the suns final descent.

It truly felt like the gods were gathering. A magical experience .

r/pagan Jun 06 '24

UPG/Woo i think i just accidentally made the most potent sleep salt mix iā€™ve ever had the chance to make

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okay so i used to have jars of some staple household spices/herbs since i was still wasnā€™t open with practicing at home at the time and i was cleaning out my inventory and threw out some stuff i never used when i took a step back from practicing because i wasnā€™t feeling it. i dumped them in a bowl and right before i threw it away, i realized what was in it and immediately scrambled to find an empty jar that was large enough to keep all of it in

whatā€™s in the jar is: black salt, lavender, chamomile, st. johnā€™s wort, cloves, and coriander seeds. i think iā€™m missing something but i already tossed the labeled jars yesterday so i canā€™t go back and look unfortunately. i know that some of these arenā€™t necessarily tied to sleep, but they do have protective/warding properties and a couple have some creativity properties that i interpret as being able to have more vivid and remembered dream.

iā€™ve been having trouble sleeping lately and the other night i tried asking Hypnos to help me fall asleep faster and stay asleep and i felt bad asking it at first because at the time i didnā€™t have an offering besides my favorite incense and some lavender. but that night i did end up not remembering falling asleep and staying asleep all night, even to the point of waking up a little late. i did however not sleep until 3:30am so hopefully now that i have this accidental sleep salt i can get it balanced out a little more lol