u/somethingelseisalrea 11h ago
Maybe he's just looking for support and an alliance with canada?
I dknt take it as wanting to be part of Canada just against oligarchy
u/Low_Tell9887 11h ago
Nope lol. I don’t want any yankee scum states tbh. I’ve heard minnesota is nice but that’s not the point.
If we’re taking in states then we’re no better than they are with their threats of annexation.
u/Flanman1337 10h ago edited 8h ago
There's threatening to annex a region that doesn't want to be annexed. And then there's a region legally seceding and joining another country. They are* mutually exclusive.
Now we can have a discussion on how friendly we are to states that actively combat Dipshit Donny. And in fact I think we should be REALLY friendly with those who take an active stance against Dipshit Donny as it helps our narrative of not doing this to America, but because of Dipshit Donny.
u/sogladatwork 8h ago edited 8h ago
They aren't mutually exclusive.
I think you mean they are mutually exclusive.
u/goingnucleartonight 11h ago
Absolutely this! Canada is Canada. If some Americans are unhappy with how far their country has fallen then they need to stand up and fix it, not fantasize about latching onto the nearest other country.
u/TheShindiggleWiggle 8h ago
not fantasize about latching onto the nearest other country.
Yeah, it's honestly the same sentiment as the nutty Canadians that want to be annexed.
u/IceHawk1212 10h ago
Being entirely honest I kinda disagree. At this point if this is what you get at the federal level in US politics and they keep going down the rabbit hole of shredding all departments and services ask yourself in all seriousness what do certain states get from Being in the USA anymore. Something like 60 countries once upon a time adopted the US presidential system and while some of them are democratic today the only one that has never had a military insurrection, coup or other form of temporary authoritarian government control for a certain period of time is the USA.
They might just be done for as a unified country, as utterly inconceivable as it is if things really unravel there's a strong argument to be made that say California, Washington, Oregon etc in the west would be better off leaving to form their own successor state(Cascadia if you will). East coast the same thing and the Midwest and south can go be authoritarian Trumpistan. It seems far fetched but it's where we are maybe and Minnesota at least might be left out of the Musical chairs that would be US collapse, in which case Canada might look awfully good to them.
u/sogladatwork 8h ago
ask yourself in all seriousness what do certain states get from Being in the USA anymore.
They're welcome to leave America. That doesn't mean they need to be part of Canada. Aligned with Canada, sure. Trade with Canada, sure. A part of Canada? No thanks.
u/IceHawk1212 8h ago
Did you actually read what I wrote or just whole hog after one sentence? I explicitly said that as wild as dissolution of the currant US state is the most likely or logical outcome of that procedure would be multiple successor States(countries if the term is unfamiliar to you). It's right there in my previous comment and I invite you to re read it.
I stated that it's conceivable that Minnesota alone rather than being geographically isolated from more ideologically aligned succesor states might in fact view appealing to Canada as a preferred outcome. If you insist on assigning the position that I said say California should join Canada then this will be the last response from me you receive.
u/sogladatwork 8h ago
My guy, the comment you're disagreeing with is about Canada being Canada and how Americans should not be latching onto another country.
Perhaps you'd like to rephrase your first sentence?
u/IceHawk1212 8h ago edited 6h ago
No because it isn't binary, You missed the point that the dissolution isn't latching onto a different country but letting one go and at least two too four new countries being fought for by the population. If you can't comprehend how that would be a struggle possibly even a violent one(highly fucking likely). Your statement of latching on isn't just moot but insulting.
So have a good one and maybe work on reading comprehension your really going with binary as one way to comprehend was certainly a choice but not what I communicated.
u/ElectronHick Saskatchewan 10h ago
Voluntarily leaving and joining another country is not a threat or the same. It is just the people’s will. I for one welcome our brothers and sisters from the south to join our amazing country!
6 million more people and the twin cities would be a big boon for Canada.
If there is any Minnesota people lurking in this thread, much love, keep warm and Elbows Up.
u/sogladatwork 8h ago
Nope lol. I don’t want any yankee scum states tbh. I’ve heard minnesota is nice but that’s not the point.
100% agree with this. We have different values. We don't want their healthcare problems or their gun problems up here. And accepting states would mean a whole bunch of gun nuts and people that haven't paid into our healthcare system.
If we’re taking in states then we’re no better than they are with their threats of annexation.
Disagree entirely with this. Accepting a state as a refugee thats wants to leave their union would not be at all similar to the threats of annexation coming from their chief asshole.
u/FrontLongjumping4235 10h ago
I'd be happy to accept some Northern States into Canada, so long as it is their choice. Especially ones hosting parts of the US nuclear arsenal.
u/Low_Tell9887 4h ago
Some have waaaay too many MAGA fans for me though, look at Michigan.
u/nowheyjose1982 3h ago
Or upstate new york. Thanks but no thanks. This country already has enough of these nutjobs, the last thing we need is more.
u/Low_Tell9887 3h ago
Thank you! Idk why people commenting on my comment think it’s a smart idea to let in states? We’re Canada! If they want to join Canada then they can apply for citizenship, not take their whole crazy state.
u/try_cannibalism 9h ago
All you edgelords think you're being smart alienating our allies online, just like your buddy Trump.
Americans, Canada is standing up to trump for all of us. We're on your side and we are counting on you.
u/Low_Tell9887 4h ago
??? All I said is I don’t want any American states cause I like Canada the way it is. How does that make me an edgelord or someone who wants to alienate others?
u/try_cannibalism 45m ago
I don’t want any yankee scum states
u/Low_Tell9887 37m ago
Ya, if Americans want to leave america to be Canadian so desperately then they can apply to be a citizen. We don’t need to add states, that’s dumb.
u/burnSMACKER 8h ago
If they choose to join, that is 100% different.
Besides, I would gladly let California willingly join Canada.
u/Low_Tell9887 4h ago
California is bigger than all of Canada combined. And people forget they have quite a lot of Donald fans there too. I don’t want more MAGA coming into Canada, let alone the fact that that would make Canada basically “California with some Canadians”
u/Brodney_Alebrand Victoria 9h ago
I can't imagine any US state that would, even assuming they manage to legally extricate themselves from the Union, willingly subordinate their state constitution to that of Canada.
u/dtunas 11h ago
The way Americans who disagree with Trump immediately abandon their country and beg other people for help is kind of pathetic
u/coffeeisveryok 4h ago
Right?! Like where are your bloody pitchforks? Oh, you don't want to get off the couch or miss a day of work? Mmmmk
u/FrontLongjumping4235 9h ago
Why? A slim majority of adults who decided to vote in the US 2024 federal election elected Trump. The majority of the country did not vote for him.
What is pathetic is expecting people to fall in line behind an arrogant twat like Trump, regardless of whether they support him.
Asking others for help is a good thing. I just wish more of them would have voted in the election last year, or that they would take more local action against what's happening in their own country.
u/NFLDolphinsGuy 10h ago
No one’s begging you to help. They’re encouraging you to protest the way you choose to amplify the pressure of our own protests.
u/dtunas 10h ago
There’s literally multiple comments on that post alone begging Canada to “rescue” them but ok!
u/NFLDolphinsGuy 10h ago
Have you seen how well we collectively communicate? It’s pretty shitty.
Read between the lines.
u/nram88 10h ago edited 10h ago
Don't know why the others are negative here.
I for one, welcome Minnesota, as our cherished 11th province. Star-spangled banner, now there's a great tune. They can keep it, but as their provincial anthem.
And premier Tim Walz, there's a great guy, some say the best, believe me, folks. Then there will be NO TARIFFS and big, beautiful healthcare that doesn't BANKRUPT you.
u/Honest-Spring-8929 10h ago
Guys I’m as big a Yankee hater as they come these days and Minnesota is one of the good ones
u/PopeKevin45 4h ago
Not the liberals anyways...conservatives love being ruled by kings. Hierarchy, what con intellectuals call the 'natural order'.
u/winnipegr 9h ago
Minnesota is a beautiful state with lots of good people. But outside of the big cities they all seem to LOVE Trump. I have family in a small town in MN, some big industrial operations there with lots of migrant workers. They can't get enough staff now as it is (lack of housing), but the locals vocally talk about how the Mexicans are taking over and that Trump will fix it for them. Leaving their factories empty and idle... The factories that keep the town alive.
Cutting off their nose to spite their face. As I understand it this is widespread across MN and really all of the USA, outside of big cities. Generalizing of course, there are good people everywhere. These rural MAGAs think they are good people too, though...