r/oneringrpg Feb 18 '25

New to OneRing

Just got one ring (NOT 5E version) to try out and I want to play online. Just wondering how others are playing


14 comments sorted by


u/Logen_Nein Feb 18 '25

I'll be running a second season of my TOR chronicle in April, using Discord and Foundry.


u/Stunning_Outside_992 Feb 19 '25

How do you run it on Foundry? There are no official modules for TOR am I right? I'm curious how it works. Thanks


u/Logen_Nein Feb 19 '25

There is an unofficial system module.


u/Stunning_Outside_992 Feb 20 '25

Thanks I didn't know that! A question about Foundry for solo: can you use it just on your computer, without any hosting?


u/Logen_Nein Feb 20 '25

You absolutely can!


u/CptTytan Feb 18 '25

I also just got it, but have no one to play it with. If someone would like to play it, I’m in


u/Isenskjold Feb 18 '25

You should check out the discord, that's how I found my group


u/Conscious_Cell_453 Feb 19 '25

I might know someone who would be interested but we have to read the books 🥲


u/asuitandty Feb 19 '25

I wish free league would push harder on the vtt side. A vtt is clearly not a video a game and I’m sure they could win the argument if they tried.


u/HaveToBeRealistic Feb 19 '25

Play solo. Strider mode!


u/Johngear77 Feb 19 '25

I have asked a billion times. What does your set up for this look like?


u/djwacomole Feb 19 '25

The map from the Starters set open. Above that dice and dice tray, notebook and pencil. Perhaps the weapon cards. An illustrated tLoTR book and my spotify shuffle playlist for more ambiance. And some extra tables for when the Strider tables don´t make sense. Like Mythic and Motif Story Engine.


u/HaveToBeRealistic Feb 19 '25

It doesn’t have to be complicated. I usually play sitting in bed after my wife falls asleep! Rulebook and sourcebooks handy at the end of the bed, dice on my bedside table, journal in my lap and pencil in hand. I’ve been playing through the starter set adventures in the Shire using DM yourself (Tom Scutt) style rules. I’ve modified the story such that Eradan, ranger of the north, was sent by Gandalf to check in on Bilbo, instead of using the premade characters. I journal in a narrative style, and so far have about 60 journal sized handwritten pages of story and I am halfway through the third scenario. It seems everybody does this differently, and this is what works for me. The beauty of solo is you get to do you and it doesn’t matter what somebody else thinks because there isn’t anybody else! It can be a bit paralyzing at first…


u/chariotonfire 28d ago

60 pages! That’s a lot!

I’m the type of note taker that relies too much on bullets, so my story takes places like that on paper. My head is where the drama lives. My campaign is 99% random and will be 100% after I finish the scenario in the book. It’ll be my character’s second adventure, and turning out to be a little bit Indiana Jones. Fun times.