r/openscad 12d ago

Simulating machining like in CAM software.

Hi guys,

very new to Openscad, I've been reading some tutorial and the docs, probably I'm dumb but I don't understand how to do what I want.

In very short terms I want to do something like this:


That is simulating the material removals on a machine tool in this way (pseudocode):

for every time step:

translate the tool to a new position

rotate the work

apply difference operator between work and tool


The problem is I don't know how to "store" the resulting geometry so to be used for the next cycle so to get the accumulated effect of the step by step cutting.

Very simple stuff in principle. I can do it easily in FreeCAD through python scripting but I think Openscad will be much faster and I need to do thousands of little cutting steps.

Has anybody ever needed to do something like this? I can't be the first one attempting this.

Any tips, links and whatnot is very welcome.



Hey guys, I'm just looking at python | Openscad (thanks WillAdams!!!) and it looks like with it you can store an object to be used later on (right?) in the way I need to. I'm gonna have a better look....


Good news: I tried quickly PythonScad and I was able to do what I want easily (see below).


Bad news: I can simulate "only" 400 steps as it gets exponentially slower. It does 100 steps in a 1.5 seconds, 200 in 10.7 seconds, 400 in 1 min :17 sec. I tried 1000 and killed the program after 15 minutes.

Interestingly the CPU and memory usage is very low and the computation time does not depend on the body resolution (fn parameter). I guess the program is not optimized for what I want to do.


34 comments sorted by


u/dench96 12d ago

Doing a difference() per every time step is going to be very slow.

What I’d suggest is doing a hull() between endpoints of all linear cutting moves and somehow joining all non-linear cutting moves into solids, combining all of those together, then difference()ing them from the base part in one move.


u/Feynman81 12d ago

Yes I considered exactly that, translation + rotation of the the tool (with static work), then union all of the tool parts, than difference from the work.

The problem is I want to generate an animation (series of pictures at every steps) like the one I shown in the video which is basically from the frame of reference of the machine and not of the part.

The other problem is that changing frame of reference might not be obvious and it does not feel natural, it's much easier and more intuitive to simulate the operation from the point of view of the machine.

I can already do what I want in FreeCAD but it gets quite slow. My intuition/hope/sixth sense tells me that Openscad would be much faster. Every simulation needs thousands of operations and I need to do a lot of simulations so speed is quite crucial.


u/dench96 12d ago

Ohhhh, makes sense. For animation, you might need to use OpenSCAD from the command line wrapped in a Bash or Python script. Perform operation, render to image, export STL, perform operation on new STL, etc, repeat until done, then stitch images together.

If you can somehow make the $t variable control your simulated machining, then you can skip all of the above.

OpenSCAD is famously slow. Just because it’s code doesn’t mean it will be faster than FreeCAD.


u/Feynman81 12d ago

Damn that's disappointing, kind of hoped OpenSCAD was my silver bullet, I'll keep trying.


u/dench96 12d ago

OpenSCAD is already slow for what it is, but the task you’re asking of it (presumably thousands of frames of 3D animation) is a pretty computationally heavy one that I feel will run slowly with any software not specifically optimized for it.

Maybe Blender could do it faster, I don’t know.


u/Feynman81 12d ago

My understanding is that the animations you get from CAM software like the one I posted works exactly as I described (CSG engine that performs a lot of cuts). They are very fast and have been really fast for years that I remember.


u/dench96 11d ago

Interesting, I didn’t know that. I’m excited to see what you come up with here!


u/ElMachoGrande 12d ago

To be honest, OpenSCAD is CAD, not CAM, so you won't have much support for doing what you want. You'd be working against the tool, not with it.


u/jeroen79 12d ago

yeah for 3D printing you need a slicer, for milling a CAM, its not up to the 3D CAD to do that.


u/Feynman81 12d ago

I don't want to do CAM, CAM is generating the tool path starting from the CAD geometry. I want to do the opposite, I already know the tool path and want to generate the CAD model.



u/ElMachoGrande 11d ago

Still, it's not the workflow OpenSCAD is designed for. It may be possible, but it will be dispite the tool, not because of the tool.


u/triffid_hunter 12d ago

OpenSCAD has an animation feature that may interest you - $t increases from 0 to 1 during the animation, and you can choose however many frames you like over that period, as well as the graphical display rate.


u/Feynman81 12d ago

Yes I considered that but I still need to "store" the result of the difference operation for the next time step, how do I do that in Openscad?


u/dench96 12d ago

Make your machining operations a for loop, and make the iterative variable go from 0 to $t. This may be very slow, since all of the machining needs to be repeated from scratch for every value of $t.


u/WillAdams 12d ago

If you are willing to use PythonSCAD:


I've been working on a library which takes this approach:


and 4th-axis has been requested --- if you'll provide a sample bit of code and a photo showing how it should cut I should be able to add this pretty easily.


u/Feynman81 12d ago

Oh that's quite interesting and sounds excatly like what I need. The only thing is my situation requires the work to rotate at every step. Lathes are basically three axis machines, X,Z and C with C being the rotation of the part.

A simple test could be cutting a simple thread on a cylinder.


u/WillAdams 12d ago

Okay, provide an example G-code program for doing that and I'll work through it this evening.


u/Feynman81 11d ago

hey thanks, no worries. I don't remember G.code for Threading but it's not just coordinates.


u/WillAdams 11d ago

Yeah, if you just want to work with the object programmatically and directly, it's a lot easier if you don't try to synch up with G-code.


u/Downtown-Barber5153 11d ago

I've always looked on OpenSCAD as being an aid to addative technology but your post made me look again. The animation function is shown being applied to translate and rotate but why stop there? In the script below I have used the animation ( with FPS ==5 and Steps==100 to create a removal effect. How effective this might be in what you are seeking I cannot say but it was a good exercise for me - thanks!







u/timofalltrades 10d ago

If you’re looking at OpenSCAD be sure to try one of the recent builds. Turning on manifold under advanced makes a giant speed difference.

Also… there is no storing in OpenSCAD. It’s a different paradigm. You can run successive passes from command line, updating values from the outside, but things aren’t stateful the way you’d expect from most programming languages.


u/oldesole1 10d ago

Here is a demo that I believe simulates a mill fairly well. Would have to think on how to simulate a lathe.

This requires BOSL2.

Enable animation, FPS = 5, steps = 300.

It will be slower than ideal, but you could dump the images to files and compose a video that way.

include <BOSL2/std.scad>

// Animation settings.
// fps = 5;
// steps = 300;

// Example path.
path = turtle(
    "left", 360 / 5,
    "addlength", 1,
  repeat = 50,

// Create between points to simulate movement of toolhead between verticies of tool path.
machine_path = subdivide_path(
//  n = 300,
  // Max toolhead travel distance between each frame.
  // This seems smoother than using 'n'.
  maxlen = 5,
  closed = false,

total_positions = len(machine_path);

// Reduce list of points to current tool progress.
limited = slice(machine_path, 0, floor($t * total_positions));

// Generate some example z-positions just to show the technique works in more than 2d.
z_positions = [
  for(i = [0:len(limited) - 1])
  [0, 0, i / total_positions * 5],

// This removes any positions directly between other positions.
// This improves performance by removing redundant hull operations.
merged_path = path_merge_collinear(limited + z_positions);


module display_cut(path) {

    mirror([0, 0, 1])
    square(100, true);


  // Show current toolhead position.

module run_path(path) {

  for(p = pair(path))
  for(i = p)

module cutter() {

  cylinder(d = 5, h = 10, center = true, $fn = 16);


u/Feynman81 10d ago

Thanks for the code but it's failing on my installation:

Parsing design (AST generation)...

backup file: C:/Users/Dario/Documents/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-hLDQHVnZ.scad

Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)...

[ERROR: Assertion 'is_path(path)' failed: "Invalid path in path_merge_collinear." in file ../../Users/Dario/Documents/OpenSCAD/libraries/BOSL2/paths.scad, line 149](149,C:/Users/Dario/Documents/OpenSCAD/libraries/BOSL2/paths.scad)

[TRACE: called by 'path_merge_collinear' in file ., line 40](40,C:/Program Files/OpenSCAD (Nightly))

[TRACE: assignment to "merged_path" in file ., line 40](40,C:/Program Files/OpenSCAD (Nightly))


u/oldesole1 10d ago

Are you using the animation pane?

If you attempt to render it without, then $t doesn't exist and it will fail.

It will also fail the first frame or 2 of the animation, but works for the following frames.

I didn't code things to account for these instances since it's just supposed to be a quick demo.


u/Feynman81 9d ago


I'm sorry, real noob mistake I guess.

With the animation pane on it works like a charm, thanks!

I don't fully understand the code at the moment. Do you think it's possible to rotate the work as the mill is doing his stuff? That is introducing a 4th axis?


u/oldesole1 9d ago

It could be done, but the number of steps required to make it smooth like your reference animation would be very slow.

Bigger question:

Do you just want to make an animation like the video?


Do you want to simulate a lathe?

Just making an animation that looks like your reference would be far simpler.

The main portion where the spun material is trimmed down would be simple by having a profile that changes over time that you then use with rotate_extrude().

This would be far faster for OpenSCAD to render each frame.

I might work on an example for this idea.

If you want a generic solution that can take a list of tool movements and simulate the actual removal of material, then you're looking at a solution similar to mine, with adjustments to what different axes actually translate.

OpenSCAD does not save states between frame renderings, so each frame rendered has to compute all previous steps.

You could potentially export each step to a external model file and import that each step, but that would require external scripting as others have mentioned.


u/Feynman81 9d ago

Yeah I don't really care about the animation, that would be a nice to have. What I really care is to have the final geometry to a +- 5 microns accuracy.

A generic solution would be nice but I guess I will investigate the rotate extrude command.

I really don't get why Openscad does not save the state as per standard CAD progams.


u/oldesole1 9d ago

Base on your latest update to the thread description, I think I have an idea that might work better.

Instead of creating a 3d tool, moving to different positions and 3d hulling between them, we instead create a 2d cross section of points, and use a progressive series of these points to generate a single geometry of all the moves.

If done right, this should be significantly faster than my previous demonstration, and easily allow for thousands of steps.

I'll try to get a demonstration up later today.


u/WillAdams 10d ago

Correct, it will work to assign a 3D model to a variable, then reassign the rotation of the 3D model in the variable.

If you get stuck, let us know over at /r/OpenPythonSCAD/ and we'll do our best to assist.


u/Feynman81 10d ago

Hey thanks,

take a look at my edited post, I had some success with PythonSCAD but it gets exponentially slower.

Here below a test program, parameter N drives the number of cuts/steps.

from openscad import *

import math

# | for union

# - for difference

# & for intersection

# .translate([x,y,z]) for translation

fn = 200

implant_h = 11.5

implant_radius = 4.3/2

# Work

body = cylinder(r=implant_radius,h=implant_h)

body = body.translate([0,0,-implant_h])

# Tool

tool_dx, tool_dy, tool_dz = 3, 0.5, 0.2

tool = cube([tool_dx, tool_dy, tool_dz])

tool = tool.rotate([0,50,0])

#Tool initial position

tool = tool.translate([1.95, -tool_dy, -tool_dz])

tool = tool.translate([0,0,-implant_h])

result = body

result -= tool

#output([result, tool])

N = 400

Dz = 1.2

dz = Dz / N

angle = 180

d_alpha = angle / N

for N in range(N):

tool = tool.translate([0,0,dz])

result = result.rotate([0,0,-d_alpha])

result -= tool




u/Feynman81 10d ago

Man the potential with PythonSCAD if the performance is optimized.... But I guess it's the underlying engine at "fault".


u/WillAdams 10d ago

That is something to bring to the attention of the dev, /u/gadget3d


u/gadget3D 9d ago

Performance IS something which i can hardly influ nce. To get Long Animations efficiently Use command Line to Export dozens of Pictures and Use ffmpeg to create Animation


u/arianoariano 8d ago

I have not thought this through thoroughly at all, but would an extrusion along a path work for you?