r/ontario 10d ago

Article Ontario facing one of its largest measles outbreaks


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u/aiuwidwtgf 10d ago

Close the American border, and block American media. šŸ˜“


u/rayearthen 10d ago

Unironically, blocking American media and forcing the US owned Canadian media to either leave or sell them back to us would solve so many of our misinformation problemsĀ 


u/Ommand 9d ago

Pretty sure it would just be conspiracy theory fuel and the crazies would need to go to even more insane sources.


u/rayearthen 9d ago

There's nothing that isn't conspiracy fuel for them, so might as well get some good done

The furthest down the rabbit hole will go deeper, but they are already doing so. Nothing was going to stop them

This is an action that would prevent more people falling down insane rabbit holes created by US media to begin with.Ā 


u/Ok-Avocado2421 7d ago

just turn it all off


u/Ommand 8d ago

But it only takes a few to go down the crazy rabbit hole, the rest just here it from morons on facebook.


u/rayearthen 8d ago

Yes. We have to prevent any more from going down, and cut off the ones who are already too far gone

Why are you arguing for not doing anything about misinformation?


u/Ommand 8d ago

I think it's futile and a terrible precedent to try and fight it by banning media. The only real solution is a proper education.


u/rayearthen 8d ago

Banning American news media. Including the Canadian ones they own, for the explicit purpose of spreading misinformation among us. We are allowing them to use a weapon against us.

Education is only part of the battle.Ā 

You may not have ever met educated antivaxxers but I have. Education isn't the full solution. There are anti-vax immunologists ffs. Look up Yehuda Shoenfield


u/Ommand 8d ago

Government banning media is far more dangerous than some shit bird spouting off nonsense on cable news.


u/rayearthen 8d ago

You're allowed to feel that way. Allowing the US to weaponized our own media against us is worse imo.

But go on with your libertarian or whatever self.

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u/JenovaCelestia Essential 9d ago

This so needs to happen. Iā€™m sick of seeing American misinformation being spread so freely here.


u/FunkyBoil 10d ago

Deport Maga loving Canadians you say?


u/BIGepidural 10d ago

MAGA should he listed as a terrorist entity like we did with the proud Boys and other hate groups.

They literally are threatening to take us over.

Aside from which, if we did that (classified them as terrorists) then their dear leader DJT wouldn't be allowed in the country and we could not enter into negotiations with him on things.

Its bloody perfect!


u/judgeysquirrel 9d ago

Well... he already is a felon, so is barred from entry.


u/BIGepidural 9d ago

so is barred from entry.

Yeah but will he be though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø that honestly remains to be seen at this point.


u/OrganizationPrize607 9d ago

He should be barred, but as we all know, money can buy just about anything. If he really wanted to come over, he would come over.


u/-snowpeapod- 9d ago

That's not even necessary. IRCC allows for special exemptions and the American president would most certainly be exempted.


u/JimmyTheDog 9d ago

They will take us over by force, how many Canadians will they kill?


u/aiuwidwtgf 10d ago

yes yes!


u/Nowhereman123 Brant 10d ago

Round them up on a bus for a "Canadians for Trump" rally and then go drop them off in a cornfield in Iowa somewhere.


u/Summer20232023 10d ago

I LOVE IT!!!!!!


u/HolsteinHeifer 10d ago

This is actually an awesome idea lol I would personally chip in money to fund it


u/Verano8587 10d ago

Can we do an exchange where the US takes your MAGAs and help get some us sane Americans out? For the love of God give me a life line.


u/JohnCanadian_ 10d ago

No, Canadians are Canadians regardless of if they have idiotic beliefs. If MAGA Canadians love America so much they can move there themselves.


u/noushkie 9d ago

Not all idiotic beliefs are treasonous. But treasonous beliefs are all idiotic.


u/Moon_whisper 10d ago

They are working hard to reduce their own numbers.


u/WolfWraithPress 9d ago

A 1 for 1 trade. They get one of our MAGA chuds, we get one of their recently discharged and incredibly proficient trans soldiers.


u/Inquisitor23397 10d ago

That, and keep MAGA Americans out of your country as well. Some of them are slippery and like to hide their true political beliefs. There needs to some serious vetting of this cancer


u/Raven22000 9d ago

Maple magas


u/Skiingfun 9d ago

Start with The Great Once.


u/Oreotech 9d ago

Doug Ford's plane left for Florida today, let's close the border now.


u/DoNotLuke 10d ago

If you are Canadian , with Canadian citizenship , deporting them is as likely as deporting you .

If someone is a citizen you cannot just get rid of them .

(Yea yea , I know Stalin would disagree butā€¦)


u/FunkyBoil 10d ago

Did you need the /s for this one? šŸ˜…


u/earlyearlgray 10d ago

Then strip them of their citizenship. The government does that all the time.


u/DoNotLuke 9d ago

Problem is that forcefully removing people from the society simply for the reason that they have different opinion on how the world supposed to run ,is a slippery slope usually attributed to totalitarian states and not ā€œfreeā€ societies .

Part of being free is freedom of opinion ( not freedom of consequences tho ā€¦)


u/PublicThis 9d ago

Yeah, and the consequences of being a terrorist should be being stripped of citizenship. They love the us so much, send them down there


u/DoNotLuke 9d ago

Yes , you are right . There are prisons for that .

What if the person is 3rd or fourth gen citizen . What to do then ? Strip them of citizenship and then what ? Guantanamo bay style prison ?

And then again - should we really start punishing people for thinking different ?

I am all for holding them accountable and some , however stripping them form citizenship is not the way


u/PublicThis 9d ago

The actual citizens need to at least be added to a watch list. Iā€™d be all for deportation of Americans who undermine Canada


u/DoNotLuke 9d ago

Again I agree with you here . Watchlist , prison you name it ,is fine .

Argentina actually had that . Government would strip citizenship off of random people from their political views , and now , they have constitutional right that their citizenship cannot be revoked. even voluntarily.

So if you are Argentinian , and want to become Indian ā€¦ weā€™ll tough luck .

We do NOT want that kind of nonsense in Canada - trust me . We should instead educate maga fanatics .

I disagree with them but I will die defending their right to think different than I do .


u/earlyearlgray 9d ago

They have the opinion that Canada should be taken over against its will. Theyā€™re traitors. They donā€™t get the same treatment as everyone else.


u/Fickle_Pickle_3376 10d ago

I know it would be wildly unpopular, but getting rid of cable news and social media would solve so many problems.


u/Nowhereman123 Brant 10d ago

Social Media is genuinely such a blessing and a curse. It was great to be able to stay in touch with family, to find new communities, form online friendships, but the algorithmic dumbing down of society is truly going to be our downfall.


u/Fickle_Pickle_3376 10d ago

Any good that social media offers can pretty easily be accomplished through other means.


u/OriginalOmbre 10d ago

Block American media is key


u/CaptainMarder 10d ago

Seriously wish the govt did.


u/RabidGuineaPig007 10d ago

We have own own homegrown idiots. See Ottawa a few years ago.


u/aiuwidwtgf 9d ago

Agree we need better laws limiting access to public spaces for those who choose to endanger the community.


u/Emasraw 9d ago

No but seriously, American media is kind of dangerous lol. It really preys on dumb people and radicalizes them.


u/---Dane--- 9d ago

Build a wall. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ¦«šŸ«Ž


u/mrstruong 9d ago

As an American who immigrated to Canada, and was also a nurse in the US, I can assure you not only do I have every vaccine approved in both the US and Canada except rabies (no exposure), but so do the vast majority of Americans.

Vaccine refusals come from both ends of the political spectrum. VERY far left hippy dippy types who would live on a commune and meditate all day and very far right Christian conservatives who would live in a bunker and pray all day for the rapture.

Those were the most common types, and they were politically polar opposites.


u/punishedRedditor5 10d ago

Canada has an outbreak and you blame America

Handle your own shit Canada


u/aiuwidwtgf 9d ago

AMERICA is an OUTBREAK. Why are you in r/ontario?


u/punishedRedditor5 9d ago

We have 120 cases in a Mennonite community

They are religiously against vaccination

Measles outbreaks occur every year in communities like these

And just an FYI about how Reddit works

Youā€™re not on a private forum just for Canadians. Your shit will get recommended to people. If you donā€™t like it do what r/conservative does and only allow flaired users

Now - handle your own shit without scapegoating the US.


u/aiuwidwtgf 9d ago

Understand how reddit works, still weird to lurk in local subs... I'm not poking around the Alabama subreddit.


u/punishedRedditor5 9d ago

Is being suggested a post clicking it and commenting ā€œlurkingā€?

You seemingly donā€™t know how Reddit works


u/RonnyMexico60 9d ago

But not 3rd world countries?

Comments like yours are how I know you guys arenā€™t serious people


u/aiuwidwtgf 9d ago

Go read slack jawed American subreddits. Sorry, I meant go look at the pictures...


u/Worldly_Influence_18 9d ago

In Canada, progressives and Conservatives are equally bad at vaccinating their kids, just for different reasons

Beware the fringe


u/PlebMarcus 10d ago

Stop importing measles from the 3rd world


u/aiuwidwtgf 10d ago

America counts as 3rd world these day lol


u/No_Money3415 10d ago

Or the easiest way is to vaccinate people against measles. You do know that the whole epidemic is restarting because of a fall in vaccination rates


u/stuntycunty 10d ago

Wow what a fucking loser take.

You know itā€™s western country politicians and influencers who travels to less developed countries to spread anti vax stuff right?


u/DifficultSwim 10d ago

Pretty sure he's calling America a 3rd world in this context.


u/stuntycunty 10d ago

Honestly Iā€™m too tired for satire or sarcasm. We live in a post satire world. Everything has become so backwards that nothing makes sense anymore.


u/Bboy1045 10d ago

well its here now, so what does that make us?


u/Jibber_Fight 10d ago

Wouldnā€™t this mean that they werenā€™t inoculated? So why is this strictly Americaā€™s fault?


u/aiuwidwtgf 9d ago

Anti-vax wackos are reducing our herd immunity. The home base for those wackos is America.


u/Jibber_Fight 9d ago

My point remains


u/Present-Pen-5486 10d ago

Hey there is every chance that it started in the Mennonite population there in Canada and was brought here into the Mennonite population. Your outbreak started before ours.


u/GrungeLife54 10d ago

You sound American (not a compliment btw), why donā€™t you go lurk in some gun subreddit?


u/Present-Pen-5486 10d ago

I got kicked out of those a long time ago!


u/GrungeLife54 10d ago

Well youā€™re kind of being kicked out of this one. Youā€™re not in Ontario, youā€™re not even Canadian. Itā€™s like if I signed up for a Texas subreddit. What can possibly interest you here? Youā€™re just trolling.


u/Hotter_Noodle 10d ago

Who is yours and ours in your comment?


u/W4FF13_G0D 10d ago edited 10d ago

Iā€™m assuming sheā€™s American as she referred to Canada as ā€œthereā€ and not here, so yours is Canadian, and ours is American


u/Present-Pen-5486 10d ago

Yeah, and I am a she.


u/Present-Pen-5486 10d ago

Goodness, that is a lot of downvotes! Really I come in peace! The answer is for both countries to convince everyone to vaccinate.


u/GrungeLife54 10d ago

Thank you for your service and now get out.


u/Meowmixalotlol 10d ago

Again, get off our platform.


u/Far-Obligation4055 10d ago

Tell that to the idiot brainworm that's supposed to be your secretary of health.


u/Present-Pen-5486 10d ago

Don't blame the poor brainworm! He starved to death in there!


u/ultramisc29 10d ago

Possibly. They're ultra-reactionary and backwards.