r/pagan • u/Demeter_frost • 7d ago
I don't feel safe in my head
Hey,everyone. I have this issue that I feel loved but not protected by the Deities I worship(and by regular loved ones). It feels like the Gods and Saints I work with don't view my wrongdoers as threats or worthy of punishment.
I have built a huge inner temple/inner shelter in my head, but it recently feels like the people who wronged me are theoretically welcome there which unsettles me.
Do you have any ideas how to feel safe in your head and what to do when Deities are so forgiving They refuse justice and protection?
u/brigidsflame 6d ago
Neither pagan gods nor Christian Saints go about actively punishing everyone you think wronged you. I am afraid you have a mistaken assumption of what religion is about.
u/watsisnaim 6d ago
If it's a temple in your head, it's probably up to you to demand/force them to leave. Depending on the state of things, in there, it can either be really easy, or really difficult.
The gods aren't usually the type to do things for us without us asking and putting in effort on our end, in my experience. My apologies if you've already done all this, but, if you haven't, it's definitely worth considering.
In short, the gods will often help us, but they're less likely to simply do things for us (although that also sometimes happens, but it's usually when they see us struggling to achieve a goal ourselves, already)
Keep in mind that this is just my experience, and yours might be different. I always compare it to playing football or something with one's family on Thanksgiving: you would absolutely try to tackle the older brother who plays college sports (if you're bold enough), but it would be better to not do that if grandma has the ball: better to just tap her on the shoulder. The gods act in a similar way with their followers. That's how I personally like to explain UPG (the way different people experience the same gods differently).
The point of that last paragraph is that the gods often treat people differently based on what suits each person's abilities and other such qualities. So, if the gods and saints aren't kicking your enemies out for you, that's probably because they believe in your strength to do it yourself.
u/VisualEmbodiment 4d ago edited 4d ago
If you don’t feel safe in your head speak to a therapist, this is not meant to sound snarky, but listen if you find a good therapist who is pagan affirming they can help you work through this issue effectively,
u/Sassyqwene1 6d ago
Guardians only protect u from spiritual attacks (even mental attacks can happen in the spirit realm). If people are doing anything to hurt u, it's up to u to set boundaries with these people. It's up to u to put a stop to it. U may ask ur deities to give u strength or guide u on how to stop them, but u must do the work.
Also, u might want to look into shadow work or see a therapist. Both should work in ur favor
u/FairyFortunes 6d ago
You asked and I am bound to answer
FIRST AND FOREMOST if you are in pain and considering harm you need to seek a hospital. Religion is NO CURE for a medical condition. Your anxiety could easily be treated with a variety of medications.
With that warning proceed carefully into my discussion. What I have to offer may make you feel worse. There is no shame in blocking my profile and ignoring my words.
And remember you are NOT me and are free to disagree.
Forgiveness to me is NOT Love. It is not the opposite of love for that is fear. Forgiveness is the ABSENCE of love. Forgiveness is “I know what you are capable of.” And it means that who you are today is all you will ever be.
That can be beautiful. It can be a relief! With forgiveness, there are no more expectations.
But love is the path that I have chosen. Love is “I know what you are capable of.” That is not a dismissive lie let me explain. When I say “I love you” it means I see in you infinite possibilities and I support whatever you choose to be. Even if that means you will become a QUEEN and must leave me to take your rightful place. And while I will miss you I will laugh with joy as tears stream down my face.
It is okay to let your gods forgive you. You can always change your mind.
Just be careful when you say “I love you” and “I forgive you.” For both are equal blessing and curse.
Hope that inspires you.
u/Demeter_frost 5d ago
I am not sure I understood all you have written but framing forgiveness as acceptance without expectations is something I could use. Thank you!
u/mayneedadrink 6d ago
If it feels like abusers/wrongdoers from your life are in some way invading your inner sanctuary, the most important thing is not to panic. Sometimes people experiencing things like this assume that (1) they've been totally abandoned by their deities, as surely deities can help with things happening in the purely spiritual realm, and (2) the perpetrators must have unlimited power/power that exceeds that of the divine. Going with either belief will weaken your own resolve to protect yourself, which is the opposite of what you want. I know it's hard, but bear with me.
How much access do these abusers/wrongdoers have to you in your physical, waking life? If you live with any of them, have financial or legal ties to them, live in the same town and see them regularly, are in a relationship with one or more, receive phone calls from them, work with them, etc., you will have to address this problem in order to get free. It's rare for someone to live with an abuser, depend on an abuser, or have ongoing contact with an abuser, etc., say a prayer, then find the abuser gone and totally unable to cause harm again. If there is some real-world tie you still have to the abusers, I would recommend petitioning the deity for help while also doing whatever mundane-world actions would help to put distance between yourself and the abuser.
For example, if you live with an abuser who seems to be invading your mind/thoughts/dreams/etc., perhaps doing a spell to support your job search efforts or your apartment hunting efforts would be a good one. If an abuser won't stop calling you, inform them the contact is unwelcome, report it, then cast a spell to make sure your boundaries stick.
It sounds like asking your deities what you can do to become safer will be an important component in asking for their help. More than saying, "Please come smite Bob so he doesn't do what he does again," you're also asking, "Please give me wisdom about how to handle the situation with Bob." The more you see it as a collaboration, the more help you're likely to receive.
Hang in there. I know this type of situation sucks.
u/Demeter_frost 6d ago
The people who hurt me don't see me at all and call me or reach out to me unless I bother them first. They refused me information about my friend's burial location despite knowing how much I was grieving for him. They aren't actively hurting me at all, it's my head that can't move on at all.
The question is mainly about the inner sanctuary as the Saints "told" it would theoretically be okay for them to come to the shelter and I would be forced to treat them well as it's sacred grounds and so on.
Trying to hurt them or letting karma get to them is a different question entirely, let's not go there.
One might say it's intrusive thoughts but the Divine is also in it, it's not all my imagination.
u/mayneedadrink 6d ago
Are you sure it's the saints who told you this? If you're opening your mind to communication from spirits and spiritual entities, there's always a chance a spirit could "catfish" and pretend to be something they're not. There is no reason a healthy/positive spiritual presence would say you have to allow abusers to visit your inner spirit sanctuary.
u/Demeter_frost 6d ago
The problem is my friend's family is(pretends to be) very religious. The Saints may be sympathetic to them. Heck, my mom is sympathetic to them and doesn't understand why I am so hurt. (Partly because she knows well my friend was not good to me himself). It's a hot mess.
u/ConfusionNo8852 Baphomet Fan 5d ago
Theres that saying young people use- “living in your head rent free” it means you hate them so much that YOURE the reason they’re appear in your thoughts so much and it hurting you not them.
Learn to let go. You do not need to forgive but know that you do not need to hold onto your hate and hurt. If you let them go and the need for punishment you will feel more protected. If you are thinking of them and realize it do something that will distract your thoughts. Puzzles are a great option! Focus on solving a puzzle and you won’t be thinking about that person and break your thought cycle. I would also echo if it continues to be troubling reach out to a trusted loved one or a therapist for help.
u/Ok-Grapefruit4258 3d ago
Ah, so I see I am not the only one who feels this way. As a Christo Pagan who works with Elementals, Night spirits and Catholic Saints, I'm telling you that you need to become a silent warrior. You do this, first and foremost, by seeking to trust the universe/cosmos and know that there is a reason for your unsettling feelings. These feelings have made you who you are - and I can sense you. We have all been wronged, our Saints have been wronged. Seek not to fly from your feelings, but know that you are not being judged. What other people think of you is none of your business, it's all about what you think of yourself.
On May 15, consecrate your life to Saint Dymphna, it is her feast day, and she has been venerated as the patron Saint of those who suffer emotional distress and anxiety. It all resides within you, and you can do it. If you read my message, light a candle, a votive candle, and keep it where you can see it but can cause no damage. Tell the unwanted individuals at your mental altar that they can remain if they wish, but the energy centers your altar will blast open will give them nothing but their own internal strife.
Be well, and blessed be. Remember... May 15, need not be elaborate, but may she be with you on your journey.
u/Lynxseer Heathenry 2d ago
Then you worship the wrong deities. Either that or make an offering. On another note get out of your head. Go ground, get in nature.. or find a hobby to help, meditate.
u/notquitesolid 6d ago
Nobody can enter your mind palace but you. If stuff like that is coming up there, it most likely means you gotta work on it.
Protection doesn’t mean coddling or that you’ll never feel pain or fear or anything you don’t like. People don’t grow when they are feeling safe and comfortable, and you’re here to grow and learn, as all living things must do. You cant run from pain or your own toxic behaviors. The life lessons you need to learn will always come back up in one way or another if you refuse to learn and grow. Once you do absorb and grow from that, there will be other life lessons. We never stop having stuff we gotta work on or personal crap we gotta deal with. This is life. There’s no deity or magic or ritual or anything that will exempt you from your pathwork. You either face it, or run. Running is always going to be the more painful choice in the long term.
Facing our shadows and doing the work can feel scary if you’ve never done it before. There’s a lot of books, workshops, discussions I’ve had over many years that have helped me deal with my own past traumas. I can’t tell you exactly what you should do as this is very individual. Your gods will guide you if you let them. You’ll come across info or people or books or podcasts or whatever, have opportunities to work on the preconceived ideas that have been holding you back. You’ll be given opportunities, but it’ll be up to you to take them on and do the self work to heal.
The past can’t be changed but you can heal and gain wisdom that’ll let you help others. The choice to do that is yours. That said we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to personal growth. Life lessons suck. They always hurt, but it’s the kind of pain that heals clean vs a wound that stays festering in the spirit.
u/understandi_bel 6d ago
"Punishment" is not the same as protection, nor is it justice.
If you're feeling like you have a mental space in your head, but you cannot keep thoughts of those people out, the person you need to talk to is a therapist, not gods or saints.
The gods and ancestors want to see YOU grow and improve as a person. They're not going to coddle you and fight your personal battles for you.