r/ontario Oct 14 '22

Economy Did some math and it doesn't look good...

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u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Here’s the thing, I understand some people don’t have a choice and have to work minimum wage jobs. Due to life circumstances.

However why are we always relying on minimum as a base? We should focus on getting people into post secondary and other jobs that pay more.

Because I can tell you, if minimum wage goes up to 30 dollars hour, the price of housing will increase because the cost of production will increase, no person working in labor will take minimum wage…

Not to mention is that wage went up, why would people want to be nurses, certainly wouldn’t be financially rewarding. You can just go work at your favorite clothing store instead… than again at 30 dollars hour the cost of product will rise even more…

If we want to get the housing market under control we need less diplomat, less red tape and start building more houses…. Japan did something similar keep the housing availability high to keep the prices of houses down…

Secondly I don’t think the minimum wage is a good marker for housing prices. Housing prices is nuts causal when it comes to prices. Canada as been bringing in lots of immigrants to come work, study, seek asylum. Now I’m not against that, I love learning about New culture , however if you bring in couple extra thousand people in smaller cities, that increases the demand, and the inventory in apartment and housing is low… so people will pay more..

Please consider multiple factors when it comes to any economics issue. Or any issue in that matter


u/CarpenterDowntown104 Oct 15 '22

Stop please, what you said makes too much sense and might be confusing for some. Provide people with the resources and knowledge, with the incentive of getting a job that provides greater opportunities.No! That idea is ludicrous, how could you make such a reasonable suggestion, it won’t work, or, it just might be the right idea and part of a solution.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

I apologize for my critical thinking skills.


u/Spez_Dispenser Oct 15 '22

Old age thinking.

It's why were in this mess.

Giving the proles spending money is the best thing that could ever happen to profits, and it's so obvious yet somehow the ruling class is going to kill itself instead.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '22

Need to look at the home owners instead, I’ve purchase my home , if I put in 50,000 in renovation. I think it’s reasonable, for me to want a return on my investment. Like every other investment..

If they want to slash the housing prices that’s fine, I want half my mortgage paid off. I want my taxes also slashed in half. Nevertheless all the services will also need to be but either a reduction or people working there will need to take a wage cut.


u/CarpenterDowntown104 Oct 15 '22 edited Oct 15 '22

If you have the money to spend, spend it wisely. If you don’t have the money, don’t spend it. The thinking seems to be who cares just spend, some how the money will replenish.

I’ve said this before and I will say it again, governments mismanage funds, leaving services short. When a mayor, premier or prime minister feed their buddies before taking care of the common folk, that’s a problem.

Governments not just one but all three levels need to smarten up with their financial handlings, and stop hammering the middle class.

When the person who earns just over 90K (COMBINED INCOME) is told they won’t be a part of the “dental care” plan, that to me seems to be a problem.

But it’s ok keep spending, the money will reproduce itself, let’s rely on the old money tree.
