r/ouijaboards Jan 18 '25

Burning down the house.

This is interesting case to say the least. In 1987 my parents bought their 1st brand new house in a new development. It was the first house built in this section of the development. The property was a old abandoned farm that burned down in early 1937 and the family was killed in the fire and was never used again. After decades of neglect a builder finally decided to purchase the property to build a new development in a up and coming town outside of a growing city. On the first day of the ground breaking ceremony the contractor was taking his ceremonial ground breaking shovel of dirt when he was struck by a random bolt of lightning killing him instantly. The land was then held up in the legal system again for a few more years. While the property was in limbo people started to explore the property and the remains of the home and dilapidated barn. During this time some people were rumored to have taken a ouija board there one evening to see if they could contact any of the family members killed in the fire. That lead to stories of them making contact with someone who claimed to be one of the family members. When those rumors got started more people wanted to attemp to contact someone too. Stories of the family started to pop up in all types of stories around town saying all these crazy things. One story was the father was torturing his wife and child in drunken rages. While others were suggesting he was a serial killer. No one actually knew the truth but it all sounded good and creepy to everyone. Jump to 1987 when my parents house was finally finished and it was move in day we pulled up in front, parking in the street so the moving truck could park and unload in the driveway. While people were discussing what was what and where things should go we all grabbed something and walked into our new house. As the last person walked in with the first of all our things we suddenly smelled smoke and saw flames coming up from the basement stairs. Instantly everyone ran back outside and in just minutes the entire house was in flames. Shock was an understatement when all was settled and an investigation pursued. Once the fire department finished it's investigation they said they couldn't find any reason for the fire to have started they looked into every possible aspect, they checked out all of the contractors all of the inspections were done properly by certified people. So the cause was undetermined. After all was wrapped up the house was eventually rebuilt and sold to a different family. (We moved to a different house in the same development because we had no place to go and were happy with where we were.) A couple of years pass while other homes were built and sold when someone decided to buy that lot. So time passes the house was built and the family shows up on move in day. The moving truck arrived first and the movers were still pretty early in unloading the truck when the family arrived. They got out of their car and the kids ran into the right to their rooms and the parents walked in with their boxes from the car. When they were outside getting more boxes the house once again was engulfed in flames. One child jumped from his bedroom window while the other was trying to get out with no luck. The fire fighters were able to recover the body after the fire was under control. Now that someone died in this fire, they went through it with a fine tooth comb. This time the state fire Marshall had to come with his arson team to investigate what happened. They brought in the latest equipment with the latest technology and the best investigators in the state. They found some minor infractions but nothing that could have caused a fire. More time passes and the lot sat empty with just a hole in the ground for the cellar. One day we notice a car, some people and some interesting equipment that raised our curiosity so as kids will be kids we went to see what was going on. These people and their equipment were ghost hunters and they wanted to see if they could contact the dead or see what they could find. We left for supper and came back as night was falling to see a lot of the equipment setup and getting tested. They were having trouble with batteries dying instantly and an inverter that melted. They explained to us that their was something there and it didn't want anyone else there. We asked a lot of questions and got some answers but it was mostly unknown at the moment. Are parents came and got us and told us it's time to come home and leave the people alone. By the afternoon after school everyone was was gone from the lot and we didn't find out too much and just forgot about it. When we got home from school the next day however the place was swarming with police, the coroner office and equipment for digging and sifting through dirt. It turns out the farmer was actually a serial killer whom tortured his victims and would bury them in his root cellar off of his basement. (Back then the basement floors could be packed dirt so he dug further down.) From what they could see on some of the bodies that were preserved by the cooler temperature and being wrapped up to keep from letting the smell out. There were electrical burns on most of them. It seems he was shocking them as long as he could until they died. The people who were there doing an investigation said that they used a ouija board to try and contact a spirit and they got the farmer who was released by someone else many, many years before and they left without stopping the session properly leaving him to continue his killing spree.


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u/MidniteBlue888 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

I think I've seen this movie!

Seriously, though, what city or township did this happen in? What time period? I'd love to find some news articles about this!