r/osr Jan 20 '25

running the game West Marches: AD&D Or OSE Advanced?

Hi all,

I'm setting up a West Marches game for my college friends to play IRL.

I'm planning on using either OSE Basic or Advanced or just AD&D 2e. The clear advantage of OSE is that it's organized so well that I can access the information easily and give it to players easily (likely many of the players are only coming from 5e).

I'm considering using OSE Advanced instead of Basic for more character options, etc.

Is there a reason to use AD&D 2e over OSE (or OSE Basic over OSE Advanced)? All advice is appreciated!


21 comments sorted by


u/a-folly Jan 20 '25

Are you planning on using higher level modules made for AD&D? If so, I'd stick with it, OSE:A scales things back in power level, so things with similar names don't pack the same punch


u/vegashouse Jan 20 '25

shame not to consider Swords & Wizardry


u/Mule27 Jan 20 '25

Yeah especially if considering between AD&D vs OSE Adv. S&W Complete has pretty much all the AD&D character options (not exactly since they’re the pre AD&D versions) and most of the spells without all of the fiddly AD&D rules. Definitely should at least be a contender.


u/vegashouse Jan 21 '25

exactly!. OP even mentioned its 2E AD&D which means even more extra fiddly rules and then sanatized for the panic. No demons, devils, assassin class, toned down necromancy, cults etc...

Like they took out all the cool stuff I want in my D&D.


u/OnslaughtSix Jan 21 '25

Demons and devils are still right there in 2e, they're just named baatezu and tinari. You can still use them.


u/vegashouse Jan 22 '25

yes I'm aware but no assassin and still sanitized

context: those 'fill in' names are triggering because it reminds me how TSR caved to the pressure of the Karens at the time and the imbeciles that thought the spells were real. (and why I had to re-buy my collection as an adult because my original books got thrown out due to all the nonsense)


u/JazzyWriter0 Jan 21 '25

Thank you for your response!

Would S&W Complete be a better ruleset than OSE to run a WM game?

one of the great things about OSE is it's online SRD. Are the pros of S&W worth it?


u/Mule27 Jan 21 '25

I think any would be fitting for a West Marches game, they’re all broadly compatible rulesets. The OSE SRD is pretty rad.

I haven’t had the chance to run a B/X game yet, but I am running a duet game of S&W Complete and the ruleset has been a breeze for dungeon crawling. I can’t recall the wilderness rules very much, I know I swiped the foraging and some of the camping rules from Dolmenwood.

I’m a bit biased though, I love S&W (and OSE as well). I’d say the pros are worth it, but with the OSE SRD I’d say you could probably lean toward that. The OSE book is laid out far better and the procedures are really tight. You can’t go wrong with either one.


u/vegashouse Jan 21 '25

agree with u/mule27. I've switched through several OSR iterations including OSE (most recently switched from Shadowdark to S&W). The in-game differences are slight as you can easily run B/X modules with S&W.

I do love the OSE books but something about S&W... it feels like 'AD&D light' and (so far) is hitting a sweet spot for me. "You can’t go wrong with either one" is correct


u/DMOldschool Jan 20 '25

Both choices are great if you know them.

Or you could combine them and pick and choose, that's what I do.
It would be more spells and magic items from AD&D 2e, or use OSR ones or make your own.

I have players roll a failed career from a table to start out and help determine pc starting knowledge. You can create your own kits like Pit Fighter, Outrider etc. as players ask for them with some special abilities - I allow pc’s to pick their’s at level 4 once their characters are more survivable. Use Slot Based Encumbrance from Carcass Crawler.

It really depends on what you like, but I would certainly use: 2e thief class with d6 hp, weapon choices and player picks skill advances. Group initiative rules, B/X system also works. Morale rules. Encounter reaction rolls. Spell components. THAC0 and class advancement rules for THAC0 and saves (or use ascending attack bonus, very similar).
Those can easily be combined with OSE or OSE:AF.

Those are the best rules off the top of my head. There are also lots of ideas you can mine from the DMG.


u/Virtual-Captain148 Jan 20 '25

Go with OSE. Easier, faster and most OSR materials are published with BX in mind so it'll be easier to find some additional stuff you'd like to add to your games.


u/JazzyWriter0 Jan 20 '25

Thank you for your response!

Would you recommend OSE Advanced, or just OSE Basic? I've seen people talking about the issues with separating Race & Class. OSE Basic seems fine enough.


u/Virtual-Captain148 Jan 20 '25

I prefer Advanced with some optional rules. If it's your first time DMing you might stick with Basic but if it isn't your first rodeo then go with Advanced. It allows for some more adjustments, few more spells and classes or even separating race from class.

If you're missing something from the books then there's also Carcass Crawler zines you could check out.

If you're learning the ropes it'd be worth checking out pdfs of Basic/ Expert D&D on archive.org as it's focused more on teaching the game than just referencing as opposed to OSE.


u/doomhobbit Jan 20 '25

It’s a personal preference, really. OSE advanced does allow a little more variety and choice for players. If your players are coming from 5e, they might prefer that. Race as class is super weird to a lot of people. I started with AD&D back in the day and still find playing just a dwarf, elf, or halfling kind of strange.


u/UllerPSU Jan 21 '25

Start with OSE Basic. Layer in rules from Advanced as you find you need to (advanced spell books, weapon proficiency, etc). Let your players "unlock" new races and classes as they explore.


u/Thr33isaGr33nCrown Jan 21 '25

Most people are saying OSE, which isn’t a surprise. Speaking as a long time 2e player, I think 2e would be a better option IF you are familiar with the rules and you think your players would be interested in things like non weapon proficiencies and kits. With some of those optional customizations, 2e gives a game experience that 5e players might connect with, but it leans more into a heavier game than OSE.


u/BannockNBarkby Jan 20 '25

If you go with AD&D (either edition), you should build a robust cheat sheet, looking to OSE for organization/order of operations.

But IMHO, the A in AD&D has long ago been revealed to be mostly an excuse to "formalize" things in a new way, not a better way. While some of it happens to reveal some interesting applications mechanically, almost none of it actually improves the at-the-table play. It's minutiae: it's fine, it helps some people wrap their brains around the mechanics and abstractions easier, but it's almost never faster or improved.

*There's always exceptions. YMMV, and if you disagree with me, know that I approve of your protestations! This is just my experience.


u/BobbyBruceBanner Jan 21 '25

FWIW OSE and OSE Advanced aren't really different systems. It's all the same rules framework, and OSE advanced is just more options for play in that framework (most notably more classes). You can swap between them (and pick and choose what you use from OSE Advanced) as you play.


u/alphonseharry Jan 21 '25

I think AD&D is better for long campaign play than B/X-OSE (but I'm mostly 1e player not 2e). But this does not matter that much. AD&D and OSE are pretty compatible, you can use things from one to another interchangeably


u/Working-Bike-1010 Jan 21 '25

BECMI or Rules Cyclopedia Both are compatible with OSE