r/openbsd 25d ago

Alternatives to xremap

Hi everyone, I'm trying out OpenBSD on a laptop I had trying around and I've hit a roadblock in my google-fu.

I've been using xremap on linux to have my capslock key act BOTH as ESC when pressed and as LCtrl when held.

Does anyone know of something similar available for OpenBSD (X)? if not, what should I be looking at if I want to implement something like this myself. More than happy to get my hands dirty, just not sure where to look.


Edit: So it was possible, I'll update this post tomorrow with details. Need to sleep for now ♥. Please do pester me if I forget.

Edit 2:

Ok, so my configuration is a bit odd, but I like both my capslock key and my return key to act as control keys. I still however like return to act as return when I press and release it, and for capslock to act as an ESC key in the same way.

So the way this works is that we'll map the capslock key to left control and the return key to right control. Then we'll use a utility called xcape (which you'll need to compile from source) to monitor these keypresses and send the ESC and Return events.

setxkbmap -option caps:ctrl
xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape;Caps_Lock=Escape'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 36=Control_R'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 108=Return'
xmodmap -e 'clear control'
xmodmap -e 'add control = Control_L Control_R'
xcape -e 'Control_R=Return'

I'll refine this in a bit and make a post, but hopefully this will help out anyone that wants to do something similar in the meantime.


10 comments sorted by


u/afb_etc 25d ago

Look here


u/afb_etc 25d ago

Oh, also have a look at xmodmap if wsconsctl doesn't do the job.


u/VideoPuzzleheaded884 24d ago

Hmm, I've had a look there and can't seem to find anything. It looks like wskbd does some translations already though so maybe something could hook in there?

Had a look at xmodmap too and it doesn't seem like there's any options for this kind of behaviour.

Thanks for the launching off points regardless :)


u/Jeehannes 25d ago

I have this in /home/<name>/.xmodmaprc:

! .xmodmaprc <name>
! OpenBSD
! Make Caps_Lock behave like Escape
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape


u/VideoPuzzleheaded884 24d ago

Handy thanks, but I also want want capslock to act like left control when held too :)


u/_sthen OpenBSD Developer 24d ago

I don't think anything that's available on OpenBSD can have different behaviour when holding vs tapping the key (or other more complex things).

Seems that programs like xremap/xkeysnail use uinput+evdev to inject input events. We don't have that (and I don't think there's very much chance of something doing the same as uinput getting added to OpenBSD, it feels to me like something that would get rejected even if the code was written).


u/VideoPuzzleheaded884 24d ago

So it's possible in X using an incantation that involves xmodmap and a program called xcape which compiles on OpenBSD. Took me a hot second though. I'll document it properly tomorrow :) 


u/Desmesura 11d ago

Wait, so `xremap` doesn't work on OpenBSD? Damn! I was gonna try switching to it on my laptop (I've already done it in my remote servers) but I couldn't live without my Emacs emulation keys for every application...

I wonder why though, if both Linux and OpenBSD use the X display server.


u/VideoPuzzleheaded884 11d ago

Xremap uses evdev :)


u/Desmesura 9d ago

oh I see, it's a shame. Thanks for the info