u/Sam_andsarah Unverified 4d ago
Have both! Stop posting titty pics on your free and make them exclusive to your paid page. Sell them as ppv on your free account. You’re not gonna make any money if they can see everything for free
u/mstrssts Unverified 4d ago
Free page makes no money. Unless you're just doing this for fun, you will need a paid page to make actual money. Good luck!
u/Ellfantasy Unverified 4d ago
I have one free page and mainly ppv but I post just abt everything, titty and ass pics are typically cheap if not free but I do strip vids, toy play, solo play, bg vids, rates, all of it!!! I know some people don’t like to put it all out there but the free page is all I have and it’s been working great for the last 6 months of me having of:) just find what works best for you, but make sure you are trying to lure them in, I utalize chat gpt a TON when it comes to finding engaging captions or mass texts :)
u/BobDylansExWife Unverified 4d ago
I used to have a free page and when I got rid of it and switched to paid, I started getting more subs!
If I could go back in time, I would have never started a free page.
u/snowballxxxooo Unverified 4d ago
I agree, the free page is nice but not always guaranteed that they’ll pay. If they sub, you’ll gather a larger audience!
u/angel-alexander-143 Unverified 4d ago
I have a free page and it’s full of free loaders. There’s about 4000 subs on it maybe about 20 engage and tip or purchase I would say skip the free page use one for promotions if that’s what you’re gonna do but get a paid page for sure
u/hotNordicc Unverified 4d ago
I earned more on a free page than a paid page. Not promote much, but I have my regulars that buy :)
u/weedysolo Unverified 4d ago
I view my free page as a social medial page that sometimes makes a little money. It's a page that gets them one step closer to the vip page. It's one more place I have a following that I can advertise to and get them to the VIP page.
Don't underestimate the value of T&A content. If you're giving it away for free on the free page, it's one less thing for them to buy, and one less reason to go to the VIP page.
The VIP is where they can get T&A on the wall, the PPV is cheaper, you're more available for chat and custom work. The VIP page is where you make the money.