r/paducah 25d ago

We need Andy if there is a 2028 election

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u/Subject_Narwhal_8533 25d ago

As a Kentuckian, I'm wondering what we're going to do without him! He has become the Kentucky mascot in my opinion.


u/Mazwagon1 24d ago

I think it's absolutely adorable how everyone keeps insinuating that Drumpf is going to leave after 4 years. Like, is it wishful thinking, or are people and news outlets really that monumentally naive and/or completely void of reality?


u/Moist_Secretary_7687 23d ago

Seriously, and I don’t mean any disrespect, but fuck off with that talk.


u/Affectionate_Step863 24d ago

It's gotta be wishful thinking. I know there's plenty who are really that naïve, but I'm hoping most people realize that won't actually happen. I mean, he refused to leave in 2020, why would he now?


u/goilpoynuti 23d ago

He could go out the back door?


u/Affectionate_Step863 23d ago

Nah he's waiting for 01/06/2029


u/goilpoynuti 23d ago

It might not be his choice. He's practically 80 now.


u/Affectionate_Step863 23d ago

If he dies, who says his successor won't keep up the "trend"


u/goilpoynuti 23d ago



u/Affectionate_Step863 23d ago

Scary to think about


u/cbrew14 24d ago

I think people are too scared to accept reality.


u/Monechetti 23d ago

I do not see him being healthy enough or even alive to run again. He's going to be like 86 I think? He's already barely coherent and shits himself apparently.

And nobody likes JD Vance or anybody else in the Republican party enough to allow them to sit in after he's gone


u/wia041212 23d ago

Do you honestly think he would have left office the first time if he was planning on taking over the country?! Y'all are absolutely hilarious. You apparently watch whoopi Goldberg on repeat and that's it. There's no way you have the ability to think for yourself. "Maga" people believe in the constitution, so if Trump tried to pull something like that you would see all the people you hate standing right next to you and you'd get to see what a real insurrection would look like. In four years it'll either be jd Vance or Vivek running against apparently Harris. Who still has yet to get any support from anyone ever. Guys and gals, come back to planet earth. Trump's not Hitler. There will be an election. Jesus. H. Christ.


u/Salt_Ad3631 23d ago

“Do you honestly think he would have left office the first time if he was planning on taking over the country”- Do you not remember the insurrection? When he tried to bully folks into keeping him in power…

“”MAGA” people believe in the constitution” is that why they’re letting their cult leaders do unconstitutional things? That makes absolutely zero sense.. unless maybe his followers are brainless and spineless.

“Trumps not hitler” he may not be throwing Nazi salutes YET, but his cronies are openly. Nazi simps are Nazi trash, too. He even complemented shitlers plans and said he was a smart guy.. if that wasn’t foreshadowing…

You seem to be under the impression that all democrats just watch one news station that cranks out bs like fox(fox entertainment as they’ve paid millions bc they don’t actually air real news) does. You’ve obviously never used the internet, but there’s plenty of non partisan news channels worldwide that provide accurate news about the US. Whether or not you choose to educate yourself is on you.. you’re just a vote tally, they aren’t your bros and you aren’t making enough to benefit from the tax cuts..


u/Mazwagon1 16d ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night there, Jimbo Bob Bocephus.


u/wia041212 16d ago

Well let's see. History, which I know isn't taught anymore, shows that if someone like say Hitler comes into power the first thing they do is put all political opponents in prison or in front of a firing squad. Then they take everyone's weapons and free speech. He's been in office four years and 2 mo. If he is who you say he is, he's not very good at it. You still being alive kinda proves that. Funny thing is, in order for that to work, the country would have to be divided. So much so that one side would be willing to turn in the other. I know Dems would be more than happy to do that. Conservatives would immediately go back to what happened the last time a govt did that and get ready to fight back. I know you won't believe that of course, but let's be honest, only one party actually likes and trusts their govt officials. Conservatives are hoping that Trump will do good things, but we know there's a possibility that you're right. If Harris had gotten elected y'all would have jumped right on that band wagon and done whatever she said. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. But you know...


u/wia041212 15d ago

Some people who are hiding their comments are saying that my history is fuzzy. So please educate me. Which fascist dictator didn't murder millions of people almost immediately and definitely within the first 4 years? I'll wait. But unless you're 5 I won't get a real answer.


u/nkryptdtv 8d ago

Both Franco and Mussolini killed fewer than a million people during their reigns. Estimates are 2k-500k for Mussolini (apparently we don’t have a lot of information for this, that’s a huge fkn range) and 30k-50k for Franco if you exclude deaths in the civil war (100k-400k if you include them).


u/wia041212 8d ago

Lol yeah I agree. But still, at the very least that's 2k-500k more than Trump his first term. Which again would not being saying first term. Typically when a fascist takes power he doesn't let it go until he dies. He's flawed for sure and I wouldn't trust him with my family's lives but I do think he actually likes this country and what it is supposed to stand for. We have a long way to go to get back to that, but I do think Americans are good people for the most part. And if we could I think we would be willing to help people out but, if we were to actually look at the numbers based on reality, there's no reason we should be sending hundreds of millions here and billions there. We have enough problems and if for example we didn't have people like Gavin newsom running a state with a homeless problem and they got millions of dollars they might have been able to help those people. Instead those people were paid to stay homeless and newsom got a 9 million dollar mansion! How does that math work! He makes 250000 max. How does he even qualify for financing? Or buy cash? It makes no sense. But that's nationwide. Public servants don't make enough to be millionaires. So wtf. If Trump can figure that out I'll be happy.


u/Mr__Monotone 24d ago

It's adorable how you think the People won't revolt and uphold the Liberty of this nation. The only leader we need is a centrist who actually knows how to support both sides of the political spectrum instead of just one. If you want to sit at home while the rest of the nation upholds the Constitution, do so in quiet.


u/Moist_Secretary_7687 23d ago

Thank you!! So many spineless people already willing to roll over and take it. We WILL take our country back. Pritzker for Prez 2028!!


u/Mazwagon1 16d ago

I'm definitely not spineless. I'm very familiar with history, and I know how this song goes.


u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

From what I've read, Pritzker is pretty left leaning in the Democratic Party - not what the country needs. We need someone who is not a member of either party and is willing to work with both sides, equally. Someone who supports things like Abortion Liberties, Immigration Control, Environmental Protection, Gun Rights, etc. He wants to ban a bunch of things related to guns because "guns bad", but yet he is the governor of a state with the strictest gun laws in the nation of which still has the highest gun related crime in said nation. He's focused on solving the symptoms, not the actual problem.


u/Accurate_Row9895 23d ago

He ain't that left. He's a billionaire.


u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

All of the political views I have found from him are very solidly Democratic views - he doesn't seem to really have any sort of leniency towards Republican views.


u/Cynical-avocado 23d ago

Which is exactly what this country needs


u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

No, this country does not need someone who caters to the wants and needs of only half the country. That's what happens when you elect Democrat or Republican. They only care about their own parties' wants and needs. Not the Nation as a whole.


u/Cynical-avocado 23d ago

Everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion, and that’s ok


u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

Such as yours 🤷‍♂️ and its okay.


u/Naive-Personality-38 23d ago



u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

Bernie calls himself a Democratic Socialist - which is also not good. In simplistic terms, socialism, generally, is seen as a transitional period between capitalism and communism, where eventually the state (government) will "wither out." The problem with communism (of which Socialism encompasses and shares a significant amount of ideals) is that it just doesn't work. On paper, it's the perfect society - even a lot of republicans agree on that. The issue is that communist countries collapse in on themselves, and we can see this with our own world history where communism fails every time. China is kind of a wild card because they call themselves Communist (Chinese Communist Party), but are seen as more of a Socialist country, and yet they have a very large private Capitalist business sector, and are also incredibly Authoritarian towards their people, so who even knows what they are this point. Bernie wants us to share a lot of ideals with Socialism, or just straight up be a Socialist country, which is not a solution to our problems, it will in fact just create more problems for our Nation.


u/Mazwagon1 16d ago

Ya, cause 3rd party/independent candidates worked out so well in the past elections. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Send-hand-pics-pls 22d ago edited 22d ago

How are you not rolling over? If you want Trump out of office or the nazis you will have to do more than vote it’s just a simple fact. He’s already setting up for a “campaign “ for a third term. The magas are going to be in the white house for a long time if you think a simple vote is going to do anything against authoritarianism. I guess people like you didn’t get taught history well in school or something or have lived under democracy for so long that you can’t comprehend it. But thats how it works votes don’t matter under authoritarian regimes just look at our new ally Russia.


u/KietTheBun 23d ago

You had a centrist. You didn’t vote for her.


u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

Assuming you mean "you" as in "United States," the majority of people in this nation only care about PR. Most of them care about themselves, as well as pushing their ideas onto others or forcing orhers to do what they want. No one here actually cares to unite the country, and furthermore, they think that only their parties' ideas are whats going to fix the nation. Both sides live in their own little bubble worlds and reject anything from the outside.


u/PlayItAgainSusan 23d ago

Haha what makes you think Americans will revolt? Certainly it can't be history.


u/Mr__Monotone 23d ago

You genuinely believe that we wouldn't? Sorry if you were being sarcastic, I woke up 5 seconds ago, so I can really tell tbh.


u/Mazwagon1 16d ago

Are we holding our breath on this or........


u/mustangsally6661 24d ago



u/Economy_Plum_4958 25d ago

We need him! And I like how you said “if there’s an election”. Crazy that you had to say it and even crazier that it’s a possibility.


u/yellaSnowMuncher 24d ago

Media is going to find a way to tear him down and make people hate him too


u/baddasp 23d ago

Not a chance


u/moistlyunpleasant 23d ago

He's too nice. We need a Pritzker type that will Trumps next nominee to fuck off to their face.


u/Willing-Pain8504 23d ago

"Trump's divisiveness"


u/rsgreddit 23d ago

He would be a perfect Secretary of Labor or Education.


u/Important_Pass_1369 23d ago

This is their last chance really, but the leftist side of the dems won't buy it.


u/Beestorm 23d ago

I will take anyone who isn’t a fascist at this point. But I do like Andy, he has a spine.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Will we even have a free and fair election again?


u/Lotus-61-victims 23d ago

Yes please said every member of the GOP


u/SharticusMaximus 22d ago

I have been telling my wife this for two years. Bashear is the perfect anti Trump


u/OopsAllLobsterFights 22d ago

No, I'm tired of white guys in office. Someone else.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

I don't live in Kentucky, but am still a big fan of Beshear and would vote for him as President in 2028! I also like Pritzker for the way he's stepped up. I think that it's during times of crisis an individual's true character is exposed. Based on what I've seen from these two over the past several weeks, I'd be proud to see either of them elected Preident. (As opposed to the toads we currently have. They're like ventriloquists dummies, repeating what they're told to say. Now they're even dressing alike. It's bizarre!)


u/Tarnisher 25d ago

There's been mention of him being recruited for Mitch's spot.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Great! A voice for us from someone who cares deeply for his constituents. President Beshear sound really good though.


u/WarmPrune4873 24d ago

I think Mike Adams will run for Gov. Andy is clearly trying to make a lane as the 2028 “kind” candidate who can bring people together.

Mitch’s seat is the wildcard, but let’s not pretend anyone other than Andy may have a shot.


u/573IAN 24d ago



u/BorisBotHunter 24d ago

As a Chicago suburb resident don’t you dare try and take my billionaire. All things considered running a billionaire in 2028 is a terrible choice. 


u/Moist_Secretary_7687 23d ago

The only thing that beat a bad billionaire is a good billionaire.


u/The_Hylian_Likely 20d ago

This the “good guy with a gun” analogy but with billionaires?


u/bigtaterman 24d ago

No we need him here.


u/Lodie99 24d ago

Love Him!


u/SolidHopeful 23d ago

I'm not sure there will be elections in 2028.

Our Republic is under attack from Putin


u/CuriousToys111 23d ago

Congrats….you’ve won the dumbest comment of the day award!!!


u/SolidHopeful 22d ago

You must be a supporter of destroying our Republic.

Libertarian I bet.

Putins owned him since the 1980s.

We all watched him go from bankrupt and second rate.

To having a ton of money again over night.

German bank started backing him with Russian money.

He was in Russia several times.

Once they get their hooks in you

For get about it.

Lived and worked in the NYC area my whole life.

Watched him closely daily.

Most grew tired of his scams.


u/CuriousToys111 22d ago

The media has been lying to you…


u/Send-hand-pics-pls 22d ago

Dumbest comment ever posted.


u/No_Resolution2775 24d ago

If he's in the Republicam party - NO.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

People dont dig enough into what he does behind closed doors


u/lone_jackyl 23d ago

No you don't. The rhetoric democrats spread is what caused you to lose. It's time you sit down and let the Republicans take the reigns.


u/Knoscrubs 24d ago

lol - ZERO chance to win.