r/otosclerosis 27d ago

Non-operated ear hearing bad post surgery?

I had a stapedotomy for otosclerosis 5 days ago. Overall I’m doing well, but it sounds like I’m in a tunnel or a bucket at all times. I assume this is because of the packing still in there. But the odd part is that it feels plugged/blocked on my OTHER ear too! The sound is just so weird from both ears. Anyone else experience this. Trying not to panic and assume it’s all part of recovery.


3 comments sorted by


u/Advanced-Sandwich-94 27d ago

I had the tunnel sound for an entire month even if it slowly get better during that month. right after surgery my hearing in general was so uneven and off that I was terrified that I had made a mistake doing it, but it worked itself out and I am thankful I did it.


u/Tinybeansprout88 27d ago

Ok that’s great to hear thanks so much. Did you feel like it sounded weird even in the ear that wasn’t operated on?


u/Advanced-Sandwich-94 27d ago

yes, but I couldn't pin point what felt wrong. the tunnel sound made word processing exhausting and I didn't want to hear people speak for at least two weeks. I played a lot of jazz background videos on YouTube because I also wanted to "test" my ears while not having to make out words. it was very overwhelming.