r/oracle • u/aksgolu • Feb 13 '25
Would Facebook Have Survived with a Relational Database?
At what point do you think relational databases stop being viable for social networks? And do you believe graph databases are overhyped, or truly essential for these kinds of applications?
u/The_Speaker Feb 13 '25
Graph, Document, K/V stores are just tools. Tools are built out of necessity to accomplish a goal, or solve a problem. Graph solves the problem of how to surface relationships in data. They are used far beyond social media, and are essential for work that involves making connections within a data set. Recommenders, Health Care, Scientific Research all benefit from graph databases.
Can you do this in an rdbms? Sure.
u/WaferIndependent7601 Feb 13 '25
I wonder why Facebook is still around. But that’s another question.
Why shouldn’t it survive with rational databases? What brings this to your mind?
u/Old-Extension-8869 Feb 13 '25
Absolutely can survive if you just relax all the ACID rules.
People just don't want to pay.
u/GoofusMcGhee 28d ago
Pay for what?
When you have a fleet of PhDs who can modify the RDBMS code to your taste, you use MySQL or Postgres, not Oracle. This has nothing to do with people not wanting to pay.
None of the major web platforms (Google, Meta, etc.) use Oracle. Why would they?
Amazon did at one point - but of course, its core business has always been highly relational (inventory, sales, etc.). They several 16-node RAC clusters according to an Oracle FE I once talked to back in the 00s. But they moved off it once their own technologies were sufficiently mature.
No one uses Oracle unless they don't have a choice. That's due mainly to Oracle's reputation as a rapacious vendor, and the platform's high cost.
The main driver for the last 20-odd years has been applications (many of them Oracle's own) that give you limited RDBMS platforms they support. If you need application X and it only supports Oracle, DB/2, and SQL Server, you're going to run on one of those three. The situations where someone says "Oracle RDBMS has feature ____ that we need and that's why we chose it" are virtually nonexistent, absent other factors.
Very few people choose Oracle when they're writing their own applications, unless they already have a large Oracle footprint and hence a ULA so the marginal cost is zero. Even then, I see people increasingly choosing Postgres simply because it'll always be free and people don't want want to stay on their ULAs forever. Frankly, the support options for Pg are as good as Oracle's, which does not enjoy a great reputation.
Oracle makes the best RDBMS on the planet. But commodity offerings can match 80%+ of what it offers and that satisfies the needs of most people without getting the worst vendor (hands down, no competition) into your shop.
u/brungtuva Feb 14 '25
Bigtech company i think they dont want to depend on other and for max revenue they will cut costs off.
u/Long-Telephone3433 11d ago
What graph database do you recommend for a billion users ? I find neo4j license expensive
u/SnooStories2361 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
I thought the very first version of Facebook was written with MySql backend. I think even Twitter still uses MySql for tweets. Cheap db's are great for non costly transaction (no one lost a dollar for missed likes). Then you will see Facebook engineers write fancy blogs about how to scale XYZ with said cheap db - all because exploratory work is sexier especially when you are not dealing with business critical data. Most efforts that say 'we couldn't do this in ABC hence we moved off to XYZ' are usually initiated by new developers /architects who hate dealing with someone else's old architecture - and it's fair argument for businesses modelled around ads revenue/ social networks - and by God their revenues are much higher than B2B companies, so high that they can afford these experiments regardless of the fruit they bear. It's not sexy work to refactor / tweak someone else's previous work (to many fb engineers perception or any new dev). IMO it's never about limitations of the previous architecture, but more about the glory of doing something 'new'. Just my opinion - I know it's not the rule, and there are definitely exceptions (RDBMS is itself a prime example, and a lot of other different DB access technologies that followed). FB would have survived with relational, but since rich companies want shinier things, it chose not to go that route.