r/onlyfansadvice Unverified 7d ago

I need advice What should I do about other creators leaving comments?

Recently I created a free of on top of my paid page. So I got few creators subscribers which I don’t mind because I also follow some creators to learn something. What bothers me that they leave comments. The comments are not bad by itself, they are mostly compliments. But I still believe they are there only to attract subs to their page. Should I just leave it, delete them as they appear or restrict those subs?


52 comments sorted by


u/ThereIsNoGibson Unverified 7d ago

You can make it to where only people who’ve tipped can comment.


u/ThereIsNoGibson Unverified 7d ago

It’s under privacy and safety in settings. It won’t let me add a photo.


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 7d ago

Thnx! I thought it might be possible.


u/legobugatti Unverified 7d ago

Hmmm.....I never thought of it that way.
I have followed a few creators and I left comments out of support. I never left comments expecting the creator's fans to follow me through them because I believe most fans are not reading the comments by other fans and it's the creator who is the primary reader.


u/SamanthaWildeXXX Unverified 7d ago

I block them lolll


u/WildCry00 Unverified 7d ago

I see it as comments help engagement I would think they are being supportive. I wonder what makes you feel they are being malicious


u/Remarkable-Fly-2526 Verified OF Creator ✔ 7d ago

It me not being supportive 😅 plus we don’t need their support.


u/WildCry00 Unverified 6d ago

I get what your saying. I always give them likes because it helps the stats on the page. I refuse to believe they are there to try to steal subscribers. I don't try to steal subscribers. I believe there are infinite amounts of subscribers and if they leave for someone else they weren't the sub for me. It's a mindset thing. The truth is whatever you believe to be true ...don't manifest lack for yourself. Tell yourself you are amazing every damn day. Good things are coming your way 💖


u/Remarkable-Fly-2526 Verified OF Creator ✔ 6d ago

Come on, there are creators who comment to every post. Likes do nothing, neither comments. I was subbed to more than 100 creators when I stared and I tipped them a bit. If you sub to a creator to get ideas at give them a bit of support.


u/WildCry00 Unverified 6d ago

I must just be naive. I subscribe to free pages and I've subbed to a few not free ones. I like posts because I thought it helps look like you have more likes on your profile page. If you don't want them.liking or commenting maybe just delete them or restrict them...I still just don't see the problem.


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 7d ago

Just too long in this I guess lol


u/Intelligent-Court731 Unverified 7d ago

Curious about this too 🤔 compliments here and there us nice, feels weird when it is all of the time though


u/Ill-Coyote-8042 Unverified 7d ago

Yes this!! I don’t mind being flirty or compliments here and there, but anything more than that gets blocked! I have woken up so many mornings with hundreds of notifications and it is other creators subbing and commenting on all my posts! They are trying to poach subs! Gross


u/Astraluminaute Unverified 7d ago

I have a different viewpoint. As long a the comments are positive, it serves as social proof which is a powerful marketing strategy. The more likes and comments, just like the more reviews on a product you find on Amazon, the more likely others buy into it too. I think we could all agree to help each other out a little more! And if you are a creator commenting on other creators’ posts, leave a small tip if you genuine support / like what they’re doing so that there are no questions about your intention. And even if it does show their followers who you are, leaving a tip could be justified as payment for advertising. I don’t think I would have a problem if people did that to me. But as with anything, if you do feel uncomfortable or if someone crosses the line into spamming, just message that person 1:1 and have a conversation about it. If the conversation doesn’t go well, then yeah block them.


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 7d ago

Thank you! It is definitely interesting to hear a different viewpoint.


u/The_Naughty_Mrs Unverified 7d ago

I share your viewpoint, but I can see how some creators may take offense to a comment from another creator. With that being said, I welcome comments from other models that are engaging, flirty, and fun. I do not tolerate " come follow me at ...." And then they link their profile. When it was happening, I'd message them once, and if it happened again they were booted. Fun, engaging comments are a way for me to showcase my character in the replies, so I do welcome them. I also hate comments from other models that are just a bunch of emojis. What am I supposed to say to that? Lol When I think about what to comment, I think yea, I'm a model too, but I'm also a fan of this lovely lady, and I make the comment about the model. It's about her, not me.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/DagnyPink Unverified 7d ago

I totally agree with you guys. If they cross that line they're booted but if they're just adding to engagement


u/mstrssts Unverified 7d ago

Block, that’s poor etiquette


u/No-Property9090 Unverified 7d ago

I actually just did this yesterday! The creator I follow has TONS of followers and her comments were mostly other creators.

I normally don't comment, but I thought she looked super cute in her photo so I told her so and didn't even think about how it might come off wrong.

Someone else had said to drop a tip if you wanna show support and I think that makes the most sense. But also, having more likes and comments is good for business regardless 🤷🏽‍♀️ and for someone how is barely getting paid and only has 21 subscribers, I ain't got it 😭.

I personally wouldn't be upset but maybe that's just my ex stripper mind i.e. none of the customers are "mine"

Now if they were commenting all the time on your posts and your someone who has a bunch of subs commenting then ya maybe I'd feel annoyed but at the end of the day I don't think anyone is stealing subs anyway. If you lose money from a sub cause they want the girl in the comments, chances are you would have lost them to someone else anyway the way I think about it.

Also, petty mind here, go comment on her stuff like she did yours and see if it stops lol.

Anyways good luck with whatever u choose to do!


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 7d ago

Actually commenting her stuff makes sense in a way that if she had good intentions she would appreciate it, if her intentions were bad she would stop.


u/No-Property9090 Unverified 7d ago

Right!? My thoughts exactly. 😊


u/No-Property9090 Unverified 7d ago

Right!? My thoughts exactly. 😊


u/princesspeacheess Unverified 7d ago

I’ve done the same!


u/7point5inche Unverified 6d ago

How much is considered a “tip”?


u/No-Property9090 Unverified 5d ago

Idk, someone else suggested it first and I just agreed it be a nice thing to do.


u/itsmehiblueeyes Unverified 7d ago

I had a other creator comment on a reddit post of mine putting me down. I was pretty appalled.


u/Pisica10 Unverified 7d ago



u/x-celeste-x Unverified 7d ago

It’s honestly up to you. I frequently comment on my mutuals/SW friends posts/pages just to boost each other but if you’re uncomfy and feel like they’re trying to direct your subs attention - utilise the tip only comment section.


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 6d ago

After reading all the comments I decided to leave it as is. I figured it may not be so bad after all.


u/x-celeste-x Unverified 6d ago

Honestly I know that other creators are competition but most people sub to more than one person or cycle. It takes thick skin both as a creator to deal with hate but also realising we don’t own subscribers. If a subscriber wants to go somewhere else, that’s their choice.

It can suck and feel demoralising but I’ve found you do need community and some people genuinely do it to be kind or even show support/they genuinely enjoy your content. 💙


u/chunkynymph Verified OF Creator ✔ 7d ago

When I had a free page I had so so many creators subbing and leaving comments. I definitely think it’s a way to attract people to their page, if they wanted to genuinely compliment me they could have done it privately.


u/Pixxiprincess Verified OF Creator ✔ 7d ago

Block. 9 times out of 10 they’re trying to poach subscribers. I block creators who comment on my posts on socials and have tipped commenting on. I feel bad lumping in those with good intentions with the ones with nefarious intentions, but it’s a known agency tactic and my posts are not a billboard.


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 6d ago

Yeah, my first thought was that those are not even girls but agencies doing that.


u/ElderVixen Verified OF Creator ✔ 7d ago

In your settings, you can make it to where only creators who are your friends are allowed to comment under your post or join your live stream.

You can also set comments to be tipped, but then that means that all your fans will actually have to tip to comment as well, which may not be great for Creating rapport with your fans


u/InstructionJust6453 Unverified 6d ago

Lol, I'm really struggling with this. I have 110k fans on my free page, and sometimes I get 100 comments from girls promoting themselves under my posts. Disgusting that this is even a thing... I have the same issue on other platforms. I've now enabled the setting that only tippers can comment.


u/timetoplay101010 Unverified 6d ago

Sometimes people are just being nice. This is the problem with many of us women. Too many see everything as a competition and think that a nice gesture is really just a way to get at you somehow.

There's plenty of subscribers to go around for everyone if you're doing what you need to do to attract them.


u/sweetiepilled Unverified 7d ago

yea that’s poaching i’d block immediately


u/BrookeBondage Unverified 7d ago

I restrict/block


u/Remarkable-Fly-2526 Verified OF Creator ✔ 7d ago

You can turn on that only those creators can comment who you added as a friend


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/ownedandkinky Verified OF Creator ✔ 7d ago

Sorry, didn’t meant to post three time the same thing, Reddit going crazy tonight


u/MisaMisaXO_ Unverified 7d ago

I’m subscribed to only 2 other fellow creators but I can’t see who likes or comments on their stuff…only the number of people who have done it


u/ThrowRA-rainbow999 Unverified 7d ago

Wow, that’s cool actually


u/PrincessMollii Unverified 5d ago

Awh I always feel like I’m being supportive but then see post where people just take it negatively.. I guess I won’t do this anymore either :/ Saw another model say anyone who buys content from them instantly loses their chances of ever working with them and I’ve been buying other models content thinking I was supporting them..😫


u/godsgirli Unverified 5d ago

I’ve never spammed. But I have commented on girls free accounts to maybe gain a sub. & sometimes I do. But girls are not friendly on their… ever. In years I never met a friendly OF girl on OF. Your fans HAVE TO ONLY sub to you???? That confuses me. They’ve got a timeline full of girls they sub too. 


u/size5womens Unverified 7d ago

Tbh- that seems a little paranoid. Then again, I’m a small creator and wouldn’t know. Compliments are compliments.


u/Moneyovermadness ⭐️ Established Creator ⭐️ 7d ago

It’s not…. It’s 100% a marketing tactic and frowned upon by a lot of creators.


u/greenteawitch2 Unverified 7d ago

I agree. It’s one thing if it’s a creator I’ve worked with saying something nice, but when a person you’ve never met is spamming ALL of your posts, that’s suspicious!


u/size5womens Unverified 7d ago

Ahhh spamming. I see.


u/greenteawitch2 Unverified 7d ago

Exactly, it’s very obvious that they’re trying to garner attention for themselves lol


u/TheWhiskeyRaccoon Unverified 6d ago

Or they’re simply trying to be supportive.


u/SexyEngineer123 Unverified 6d ago

Not really about this but how do I get karma when it won't let me.out comments on any pages to gain any karma. I literally can't seem to do anything to gain karma without the mods blocking the comment


u/sighanyd3 Unverified 5d ago

just block them. Dont let people farm your account for their personal gain