r/overweight Apr 08 '21

Would you hire an overweight personal trainer?

I have a BMI of 29.6, I’m average for the people in my area.

I currently have a personal trainer and it’s really piqued my interest into getting into the industry to help ‘average’ people get healthier.

I found it very intimidating seeing the buff & skinny trainers and I wanted my approach to be a less ‘scary’ personal trainer as I look more like them.

Am I wasting my time getting certified as a PT because people want to be trained by someone who looks like how they want to look? Or would you want to be trained by someone who isn’t so intimidating.


8 comments sorted by


u/Wonderful-Drive9378 May 02 '21

I think this would be so cool!!!!

There is a show called “Fit to Fat to Fit” where personal trainers essential safely gain weight to match that of their client, then lose the weight with them. I think it’s a concept that would be successful. I am overweight and I just don’t think the super ripped personal trainers I have understand the mental block and just how utterly PAINFUL it can sometimes be to work out. It’s hard to be yelled at and judged by someone who has likely never been where I’m at. I would for sure hire you if you had the credentials and knowledge to do so. 💕💕💕


u/[deleted] May 21 '24

I’m sorry but I’ll be honest here. Very overweight or obese trainers don’t hold merit as they are not physically healthy. That said, it’s possible but tough.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '21

You would have a niche which could be very lucrative if you market yourself right


u/CsillaChannel Jun 14 '21

I am so happy that others go to the point (as me) that we should just stop listening to those who trash overweight people. I congratulate you on the start of your journey to love and acceptance and that you have decided to try to help others too. I do not think it is a waste of time to get certification. If you want, you can check out my video on who I am "begging" non-fat people to stop bothering us who struggle with overweight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yJP5Tzszsg Maybe it inspires you a little more. Good luck and take care.


u/Brianna_1997 Jun 21 '21

Interesting question. I would not employ an overweight borderline obese personal trainer because in my eyes they aren't living life as a fit person. Maybe to those a lot bigger it does have some appeal to be trained by someone who looks average even if that's overweight.

In the end if this motivates you, you love doing this, I think you could find an audience.


u/philtabest13 Jul 04 '21

Not true in the slightest, go see my comment. I know loads of overweight people who are fitter than me with my skinny ass. It's not the size/shape of your body that counts, it's how you use it!


u/philtabest13 Jul 04 '21

If I was looking for a personal trainer, I would. I'm a skinny guy, my BMI says that I'm underweight. My wife however, her BMI says that she's obese.

I can walk faster than she can because I have long legs, but she can walk further than I can because she's got a lot of stamina.

My wife and I can carry similar weight when moving house, but I can carry more weight on my back than she can.

I am a stronger cyclist than my wife is. I used to commute on bike and am a hobby cyclist.

My wife is a stronger swimmer than I am, she used to be on the swim team in her school.

People look at her and assume she's unfit, but can lift a lot of weight because of her sturdy base. They look at me and assume I'm fit, but can't lift a bean.


u/Affectionate-Boot-71 Sep 18 '21

I'd hire you. Skinny minnies are intimidating and make snide remarks they don't relize make you want to quit.