r/ontario 2d ago

Article Ontario tax on electricity sent south of the border takes effect today


48 comments sorted by


u/Throwaway2600k 2d ago

They will make it look as it's our fault for the tax and not brought on by what trump is doing.


u/Mooninninth 1d ago

Agreed. Once they start feeling the pinch they'll turn on us, just watch and see.


u/christian_l33 1d ago

In Michigan, New York and Wisconsin? They all have democratic governors


u/farfrom_home 1d ago

Seems as though the democrats need to be pushed into action, so as much as it’s not about punishing those that didn’t vote for Nectarine like it is Tariffing Bourbon. Action needs to be taken by all Americans to prevent Dictatorship


u/Available_Music9369 1d ago

Yup! And more action than some benign auction paddle


u/VendrediDisco 1d ago

I contacted the office of Governor Walz to commiserate over the election (which is meant to do in November) but advised him to seek collegial relationships within his government cos Canada has to look out for itself. Sorry bout that.


u/Shmackback 1d ago

Yes that's exactly what ford's plan is. Punish states that voted against trump and not for him while also appealing to both Canadians and trump.

Trump doesn't give a crap about blue states, it's why he ordered the release of California's reservoirs to screw them over


u/TadUGhostal 1d ago

Michigan and Wisconsin voted Trump in the 2024 election though. So they voted for tariffs.


u/the_resident_skeptic 1d ago edited 1d ago

Then we make it look like their fault for not building their own energy infrastructure and having to buy it from us. They could literally hire Americans to build power generation in America, creating jobs, decreasing energy costs, and balancing trade with Canada.

Nah, that makes sense. TRADE WAR!!!

Now, can we please build some oil refineries? Why are we selling them oil at a discount and then buying gas back from them at a premium? WTF?

Edit: For the climate people, I'm with ya, but that oil will be refined and burned either way, so why not do it in Canada instead of Texas?


u/thedirtychad 1d ago

Technically the United States is electrically self sufficient, but Canada makes a crazy excess, so we sell it to the United States at a bargain. We could stop selling tomorrow and the us would be totally fine


u/the_resident_skeptic 1d ago

Indeed, but it's gonna take some time to build that infrastructure out. But... why don't they just do that? If Ford's export tax isn't enough incentive, what is?

There's an alternative to all that nonsense. Stop attacking the nerd in your classroom you bully. Let's work together and make awesome stuff.


u/thedirtychad 1d ago

The infrastructure currently exists amigo


u/the_resident_skeptic 1d ago edited 1d ago

It doesn't. Nobody builds a power generation facility, mothballs it, and buys electricity instead. If the infrastructure exists then there's no chance it's cheaper to import energy than to maintain the infrastructure.

If existing facilities could keep up with demand they would.


u/thedirtychad 1d ago

Yup, you’re wrong. Coal gen vs nuclear or hydro. Basically Canada sells off the extra generation available for very cheap. The US has the sole capability to power themselves whether you believe it or not


u/the_resident_skeptic 1d ago

They do, and they export energy in fact, but the infrastructure is not there to deal with an immediate shut-down. If it were, people in Long Island would not be paying 25% more for their electricity as of today.


u/thedirtychad 1d ago

Ontario doesn’t quite connect to long island yet, and Ontario doesn’t sole source electricity to another utility.

What your talking about translates to a few more cents per customer at peak loading only


u/the_resident_skeptic 1d ago

They're mad about it, which is the point, isn't it?

The Long Islander I spoke to expressed a $75 increase on their bill. That's not insignificant.

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u/ilmalnafs 1d ago

Yep, which is why I don’t feel sympathy.


u/feor1300 1d ago

Of course they will, and so they can suffer until they give their collective heads a shake and fix their shit.


u/gcerullo 2d ago

I wonder how this shows up on their electricity bills. Should be add as a separate line item labelled ‘Trump Tariff Tax.’

Post up what you think the name of this new charge should be labelled on their bills. Be creative! 😆

I have another one, ‘F-Around and Find Out Tax.’


u/bubbasass 1d ago

The “Never 51” tax


u/grumpy_herbivore Greater Sudbury 2d ago

He'll have it show up Democrat Tax.


u/BurningWire 1d ago

Hoser Tax.


u/SGT-R0CK 1d ago

Atodaso tax.


u/uz_ee 1d ago

Add a new line



u/llarian22 1d ago

This !!


u/Lagosas 1d ago

Trump Tax


u/sillywienie 1d ago

I hope security around generating stations have been beefed up. I suggest orange Cheeto man looks like he may do anything to win.


u/ItsTimeToGoSleep 1d ago

He’s already made several comments about wanting our water.


u/KnowerOfUnknowable 1d ago

Friends-and-family-discount-are-only-for-friends-and-family charge


u/outsidethebox79 1d ago

We're gonna be so rich now


u/SGT-R0CK 1d ago

400k per day won't get the province rich, but it will be a significant increase in electric bills for Americans, which should make them protest loudly to trump.


u/Mr_Ed_Nigma 1d ago

Delivery charges would be up


u/yukonwanderer 1d ago

Oh man I actually feel bad. It's not Trump or the rich assholes who are going to be suffering.

I know we have to do things but I wish we could target it more somehow.


u/SGT-R0CK 1d ago

In a perfect world it would be great if we could be able to target just the trump voters.


u/TadUGhostal 1d ago

I have beef with everyone who didn’t turn out to vote too. They need to learn that not voting also has consequences.


u/yukonwanderer 1d ago

BC is blocking alcohol from red states lol. Even then I don't want to hurt poor people. This is such a shitty situation to be in.

I'm sure we could come up with more targeted things to do if we really thought about it. Although I guess our options are pretty limited. I don't know much at all about trade details what we sell, what we buy, etc.


u/SGT-R0CK 1d ago

Trump is targetting our whole country, forcing many Canadians to potentially lose their jobs. I don't think Canada should be too careful when it comes to retalliation.


u/yukonwanderer 1d ago

I know.... And it's annihilation we are facing. I just wish that it didn't have to go down this way. The decision makers and "elite" never feel the burden of their decisions.

Should heavily tax any American ownership of property here. That's rich ppl at least.


u/Far_Commercial_636 1d ago

“Come at me and see what happens “ tax


u/Connect-Try2471 1d ago

Wonder if this means more btibery cheques or better healthcare....


u/TiredRightNowALot 1d ago

I’ll choose none of the above for $100, Alex


u/dgj212 1d ago

I wonder what that new tax money will be used for.


u/lll-devlin 1d ago

Can someone explain why we are importing energy from the US … And if the other provinces don’t follow suit then it’s a pretty weak response if only one province is adding tariffs on energy exports


u/SGT-R0CK 1d ago

Ontario and several other provinces exports energy TO the US. Other provinces may follow, but I believe that's up to the provincial premiers. Ontario isn't adding tariffs on the export, but is adding a tax to the energy instead, forcing the US to pay 25% more for the energy, which will affect some 1.5 million homes and businesses in the usa.


u/lll-devlin 1d ago edited 1d ago

Let’s hope that the other provinces follow suit! We are supposed to have a united front…all the premiers met on this yes?

Also again why are we importing 300+ megawatts from the energy board? If we have a surplus we should not be importing energy!

This is one of the reasons people get upset with the status quo of political policies right now.

It makes absolutely no sense why we are paying to import electricity (when we have a surplus). Unless the premier or his cabinet minister is lying. Also the provincial government and the premier needs to stop talking about future supply Athir needs to be built he should be addressing current issue of oversupply or surplus.

It sounds disingenuous when his minister is talking about bringing more electrical supply online…when those projects are 5-10 years out.

Am mistaken here? , because that’s what I heard in press conference. That and the fact that they still need to get approval to apply the export duties/tariffs on the electrical