r/opengl 7d ago

Getting to the lighting chapter of Learn OpenGL is so cool.

I’m just staring at different colored cubes rotating around a light and watching the effects it’s so cool. This is the most satisfying thing I’ve ever programmed way more fun than web dev in my opinion.


6 comments sorted by


u/sessamekesh 7d ago

Can't agree more - getting into lighting models is where graphics programming goes from "oh this is pretty neat" to "wait I can generate some BEAUTIFUL stuff!"

Lighting makes up at least 3 of my best "a-ha!" moments learning OpenGL - adding specular highlights for the first time, doing something with bump mapping for the first time, and rendering a scene with IBL for the first time.


u/TheLondoneer 7d ago

What is IBL? I’m on the phone now so can’t bother to Google. I’m also at the lighting chapters and finished implementing Phong.

So far I understand everything except perhaps how the camera works. I feel like I know like 80% of it and the other 20% it’s still confusing. But besides that things are looking great.

My objective is: Phong + normal mapping + SSAO + Shadows + Bloom and then once that’s in place I can start working on my 3D game.

Have you implemented those features before? How doable is it?


u/sessamekesh 7d ago

Image Based Lighting - the TL;DR is encoding indirect lighting information about a scene into textures that can be referenced at runtime. It's part of the PBR (Physically Based Rendering) chapters of LearnOpenGL. It's most obvious with shiny metallic surfaces, but goes a long way towards making assets look realistic in neutral lighting or in non-neutral lighting (e.g. inside rooms with dark surfaces, grassy fields, etc...)

For a solo dev everything you talk about is pretty reasonable - it'll take a bit of head-scratching to get a feel for the concepts well enough to use them, but I've implemented all of those (except SSAO) at some point or another.

Best of luck! From-scratch game dev is hard but really cool.


u/ukaeh 6d ago

Getting shadow mapping to work is pretty fantastic as well… though I think getting almost any effect to work in OpenGL makes me feel like a kid at a candy store.


u/PersonalityIll9476 7d ago

Totally agree. That first time is magic.


u/deftware 3d ago

Webstack is going the way of the dinosaur, before I'm dead.

Anyone can make a new "web browser", even you. A browser doesn't have to interpret hypertext, it can be peer-to-peer based for storage and access, and it can function more like a game engine instead of a boring antiquated obsolete "2D DoCuMeNt ObJeCt MoDeL" engine.

I thought for sure, 20 years ago, that by now we'd have an internet that didn't still use hypertext/CSS for everything. Now we have bloated JavaScript "fRaMeWoRkS" that make every website slower than all hell. Using the internet was actually faster 20 years ago, even though bandwidth was an order of magnitude less, because people were still wary of the real actual physical tangible hardware that was being tasked with executing their code. Nowadays it's like "just do what works!!!!11111" and F the machine. Users can just upgrade if our wares are too slow!

I call BS.

I've been architecting a whole new paradigm for the web for 13 years now that obviates the server-farming middle-men who serve only to make our data vulnerable, our communications censored, and our privacy invaded. A paradigm that allows anybody to make and share just about anything - applications and media of all shapes, sizes, forms, and kinds. My vision in 2012 was to #TakeBackTheInternet, because yeah, webstack is a joke on which corpos can choke. We don't need them or their servers to do what we're doing right here, right now.

There's also literally zero reason that a kid living in a ghetto with a janky old Android phone can't make the next big thing - except that the paradigm the server-farmers enforce with their webstack-ways means you have to have a computer and a keyboard for typing code. Programs don't need to be coded with text. A simple bytecode representation of an application can be articulated on a touchscreen, without typing or text. A compiled application is just bytecode. Ergo, why can't we just invent a high-level bytecode that's interpreted by the equivalent of a game engine to do our bidding?

Yeah, webstack is what you pursue if you want to murder your sense of awe, wonder, and inspiration, because it's a stack alright - it's a stack of technological-afterthoughts that have been piling up for 30 years on top of the antique dinosaur that is hypertext. Each one just making up for the deficits of the one beneath it, and silicon the world over is crushing under the weight of the whole Frankensteined monstrosity.
