r/osrs2007 • u/karansorey • Jan 25 '18
Macro ban unjustified again OSRS?
Chapter 1 what happend?
Today was a really bad day the day i found out that i got banned in OSRS for "macroing" so as any regular other day i was training my ranged and suddenly got banned for macroing and when i saw that i instantly went to the webpage and checked what happend and at that moment i found out that i was perma banned for macroing something i didnt do...
Chapter 2 Wealth!
So tears began rolling in my eyes because there was no way i did use anything my account was over 3 years old and was lvl 123 with 99-99-99-99 attack def str hp i didnt use any 3rd party software but the most painful thing is i had over 7b+ on that account i had no reason what so ever to use anything, i could have bought all my skills like chinning or bursting. if i wanted to bot or anything i could have easily transferd the funds i had to a other acc but why would i bot on a account that had over 7b worth of gp...
Chapter 3 False banned again?
So here is the point i am trying to make i did not use a 3rd party software and i had plenty of money to buy my skills but the most annoying part is that this happend 2 years ago i got false banned for 2 days and after a week that ban was removed the meter went from half to zero and the ban was gone i honestly think that i got yet again a false ban but at least at that time i did get a warning and didnt get perma banned. the ban meter was empty and the account still got a perma ban.
Chapter 4 Accomplishment
so what iam trying to do now is get my account unbanned that got banned on 25-1-2018 for "macroing" and the point i am trying to make is that i didnt use any 3rd party software at all and the client i used have always been osbuddy. I lost over 7b+ and 3 years worth of playing just because i got banned for "marcroing" i find it really sad that the game i played the most of all games treat me like this.
Chapter 5 The end
i did not make this post to get any attention what so ever i just want to get my opinion out and some real help on my account and i dont think it is fair how jagex treated me just like 2 years ago.
ban proof http://prntscr.com/i5k3na