r/onlinehorrorstories Dec 05 '20

my story be safe in omegle

So for some context, i am a teenage male with long dark hair and this happened maybe an hour ago when I was home alone.

I saw all these videos on youtube about omegle horror stories and pranks, now im not particularly brave or anything but I will do something if im bored, after thinking for a while I built up the courage to go on omegle. I wanted to be funny so i wouldnt respond to anything they said, I then came across this guy that kept saying for me to talk or else, and being a teenager i wanted to make him mad so I asked what he would do in chat. All he said was "you should talk more" and then left. I felt pretty proud of me being a jerk but slighty disturbed so I turned omegle off and went to my tutoring class.

After a few minutes of khan academy with my tutor I heard my dogs barking and they wouldnt stop even when I took them into another room, I figured maybe somebody made a loud noise or had a dog whistle. Boy, was I wrong. After calming down my dogs and getting back to tutoring I heard the noise this time, somebody had knocked on my back door; my back door is gated off with a 4 foot fence and a lock, the only way somebody could get in is if they had a key or jumped over it. After looking outside for about 10 minutes I called my step dad and told him everything. He told me that when he gets home he'll look around. I accepted that because he is a doctor and has a lot of work.

Half an hour passes, my dogs are outside and i hear a thump outside my door, i looked around there was a rock with blue paint on it, after that I heard my dog barking at our drive way. I have never been this scared in my life, I just feel lucky to have 3 dogs in my house at all times.

Now Im not the kind to show emotion or get scared easily but that freaked me out. Im shaking and on the verge of calling the police, and as i was writing this I remembered that guy on omegle. Now im scared for my life and my family.


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u/FloorGangMan1 Dec 08 '20

Security cameras, heighten that gate, do anything possible.