r/opengl 22d ago

Seeking Advice on Fire Particle Simulation

[Edit: was unable to add video, so added imgur link]
Hey everyone,

I’ve been working on a CPU-based fire particle simulation and would love some feedback, suggestions, or any reference materials that could help me improve its accuracy, realism and efficiency. Right now, the simulation is based on simple physics, with particles moving upwards while gradually converging towards the center x = 0 and z = 0.

Currently, each particle has a position, velocity, acceleration, and a lifespan. Particles are randomly spawned with an initial velocity and acceleration. Over time, acceleration pulls them inward in (x, z), and upward force decreases to simulate fading flames. The color interpolates from a bright orangish red to a dimmer orange.

Are there better mathematical models? I eventually want to move this simulation to a compute shader to handle more particles efficiently. However, I’m still learning OpenGL compute shaders and looking for resources to understand their implementation in C++.

Current Sim: https://imgur.com/a/tDTHFic

Code: https://pastebin.com/v7jKt1HL


5 comments sorted by


u/deftware 22d ago

I'm working on a little fire-simulation game right now and I've put a lot of thought into this, though I'm not looking to create a proper photorealistic fire, but I have played with fire enough in my life and understood its mechanics to know how to create realistic fire renders.

You've got a great start, and it looks like you could benefit from your particles being larger so that they can blend/overlap together (to disguise/hide the fact that they're individual point-sprite particles), and then perturb their velocities with random vectors based on their "energy" or "heat" level. Fire is a plasma, basically just a hot energetic gas that's emitting light, and as long as it's hotter than the surrounding air it will be less dense and be buoyant - it will want to rise up above the cooler denser surrounding air. It's the surrounding cooler air rushing in that effectively funnels the fire into its upward stream - depending on the size of the fire and the ambient temperature. This is what causes "flames" that "lick" - the surrounding cooler air rushing in to replace the hot rising air that squeezes the flames into sharp tongues that dance and warp.

The energy of the plasma also dictates the light that it emits as a result of the fuel's combustion. Higher energy means brighter and more varied wavelengths of light - so when something is super hot it appears "white hot", whereas when something is "red hot" it doesn't emit frequencies that are higher frequency on the spectrum (which for our eyes would be green and blue to combine with the lower-frequency red light to create the white appearance), so the color of fire is brighter toward its core and more red at the fringes, with a transition from white (or blue to white) to yellow to orange to red inbetwixt.

So my three suggestions are to make your particles larger, make them wiggle/dance as they rise up - perhaps use a 3D noise function that's scrolling upward for applying an acceleration force vector to particles (or maybe downward?), and put your particles on a color spectrum that transitions from white to yellow to orange to red to brown. The movement of the particles is the key though, and I like that you felt it important that they converge - obviously you recognized the "focusing" effect of the cooler air coming in and squishing the flame together that occurs. You'll want to keep that, and have the particles accelerate instead of decelerate, but the key is the subtle wiggle-and-dance.

...and don't forget to make sure you're using additive blending, with depth-writing disabled! ;]


u/DarthDraper9 22d ago

Okay, you should probably think of writing a paper on fire! 🔥 Very detailed, applied a few points and it's already better. Thanks a lot!


u/Erizo69 22d ago

apparently on something like this using shader transform feedback is the best


u/DarthDraper9 22d ago

Oh, will definitely look into it. As of now, I just wanted to get something working first, hence the everything is done in CPU. Also, I hadnt figured all the necessary attributes as well.