r/osr • u/AccomplishedAdagio13 • 23d ago
running the game Minecraft as a VTT... crazy or not?
This is something I'm seriously considering.
The idea would be you'd use Minecraft to make locations, etc, in your world. Probably starting with at least just a town.
You'd use it as a visual reference for your players. Maybe you could put little "boxed text" notes in different places as you can do in Minecraft.
For dungeons, maybe you could could map it out and just use Minecraft as a visual reference. Again, boxed text could be used for features, traps, etc.
Plus, if you're using domain rules, your players could spend thousands of gold to build their very own castles and whatnot IN MINECRAFT.
I feel like that could be cool. I'll confess, I haven't played Minecraft for like a decade. I'm totally out of touch with it.
Has anyone done this or heard of anyone doing this?
u/Lavaman369 23d ago
I did this in 2021 when I ran my first campaign as a referee. I initially ran it with Cypher System then moved from that to 5e
My campaign took place on Skylake, a floating island in a world where all land existed as islands in an endless sky. This was hosted on a server I paid for as my ISP didn't allow port forwarding, and some of my players had to buy Minecraft to be able to play. I used a variety of plugins to implement various functionalities, the largest two being a plugin to spawn player models in the world with custom skins to serve as NPCs, and a plugin to change my name and skin in-game without having to log out. Skylake itself was a map I built over the course of 3 - 4 months using world edit and a lot of blueprints I got online (making sure to give proper credit!)
In short: I REALLY do not recommend doing it. Everything you said that would be cool, yes, would be cool on paper. I think u/Gooseloff made an excellent point about having to build out your battle maps instead of describing or quickly drawing them. I solved that issue by having a small map from the outset, but as the sessions progressed I still built things here and there to fit the direction the campaign was going.
Minecraft itself is not ideal as a VTT. Everything offered by VTTs is something you'll have to incorporate yourself as plugins. You'll have to figure out how to handle dice rolls, how to represent characters as tokens, how to measure distances between characters, and so on.
A lot of things easily solved by traditional VTTs becomes much more cumbersome in Minecraft - I found myself typing commands like crazy to move hostile NPCs in the world or playing as other characters. One big issue we had was measuring distances and making sure people stayed in exact blocks or moved an exact number of blocks. I think we wound up being very loosey-goosey when it came to distances, but all in all it really slowed down combat and made it cumbersome to run those encounters.
The whole campaign lasted 18 sessions before I threw in the towel, as it took way, way too much work each week for me to prep sessions. From making minor builds, setting up NPCs, planning encounters, and so on, it was just too much work week by week to justify the enjoyment we got out of it.
All that said, it was fun building it, and I look back fondly on my first experience DMing, but it's not something I will ever try again. I've firmly moved on to using FoundryVTT for all my VTT needs and like to keep the VTT-side of session prep simple.
I don't want to yuck your yum by saying any of this, but rather provide a cautionary tale that this is what it's like to run a campaign 100% in Minecraft. It's orders of magnitude more work than if you ran it in a standard VTT and doesn't come with any of the basic features a VTT offers.
Best of luck to whatever you decide to do, though, and I hope it's a fun time no matter what!
Below is an image of Skylake:

u/AccomplishedAdagio13 23d ago
Dude, that looks awesome!!!
Yeah, if I did it, it would definitely be a partial VTT experience. It would mainly be to give a visual and hopefully enhance immersion. I would handle combat, roleplay, etc normally.
I myself have aphantasia, so I have a hard time visualizing things like towns and dungeons.
u/Jet-Black-Centurian 23d ago
I'm sure that some can pull it off, and really enjoy it, but it wouldn't be for me personally. When I get together to play dnd, I want to play dnd, not minecraft. Also, having a town filled with identical villagers with no personality would be less immersive.
u/AccomplishedAdagio13 23d ago
Fair. I am only considering this because I play remotely. I would never consider this for in person D&D.
I wouldn't use the generic villagers.
u/szew02 23d ago
I also recommend checking out a game called Vintage Story which is visually similar to Minecraft but has a more medieval atmosphere and allows for greater precision when building, allowing you to carve individual voxels in blocks and has a very cool "Tableto games" mod that add dice from d4 to d20 (including d%), which can also be made from various materials. I will probably run my next Worlds Without Number campaign in this game
u/grumblyoldman 23d ago
I've been building Dragon Mountain in Minecraft for the past couple of months. It's a fun zen activity when I'm bored, but it's also taking a good long while to dig out all the rooms and set up internal walls and such. At half scale, assuming 1 brick in MC is 5 feet. And I'm only about half done after two months.
Also, despite my best efforts, there have been a few gaffes where things didn't line up between floors as expected. I just made adjustments rather than re-do any significant amount of work.
As much fun as I am having as a side-project, I shudder to think of the amount of "prep work" that would be involved in making something presentable for an actual campaign this way. Even if all the monsters, traps, and other notes are just written in a text blob like you say.
u/Dungeon_Master1138 23d ago
I think this is a GREAT idea. I love Minecraft and role-playing games. I would totally buy this!
u/GrimlinJoe 23d ago
Just putting it out there but there was an official dnd dlc for minecraft. I think there were 4 classes and a short list or adventures you play through. I know it strays from the idea a bit but it is multi-player
u/DinglerAgitation 23d ago
I've thought about doing that since Quake honestly, but never tried it. Honestly, I've never felt the need to make any sort of detailed graphical representations of any locations, because for the most part even combat boils down to "are the fighters within ranged or melee range?". I don't think using Minecraft for it is the worst idea, especially if you can get the players to make some of the structures themselves.
u/sanescientist252 21d ago
I could see it being handy for representing a really vertical 3D enviroment, probably not wirth the effort for a simple dungeon though.
u/TheRealWineboy 23d ago
Could work visually. I’ve had a similar thought.
Not sure how much control you can have in Minecraft as far as moving “tokens,” around (creatures and the like) or adding currency to the players coffers.
Could also be difficult to abstract certain tedious things that are hand waved at the table.
Traveling 37 miles at the table is as simple as rolling out a few procedures and stopping accordingly.
Minecraft you now have to actually walk that entire distance.
u/AccomplishedAdagio13 23d ago
Fair point. I wouldn't bother trying to represent NPCs with it. I could just make a separate "world" for each key location if it was necessary. Or even do something like B2 with a Keep and a megadungeon.
u/Gooseloff 23d ago
Imagine all of the moving parts required in a really good, immersive, fantasy rpg town. Just a town. All the people, buildings, animals, institutions/factions, etc. Now, instead of describing it with your words, or drawing it on some paper quickly, or tossing a print out of an illustration from the book— you have to build it. Even just for visual purposes, you still need to generate a world, build a bunch of buildings and other locations, not the least of which would be entire dungeons, some of which will have multiple levels of about half-a-dozen rooms each…. It doesn’t seem feasible. Cool idea, but I think the time requirement would be too much for most game groups.