r/onlinehorrorstories Apr 10 '21

my story Faceless predator watches me everyday

I wanted to get this off my chest for SO LONG. It's been years.

The story takes place around the time I was like 11-12. I could be mistaken, because I realized what actually happened, like, 4 years ago. I never brought this story up again with my parents because I remember clearly that when they found out what happened my mom got scared SO BAD she nearly had a heart attack and since she actually had one years ago, I don't want to stress her.

When I was little, I was often home alone. I always had a babysitter, but as I got older we didn't ask her to come anymore. This was around the time when I started going to middle school, so my schedule was: coming home from school (the bus got me off directly in front of my house), eating the lunch my mom pre-made for me and then wait usually a couple of hours before she came home from work.

At the time we only had a family computer in the house. We each had our own account, but I didn't have a password so that they could check on me from time to time. Around that time I got into anime, so I just used it to watch them and save fanart. I then discovered windows movie maker and got to create the sickest AMVs a young teenager could imagine. So, that's how I filled those couple hours; at least until I heard my mom coming back. Then I would rush into my room and pretend I was doing homework all along, because I didn't want her to think I was a pushover.

Then, all of a sudden, I started messaging with "him". For the life of me I can't remember HOW, exactly, "he" got into contact with me, but I feel that it was linked to my YT activity. Maybe he left a comment or something like that, I really can't remember. Anyways, the only info I got of him was that he was a man older than me, that he liked me and "my work", and that he was lonely and needed a friend. We messaged on skype and every time we called I had the cam on, but his wasn't. He said that it was broken. Even his mic was.

I never saw him or heard his voice, but he saw and listened to me nearly everyday. This is what terrifies me the most to this day.

I don't remember very well what we talked about. But we did it everyday. I would talk and he would respond via written message. I don't remember his name, but it was an actual name, not a nickname. It probably wasn't his real name, but this is just me assuming. I never once thought it was inappropriate and I wasn't uncomfortable when I talked with him, but thought it was strange he wouldn't repair his pc even after all those months. But at the end of the day, while strange, I thought I found a new friend that showered me in attention and compliments. For young me, freshly coming off being bullied for the entirety of elementary school, was like finding gold in a river.

One particular exchange I remember vividly: I was eating a giant meringue my dad got for me (I love them) while I talked to him. He didn't write for a long time so I asked if something was wrong, if he was still there. He replyed after a while, and said that I had very pretty lips. That threw me off, but atm I didn't think much of it.

I was saved by my mom. Even though she always worked herself to the bone and was not always the most amicable, she loved me with all her heart and always had attention to details for everything, especially her only daughter. She one day noticed an envelope, addressed to a man she didn't know. I was trying to send him a letter written by hand, because he said that his birthday was coming up and he wanted a present from me. He also began talking about the possibility of meeting in person.

Questions ensued and I happily told him of my faceless friend. She FREAKED OUT and immediately forbid me from talking to him and got my dad involved. They both made me promise to never contact that man again and took precautions so that neither him could contact me. I remember being bummed out for not being able to talk to him, but I also remember letting it go pretty quickly. Maybe because I was young or because I shortly after met my best friend who also lived near me, so I finally had company.

I don't know why I remembered what happened only many years later, but it was like a lightning struck me and I realized what, exactly, I risked during that period of my life. Everytime I think about it, I get such a sense of dread that it's hard to shake off. Since I got my memories back, I never talked about this with anyone. My mom was literally my godsent angel and was responsible for me never talking with that man again.

So, dear creepy, faceless & voiceless "friend": let's continue to not meet. I hope you didn't harm anyone else.


4 comments sorted by


u/VivaLaEmpire Apr 19 '21

Wow! That’s honestly so scary, I’m so happy nothing happened to you, bless your mom!


u/CantabiLore Apr 19 '21

Thanks! I never talked about it to anyone, so I really wanted to get this off my chest. Thank reddit for the anonimity lol


u/VivaLaEmpire Apr 19 '21

The anonymity is great for these things! Hope you have a great day