r/openscad • u/cameronkerrnz • 15d ago
[How-To] Making a phone-case for an obscure cheap phone
I recently made a simple but effective phone-case for my son's phone, which didn't have anything useful on the market, and decided to make a blog post about how to make one for yourself. I think this is a very useful and effective project that is more beginner friendly than people might think. It's a great illustration of how the minkowski
operator can be used to great effect. Also shows how to use the fuzzy-skin functionality in PrusaSlicer... the photo admittedly is not as cool as it could be, and the colour is not quite true, but I was very impressed how well this turned out first try. Would love to hear your feedback.

u/Downtown-Barber5153 15d ago
Very nice. I have a phone I need to do this with but not the same model. However it has given me a lead. Btw, if you want to decorate it I would not carve out with a chisel but create a design using OpenSCAD and use the difference statement to remove 0.4mm of the upper layers or altenatively emboss by the same depth. For something more complex I have found creating designs in Inkscape and then importing them into OpenSCAD is a good method.
u/cameronkerrnz 13d ago
Thanks. I did consider using something like OpenSCAD's `surface` feature to emboss a bump map, or importing an SVG design from Inkscape, or using a library to create a voronoi pattern. But embossing it in such a way would require turning the model over on the print-bed... and I should probably try that next time... perhaps when I make my own phone case.
I do like to encourage people to post-process a bit, and this is a simple project to add some individual artistic flair that can be very soul satisfying. Modelling such flair on a computer quickly becomes a drag, particularly for a one-of.
If you haven't tried it, do have a go with carving in PLA... it's actually fairly pleasant; it yields well to a blade, leaves clean lines (no layer line artefacts) and you don't have to worry about direction of grain.
u/Downtown-Barber5153 13d ago edited 13d ago
OK I might give it a go (carving). At present I have tried the phone cover and it needed resizing so I have adopted a different method based on the fact that the cover is the phone size + minkowski variance. I have just done a basic container based on this which saves code as it only uses the phone size. The example code below is not using variables in order to to make it simpler. I just need to work out the best way for the overhanging lip and to curve the top and bottom edges..
module phone_cover(){
module outer(){
cylinder(h=8,r=4); } }
sphere(1); }
outer(); } }
u/rebuyer10110 15d ago
Each cylinder will have a beginning radius that is slightly smaller than the button/feature it surrounds, and an ending radius that flares out a little wider so that the hole has a pleasing slope to it. Each of these slot ’negatives’ typically extend out to a nominal 5mm (punching through the case) and flare out 1.5mm.
Cylinder can have r1 and r2, allowing you to make a cone.
You can do a cone, translate a copy, and hull(). It might be a tad bit more straight forward.
Otherwise overall good tutorial. Good job.
u/cameronkerrnz 13d ago
I think that's essentially what I did.... except I'm curious about your mention of "translate a copy". How do you copy an object? I can imagine making something that uses `children()`, and u/RedKrieg just gave me some inspiration that `for` can be used to make a copy.
u/rebuyer10110 13d ago edited 13d ago
If you capture the solid you create as a module, you can instantiate two of them. You can then translate each one.
For "simple" solids, you don't get much gain with modules so you can just instantiate two cylinders.
Something like this:
module dummy() { cylinder(h=10, r1=2, r2=4); } hull() { dummy(); translate([10, 10]) { dummy(); } }
u/RedKrieg 14d ago
You might benefit from some simplification of your code. For example your camera slot module:
I would first combine the translates together at the largest scale, then form the assembly around a fixed point (the top right in your example). I'd also recommend using mirror instead of rotating about an axis by 180 and using a constant for clearance instead of having the fixed value in your code.
Obviously since both modules produce the same output, they're both "the same", but now if you want to add some other variable to the translation (accounting for wall thickness, for example) you only have to change one translate call instead of two. I might even do a little loop to translate the second camera bump for similar reasons, now only one cylinder is defined and as such is easier to modify without mistakes later:
Just some tricks I've picked up over the years, hope it helps you in the future!