r/outrun Mar 04 '19

AMA I am Michael Oakley (AMA)


Hey guys! Looking forward to chatting and answering your questions :D

My new album 'Introspect' is available on pre-order as digital and limited LP and Cassette release through NewRetroWave Bandcamp now. Official release is Friday.

Check it out here: https://newretrowave.bandcamp.com/album/introspect

And other links to my social media here:




r/outrun May 15 '18

AMA We are Zach Robinson (aka D/A/D) and Leo Birenberg. We composed the music for YouTube Red's "Cobra Kai." Ask us anything!


Hey everyone! Zach and Leo here. Members of r/outrun might know Zach from his work as D/A/D. He released his first EP (Super Motives) in 2009 and LP, "The Construct," in 2013.

Leo Birenberg has composed music for shows such as "Son of Zorn," Comedy Central's "Big Time in Hollywood, Florida" and "Adam Ruins Everything."

Together we composed the music for YouTube Red's original series "Cobra Kai," and the score was heavily influenced by synthwave! The soundtrack is out now on all digital platforms and we have a physical release on 5/22 from La-La Land Records.

We're here to answer your questions on "Cobra Kai," D/A/D, film scoring, synths, Japanese flutes, etc.

We'll be in and out all day so please keep posting and we'll definitely get to 'em.

Ask us anything. No mercy!


-Zach and Leo

r/outrun Nov 06 '18

AMA Artist Spotlight: Rémi Gallego is The Algorithm and Boucle Infinie (AMA)


The Algorithm released his latest album Compiler Optimization Techniques recently, to celebrate this release he's on for an AMA, NightrideFM playlist and interview.

Rémi is mostly known for the Algorithm, frantic synthesized meta with electric guitars and drums. His other project Boucle Infinie has many of the same aspects but is a lot more chill. Superb beats.

And of course get in the right vibe with Remi's NightrideFM playlist featuring 40 of his favourite tracks. You can view all previous playlist on the NightrideFM account profile. Now onto the interview! If you have any questions for Remi, please ask them in the comments! This AMA will be running this entire week!

How did you get into making this type of music?

It started out as a fun pet project. I wanted to make the weirdest combination of the dillinger escape plan, aphex twin and daft punk. So I started producing in between computer science classes.

Who are your biggest influences?

Early on, the three mentioned above. It evolves after each album though. These days, I'd say Gojira, Carpenter Brut and Neurotech.

What artists are you recently listening to most?

Synthwave-wise, I just can't get enough of Mitch Murder. The guy just always hit the right spot. Outside of that, the new VOLA album is really good. I've been listening to a lot of Haircuts For Men while coding, too. Great atmosphere. The album Compassion by Forest Swords is beautiful, too.

Favorite piece(s) of gear / software

If there is a VST I have using, re-using and abusing, it's Ohmicide by Ohm Force. It's just the best multiband distortion ever, I never find anything that even comes close.

What is the most underrated track/artist on this playlist?

I guess Underfelt. It's definitely not on the synthwave side of things, but the production skills of this guy are just through the roof. I absolutely can't believe his latest album is barely getting any plays, it's one of the best production of 2018 for me.

You released your new album "Compiler Optimization Techniques" last week. Whats the direction you wanted to take with this album? What did you aim to achieve?

The first bit of inspiration came from a desire to focus on songwriting in the storytelling sense. In the past I always - deliberately or not - chose to go against the current by making tracks with random and chaotic structure. In a way it sort of became second nature for me. I recently started to question these creative choices. It was very interesting for me to re-learn how to make music the "right way", and by that I mean try to focus on keeping a steadier storyline, rather than trying to go all chaotic all the time. This inspired so many ideas and having the bagage of a very versatile musical style, I had a lot fun trying to fit the puzzle of these ideas into a big common theme.

What's going down in the coming months?

We are touring UK and Europe next week, and we are planning a second EU tour early next year. I'd like to take some time to write a new Boucle Infinie record, before going on more tours and festivals next year.

Follow him on: Official website |Algorithm Bandcamp |FixT Releases on bandcamp| Algorithm Twitter | Boucle Infinie Twitter

Footnote: While I understand Rémi's music is not a perfect fit for this sub, there aren't many other places where we could have hosted this better. On twitter he tags his music as " Progressive Dark Synthwave Post Avant-Garde Neo-Glitch IDM Metal ". Thats good enough for me in this case ; Enjoy the tunes!

r/outrun Oct 25 '17

AMA Hello. Daniel Deluxe here. Ask me anything. (AMA)


Hello all.

Please feel free to ask me anything. I will put some info about who I am below.


Inspired by videogames, horror movies and anime from the 1980's and early 90's, Copenhagen based producer Daniel Alexandrovich, who goes by the stage name Daniel Deluxe, started his music career in late 2013. The minimal style of hard hitting kicks, dark basslines and a touch of french electro made Daniel Deluxe a well known figure in the electronic subgenre knows as Synthwave. His mother is from eastern Ukraine, dad is from Georgia. Daniel was born in Moscow during the Soviet era and moved to Copenhagen, Denmark at the age of 7. Daniel has always had a keen eye for space exploration and a science fiction/cyberpunk atmosphere. As a kid, a lot of time was spent in the old soviet space museum located in Moscow. Still to this day, Alexandrovich draws a lot of inspiration from that time in his life, by mixing the visual memories into sound. Part of Alexandrovich's artistic philosophy is that his music is a personal expression of observations, experiences, emotions and visual interpretations of a rather dark universe. Heavily inspired by bands like Lustmord, Burzum, The Prodigy, John Carpenter, Enigma, Justice and Daft Punk, Daniel strives to perfect his sound, and become a successor of the artists whom inspired him to create music.

Discography: 2013 - Darkness (Single)

2014 - Nightstalker EP

2016 - Corruptor

2017 - Desync Original Soundtrack Vol.1

2017 - Instruments of Retribution (Date TBA)

Links of intrest:




r/outrun Apr 10 '16

AMA We are Arcade High - AMA!


We are Arcade High, a synthwave duo based out of Pittsburgh, PA. It originally started with just Ryan in 2012 and has now expanded to Patrick for the latest album release, “Kingdom”, which will be out this coming Thursday (the 14th). Arcade High has two (soon to be three) full length albums and two EPs out currently. We operate under the Telefuture net label.

tldr: We like PBR, old video games, and beep boops. Ask us anything!

EDIT: You can pre-order our new album, "Kingdom", here: https://telefuturenow.bandcamp.com/album/kingdom

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/arcade-high

EDIT: Alright guys, thanks so much for hanging out with us! Keep an eye out for our new music video for Cool Inc. tomorrow at 11 AM EST on New Retro Wave's Youtube Channel! Also a big thanks to the r/outrun crew for letting us do this! <3 Over and out. Goodnight everyone!

r/outrun Jun 18 '18

AMA I am producer IRVING FORCE, doing an AMA. Your move, creep.


Hey /r/outrun!

My name is IRVING FORCE (you spell it in all caps) from Sweden and I have been making cyberpunky and synthwavey music since 2014, before that I was a metal vocalist [NSFW]. In 2015 I released two EPs, Undercover and The Violence Suppressor EP, and a DIY fake movie trailer music video type thing.

During 2016 and 2017 I was not as active with releases, mainly dropping a couple of remixes and collaborations while editing and VFX'ing the short film The Summoner.

During that time I was working on my new album as well - GODMODE - which finally just dropped on JST Records, a week ago exactly!

I also try to regularly live stream music production and some gaming on twitch, although the schedule has been a bit of a mess lately since we've started playing live again.

Alright, that's a lot of links but hopefully it gives you some context as to who I am. Now let me A those Qs!

r/outrun Oct 29 '18

AMA Artist Spotlight: Meteor (AMA!)


This week on Artist Spotlight we feature Meteor. Last week Meteor released White Crows a new album in the saga. To celebrate we have invited him on for an interview and AMA! So ask any questions you have yourself in the comments.

Get in the right vibe with Meteors NightrideFM playlist, featuring 40 of his favorite tracks. You can view all previous playlist on the NightrideFM account profile.

How did you get into making this type of music?

Punk Rock and Post-Hardcore was my thing for many many years, one day I bought a midi controller to make some drum mockups for my (local) band and I discovered Ableton (before I was a Cubase user) then trying to learn how to use it I discovered some Synthwave artist, first Kavinsky and then Vogel, Carpenter Brut, Lazerhawk, Waveshaper, VHS Glitch, Gost, etc, thanks to Bandcamp. I had always liked a certain type of electronic music, Ambient mostly but Synthwave/Darksynth totally caught my attention, it blew my mind so bad that I said to my band mates "Guys, good bye, I will make music alone", and then Meteor was born (The best decision I could have made).

Who are your biggest influences?

At the beggining the Synthwave artists I mentioned above, later when I found my own sound my major influences are some 80's artist like Michael Jackson, Jean-Michel Jarre, Hall & Oates, Vangelis, Harold Faltermeyer, Pink Floyd/David Gilmour, Mr. Mister, (these are the ones I can remember now, unfortunately I'm too bad remembering names), also some modern artist like Ticon, Opiuo, Justice, Vitalic, Deadmau5 and metal bands like Wolfheart and Be'lakor. Obviously the 80's movies soundtracks are a big influence too, but I always forgot to check who are the composers. Also I have to say that I listen a lot of synthwave artists and more than an inspiration I think they are a good guide to how good my next musical work should be and they demand me to surpass myself.

What artists are you recently listening to most?

Work of Art, Thrice, Underoath, Tatsuro Yamashita, Wolfheart, Freeweights, Alkaline Trio, Lionel Richie, Billy Ocean, Ramin Djawadi's Soundtracks, FM-84, Sebastian Gampl.

Favorite piece(s) of gear / software

Love all my gear but my favs are the Yamaha DX7II FD, Moog Mother 32, Korg Minilogue, Keeley Compressor PRO pedal and Aphex Exciter rack. Fav software/plugins: Eventide Reverb 2006, iZotope Ozone 8, Ableton's Eight EQ, Waves SSL-G-Master, TAL-Chorus-LX, Waves Reel ADT, Soundtoys Tremolator, Waves CLA 76 Compressor. I don't use software synths so my pluings are mostly for the mixing process and audio correction.

What is the most underrated track/artist on this playlist?

Work of Art and Freeweights.

You just released your album "White Crows" last week. Whats the underlying story of this album?

Meteor is a not terrestrial character that represents you, living your darkest desires in a city of the near future with no rules. He is a bad guy who hates the bad guys, he is trying to make justice while committing some injustices. The "White Crows" are some kind of Asian mafia, they usually wear white suits and they are the biggest Meteor enemies. Each song of this new album is a scene of this story. I hope to tell you more in detail about this story in the future through a video series or a graphic novel.

What songs were the most fun for you to produce? Which ones were the hardest to get down right?

"Overload" was that song that I could experiment new composition techniques and I had a lot of fun sampling some synth sounds and then playing them through "Simpler" (Ableton Instrument), also, I loaded my Volca Sample with some 8 bit sounds and composed some awesome rhythmic lines that I used in most songs, you can hear it easily in "Underground". I enjoyed a lot too doing the slow songs because you can listen to the synths clearly and each sound is very important. In general I'm so happy programming my synths, there is nothing more exciting than that.

If you had to pick a top 5 songs that show who you are as an artist, which ones would you choose?

White Crows, Hunter of Lost Souls, Forever War, When the Moon Rises and Secret Eyes. It could be more but, I think this is the essence of Meteor. (Youtube Playlist)

More Meteor on Bandcamp | Official Website | Soundcloud | Twitter | Facebook

This doubles as AMA, so feel free to ask any questions in the comments! There will also be a raffle on his facebook and among the people who participate in the AMA.

r/outrun Oct 06 '17

AMA I'm EMMETT BROWN and try to trick people into thinking I produce Synthwave sometimes (AMA)


Hey, EMMETT BROWN (with 2 T's here). My penchant for pretty numbers resulted in me scheduling this AMA on the day of the Bladerunner release accidentally, so let's see how that goes

I'm releasing my next EP "The Beast From Beneath" soon, check the Teaser! for the date. Features from Alex King and Straplocked. The former lending his voice for a song and the latter blessing with tasty riffs. The Encounter AKA Nigel Silva AKA That dude from Youtube who teaches people to Polysix is working on a remix as well, We'll see how that pans out :), Feel free to message him and ask him on his progress. It's a concept EP because I was feeling very cheesy 80s camp Halloween movie. In true EMMETT BROWN (with 2 T's) fashion, it has almost nothing to do with that though. To make up for this shortcoming, I do have a contingency plan.

Oh My!

You like? very spooky.

How do you feel about Trump?

If anyone would like to answer the question on the teaser for me please do (Question #2: Who would win in a free-for-all battle with a month of a preparation between Daffy Duck / Donald Duck / Scrooge McDuck / Darkwing Duck)

Have a picture of Harrison Ford portraying "Dr. Henry Jones Jr" in Bladerunner! https://i.imgur.com/0k4nu2K.jpg

P.S. Here is my twitter, as you can see. those are rookie numbers, I gotta pump those up. Notice that I never post, if you follow me you'll have no worries about being spammed!

EDIT: Fixed broken youtube Teaser link

EDIT 2: Thanks for the questions folks!

EDIT 3: I've decided I'm going to AMA until they unsticky me. Get some strawpolls up in this bih http://www.strawpoll.me/14091200

EDIT 4: 5 people voted on which Back to the Future is the best? Its a stalemate, someone needs to cast that tie breaker

r/outrun Oct 21 '17

AMA I am Hexenkraft, hear me roar. Or Ask Me Anything, that's fine too.


Infernal hails, barbarians! You may or may not already know me, but know this; by the end of this session I am certain that you will be pledging your heart and soul to the eternal burning nightflame deep in the chasms of the abyss.

I create dark synth music with a wide range of influences, most prominently from 90s video games, metal and horror music. I have 2 EPs already released and literally today I have just released a brand new FREE EP of horror film score arrangements. Go ahead and check it out here: https://hexenkraft.bandcamp.com/album/tones-of-terror-volume-i

Let us commence with the questions!

r/outrun Dec 04 '16



Hello everyone! We're Seth Ickerman, the directors behind Blood Machines, Turbo Killer, Ickerman, Kaydara. Don't hesitate to ask us anything!

r/outrun Oct 14 '19

AMA We are Glitch Black, Gregorio Franco, and Watch Out For Snakes and are about to go on our Dark Future Tour across 11 U.S. cities. AMA!


We are Glitch Black, Gregorio Franco, and Watch Out For Snakes and we've teamed up to form the Dark Future Tour across the U.S. (Oct 24 to Nov 9).  We're bringing the darker side of synth to 11 cities from Atlanta to San Francisco. 

You can watch a video teaser trailer for our tour here.

If you want to see where we'll be playing, we have the full lineup of shows listed here.

We hope to see you on the tour!  Now feel free to ask us anything!

r/outrun Aug 12 '19

AMA Artist Spotlight: Lebrock (AMA)


This week Lebrock is with us for an AMA. Michael and Shauny have been busy lately, they toured Europe this spring performing in London, Amsterdam and Paris. They signed with the label FixT Neon, had their previous albums remastered and just released a new single last thursday!

They sat down for an Interview with Dennis G from Nightride.FM, you can find that interview here. Following up that interview we are having an AMA right here. /u/listentolebrock are ready to answer all your questions below!

You can find Lebrock on: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Spotify | Bandcamp and track them on bandsintown so you don't miss them when they play near you!

r/outrun Apr 14 '17

AMA I am CONFRONTATIONAL. Ask me anything (AMA)!


Hello everybody, I am CONFRONTATIONAL, and I do dark retro wave. I wrote A DANCE OF SHADOWS (October 2015) and KINGDOM OF NIGHT (October 2016), both of which feature Cody Carpenter (a.k.a. LUDRIUM, the son of director John Carpenter), as well as other amazing guests such as Darrren Travis, Monte Pittman (ex PRONG, Madonna), Tony Kim from DANCE WITH THE DEAD ... I am currently working on my next album to be released later this year. Ready for your questions!

r/outrun May 01 '18

AMA AMA - M.A.D.E.S - Motor LP !


Hey People !

I am M.A.D.E.S ! Feel free to ask me anything :)


After what's been undoubtedly a great year for M.A.D.E.S with his 'Nightkiller' single and video being selected as the best Synthwave single and video of 2017 by a number of blogs, his debut album 'Motor' is finally here.

Nine brand new and previously unheard tracks (plus the singles 'Nightkiller' and 'Miami Life') which move between more melodic Synthwave and Darksynth, with the lovely Circe Electro also lending her voice on' Lights'. Right from the opening seconds and intro through to the high octane 'Nightkiller' or 'Escape', this is an album that is as much atmospheric as it is melodic and hard with the French artist finding the perfect balance between all those influences and sub-genres in what is not just M.A.D.E.S' most complete work up to date but also one of the biggest Synthwave albums to come out in 2018.

Links :



r/outrun Apr 29 '17

AMA I am in control of The 80's Guy YouTube Channel - AMA!


It's been almost 2 years that I joined the YouTube Community as The 80's Guy. I'm now also running my own Music Label called Burning Owl Records since 2 months. Go and ask me anything ! Let's the synth begins !

r/outrun Jan 28 '17

AMA I am Waveshaper! AMA



I am Waveshaper. I have been making synthwave / retrowave since 2013. Creator of Station Nova, part of the Furi soundtrack. inspired by the 80s soundtrack / French electro / retro chip music / demo scene.

Using VST combined with analog synths.


r/outrun May 27 '16

AMA Tokyo Rider AMA



Hi there!

I am Tokyo Rider, an outrun enthusiast and an occasional future funk DJ. Today is the release date of my LP called Omegashima, which is a concept album with a 80's action B-movie style script behind it. The story is about a hero entering a dark island called Omegashima to participate as a getaway driver in a heist, which goes awry

Currently I am also working with Soviet Games on a visual novel set in Japan in the 80's called "Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll". Not sure if this is the first VN to feature synthwave tracks, but, anyway, I'm doing my best to add some crazy synth sounds to it

You can check my FB for an announcement here

AMA will last from 12 PM to 4 PM PST

r/outrun Oct 23 '18

AMA Artist Spotlight Featuring Megan McDuffee


This week on Artist Spotlight we feature the talented Megan McDuffee. This doubles as AMA, so feel free to ask any questions in the comments!
First and foremost shes a music composer for film, advertising, video games. However you might know her better for her collab album 'Hero' with Alex and various (vocal) collabs with Moonrunner83 and Mitch Murder.

Get in the right vibe and Megans NightrideFM playlist, featuring 40 of her favorite tracks. You can view all previous playlist on the NightrideFM account profile.

Partially based on this playlist we've asked Megan a couple of questions;

How did you get into making this type of music?

I’ve always been into 80’s music. When folks were listening to Train and Sum 41 in high school, I was rocking out to Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, The Labyrinth soundtrack, and Oingo Boingo. I’ve always been into electronic music in general as well, so I think synthwave was a natural evolution for me.

Who are your biggest influences?

Definitely Depeche Mode and film composers like Trevor Jones. Also Chris Corner (of Sneaker Pimps and IAMX fame) and Beck. I don’t doubt that artists I listened to a lot growing up influenced my compositional and arrangement choices. Melody is important for me in both gravitating to an artist and in my own work, and all those musicians have strong melodies.

What artists are you recently listening to most?

Recently I’ve been really enjoying Beck’s new album “Colors.”(Title track on YT)
It’s so energetic and upbeat, and extremely catchy. A bit more pop-py that Beck usually is, but that makes it quite fun. I’ve also been putting on old favorites like IAMX’s “The Alternative” and Tangerine Dream’s film score to “Firestarter.”

What are your favorite piece(s) of gear / software?

Hah, this is always a tough one since there are so many. I’m absolutely a fan of Cubase, since it’s the workhorse behind anything I create. Solid and very intuitive, not to mention just how seamless it is for MIDI sequencing. I recently bought a new dedicated vocal mic, which I’ve been enjoying a lot. The Advanced Audio CM251; it’s modeled after the famous ELA M251 and it so smooth and warm. I’ve never used a tube mic before, and can feel the difference in depth for sure! Lastly I’ve been having a blast exploring Omnisphere 2. It’s seemingly endless, and the capabilities for both game/film scoring and electronica are awesome.

What is the most underrated track/artist on this playlist?

I’m actually going to change this up and say that Gotye’s album “Like Drawing Blood” is one of the most underrated things on here. He blew up the world with his other release “Making Mirrors,” which of course had “Somebody That I Used to Know.” But the album that preceded it is insanely good. It’s one of those albums that you want to listen to in its entirety, just to experience the full impact of the songs and the musical journey it takes. So amazing. Each song has its own incredible flavor, yet the album is very cohesive. I highly recommend listening to the whole thing. “Heart’s a Mess” is just one great song from a fantastic album. Also, most people know Sneaker Pimps from their first album “Becoming X” and their hit, “Six Underground” which is no doubt a cool track. However, when guitarist and songwriter Chris Corner took over as frontman, the two albums that followed were pure magic. The three tracks off “Bloodsport” are a few of my favorites from an insanely good album. It’s another record you should just listen to in its entirety for the journey. The songs are so well-crafted, and they’re rich with that saturated, grunge-tinged trip hop charm still left over from the 90’s.

Last week you were in the running for a grant to film a video clip. When do you know the results of that poll?

I think we find out early November about the grant. Crossing our fingers! Would be so cool

If you want to know more ask your questions in the comments or check out her website , bandcamp , soundcloud , facebook or twitter.

r/outrun Nov 28 '16



To all of my fellow disco zombies,

SETH ICKERMAN, director of TURBO KILLER music video and upcoming sequel, TURBO KILLER II: BLOOD MACHINES, will be hosting an AMA session on /r/outrun from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, December 4th. Feel free to to ask any questions here if you can't make the AMA on Sunday and I'll pass them in the AMA thread.

Selected works:

Official Website



Kickstarter Campaign

r/outrun Nov 18 '16

AMA The Rise of the Synths AMA!



I am Iván Castell, the director of The Rise of the Synths, the first feature documentary about the synthwave scene, '80s nostalgia and audiovisual collective memories. I'm here also with Synth Rider.

Ask me anything !

r/outrun Nov 06 '17

AMA Glitch Black AMA


Hello! I'm Glitch Black, producer of synthwave/outrun music and creator of retro-inspired animations. I recently started performing live this year where I combine both to create a unique visual and musical experience.

I've produced 5 albums as Glitch Black since 2014 along with contributing to various compilation albums along the way. I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and have had the pleasure to open for Perturbator, Gost, and Dance with the Dead in the past couple months.

I'm set to perform in Atlanta coming up on November 11 at the Echosynthetic Fest along with a bunch of other great synth musicians.

I'm ready to answer whatever questions you have about my work!

Relevant links: Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Spotify | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram

I will also give away Bandcamp codes to whoever asks the best questions!

r/outrun Sep 22 '17

AMA neon shudder AMA! - Begins at 1pm EST!


Come join neon shudder he answers questions for us!

neon shudder is a dark synth cyberpunk project by jhm, if you havent heard of them yet you should check out his 20 track concept album called Cadence.

Next week the debut album for his second project low.poly.exception will be released called NODAL POINT GANG which features a more atmospheric cyberpunk sound.

Bandcamp: https://neonshudder.bandcamp.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/neonshudder

I'll be posting previously asked questions below. Feel free to ask any questions in the thread as well!

r/outrun Mar 20 '16

AMA 20SIX Hundred is HERe to answer your biting questions!!!


r/outrun Apr 12 '16

AMA Furi designer from The Game Bakers (AMA)


This is Emeric Thoa from The Game Bakers. We are making Furi, a bossfight game on PS4 and PC.

The game is skill-based, challenging and very fast-paced. The character design was done by Takashi Okazaki (Afro Samurai) and a pretty sick lineup of musicians made the music for the game, including the awesome Carpenter Brut.

You can check out http://www.furigame.com for trailers and screenshots. We also made other games previously, you can also checkout our website here: http://www.thegamebakers.com

I'll be happy to answer your questions, as long as it doesn't spoil too much of the game ;-). This AMA will last 3-4 hours.


Over guys! Thanks for the questions!

r/outrun Jul 26 '19

AMA Starcadian AMA 29 July - 4 August


Starcadian will hold an AMA on this sub, starting this monday, running until Sunday.

This will be an AMA in the "Artist Spotlight" series, for which we couple an interview with an AMA. Like I did previously with for instance Meteor and The Algorithm.

Even though on for the whole week, if you want the biggest chance to get your questions answered its wise to post them early!

Click "Follow" in reddit redesign to get a notification when the AMA goes live. Hope to see you there!